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hi everyone this is a litthe long winded but I hope you can help. I started getting anxiety a few years ago after getting ibs and now I have health anxiety and always think something is wrong with me although deep down I know it's my anxiety playing with me!
anyways 2 weeks ago I was in agonising pain I went to drs and they thought gall bladder but ended up being a severe kidney infection. I took the course of antibiotics but all that week aswell as feeling ill anxiety was there making me feel worse.
I went back to drs yesterday as my course of antibiotics finished and yet I still been feeling horrible and still had some pain, he didn't want to give me any more meds yet so a urine sample been sent off and I have a stomach scan 18th just to rule everything out....he knew I was very anxious so think this was to help me too. we also discussed my ibs which for the first time ever he explained what happens to your body with ibs. I then came home and researched ibs and was surprised at what can happen to your body etc....I actually thought that this was better for me as I would know what was going on rather than being anxious and scared when a flare up comes on. so last night I was fine this morning the pressure headache I had for weeks was gone BUT as today as gone on I have been feeling worse worse, I have been trying to keep busy and not let it get to me but it's so hard!
I am convinced that this pressure headache sick feeling achy muscles etc is my anxiety playing up as I think in back of my mind I am worried about what is happening with ibs etc.....I feel in a total no win situation. most of the time I can brush my anxiety off but not at the moment.
I also started a business working from home and alot of my friends I don't see anymore as they don't seem to like the fact that I am busy and being successful....the downfall is I am literally home all the time working I'm not even walking the dog as you think my anxiety is getting the better of me. Oh also my eating Is rubbish as in I'm eating healthy when I do which is not often and I don't sleep to good either xx thankyou do much for having the patience to read this I would appreciate any help advice recommendations or even knowing I'm not the only one thankyou xx
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katehippy kerrymarie
I feel your pain Kerrymarie, it's like chicken and egg - what causes what?
Your IBS is definitely worse when you're stressed, but just saying don't think about it doesn't help!
I used to work from home, and that in itself makes you more insular and more likely to get into bad habits. Getting a routine together is hard enough for the average person, but if you add anxiety to that, plus a bit of isolation, lack of sleep etc, it's no wonder you're concentrating on stuff that isn't useful!
What do you think about going out for dinner once a week with your friends?
It's a small plan, and I'm sure they don't think badly of you - we're all guilty of second-guessing when suffering anxiety!
Try not to deal with it on your own babe, and take your dog out 'cos you know you feel better when you have xx
lisalisa67 kerrymarie
Ibs seems to accompany high anxiety levels. The whole digestive system tend to get effected by the nature of the anxiety and what it does to the body.
i know you realize this but it is best to eat small meals and not large ines and test ti see which foods irrate your stomach more then others. Trial and error kind if thing. And maybe use a probitoic of some sort.
its hard to sleep stressed out and having belly issues no doubt.
you should also start walking yiur dog. He needs you to do that and try and get out of the house a bit. Its not healthy to stare at the same four walls all the time.
kerrymarie lisalisa67
thanks for the reply. I'm not sure whether everything completely healed up as ha e to wait for test results now and as I mentioned they didn't want to give me any more antibiotics until results are back. so I'm not rrally sure. the problem being I just can't stop thinking about it all which is of course not helping me.
I do walk maisie but it's a quick one round the block not the walks we would usual take through parks and fields, I am trying but again no win as I don't want to get stuck in that rut of not going anywhere but I just feel so drained again which again is probably not being helped by looking at same 4 walls either x
harleybabe54 kerrymarie
Hi , Kerrymarie💜 I started suffering from IBS when I was 30. I was convinced it had to be something horrible, the gas, bloat,feeling like someone fighting with swords fighting inside ! I had to undo my jeans from the bloat and use hot water bottle and heating pad. I drove the Dr crazy and also had cat scan on belly with stuff they shot into my veins. I had barium enema, no fun! Everything normal. That's because INS is a functional disorder not a disease. I started having anxiety disorder at the age of 19. I am 62 today. I Dr jumped and had so many tests run and Doctors are very happy to run tests , big bucks! Especially if you have good insurance! I wasted so much time and put myself thru so much testing. Testing I never really needed. My anxiety was thru the roof at this time. I became health phobic , med phobic etc.. It's horrible I know! Have you convinced yourself your Doctors are missing something?! I did and thought it had to be cancer and they were missing it inspite of all the testing. Thank goodness today they have more stuff for IBS and it is talked about more.It does go into remission. But what really finally helped me believe it or not was an antidepressant Paxil. Plus I carry pepto bosom tablets around that helps. Please stay away from fatty foods it will get you going. I had constipation with mine then sometime the other. If I ate to much or to much fat my stomach gas would cut me up inside and my stomach would roll and roll and roll.Try to get on the right meds for anxiety and that will help you. The stress is like a dog chasing its own tail..Goes on and on and on. Trust me if they say you have IBS you do. So calm yourself, I know easier said then done! But stress does keep the IBS going. No fun! Try visualization, Meditation . Anything that calms you. Good luck honey been there.
kerrymarie harleybabe54
thankyou for your reply. I have a stomach scan on 18th so I think this will prob help put my mind at rest. I just hate anxiety I can usually reason and deep down I know what's going on and it's not the cancers etc we tend to think. I just can't keep my anxiety at bay when I'm Ill like I say even though I do know what is wrong - dog chasing tail sounds so right x
dmott12985 kerrymarie
I just was on antibiotics for a kidney infection as well, after three-four days on it I began having heart palpitations
I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest !!
The next day my anxiety started ( I'd been doing great for a long time) I called my MD and he ask me to come back in. He stopped the antibiotics and explained to me that they can kill off out natural stomach flora which can cause
A rapid heart rate AND anxiety.. I could NOT believe it but I read up on it and it's for real !! Three days after I stopped the antibiotics the fast heart rate and anxiety disappeared
anisa786 kerrymarie
Hi Kerrymari, I can fully understand where ur coming frm I've had OCD since I was 12 yrs old now I'm 35, I've lived most of my life in fear of health, contamination etc it's a extremely nasty illness, I suffer with severe health anxieties any pain lump or change in my body the first thing that's comes to mind is cancer😖. Google is a great thing but for us health anxiety sufferers it can at times prove dangerous. R u taking any medication for ur problem or have u had cut?
harleybabe54 anisa786
kerrymarie anisa786
hi no I was taking meds but weaned myself off them about 12 months ago and tried cbt but at the time after 3 or 4 sessions it seemed to make me worse as I was thinking about it all the time. most of the time I cam tell my anxiety "to do one" or "I haven't time for this so not happening" just been struggling a bit lately but u think from being really poorly it's just flared. I have been better yesterday and today that awful pressure headache seems to have lifted, I think looking more into my ibs has helped so I know what's going on rather than worrying xxx