Really scared about white hardened clitoris.
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Hi everyone, I'm 32, and have recently discovered that my clitoris has gone white and peeling, it also feels quite hard. I wonder if this sounds like LS? I'm petrified it's vulva cancer, although I don't have hpv (have been tested), I read that v.c. is not always caused by hpv. I'm scared, I saw gp last week who didn't know what it was and sent off a swab and gave me some cream, which I have been using since Wednesday (today is Sunday) but it doesn't appear to be making any difference which is why I am thinking it may be something sinister. I don't know who to turn to and finding it hard to cope. Sophie.
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sue162 sophiecarroll
Aww bless ya. Some people will come along who are better articulating themselves. Did GP refer you to gynaecologist you could ask for that if you were worried. I have developed white minora and have LS I think my clitoris was starting as well but the clob halted it. Is it itchy? It's a daft thing for me to say but googling images and stuff makes it worse as I did that and then worried about VIN. I'm waiting biopsy from 22 December, I know how you worry. Just didn't want to read and not reply. Once you've been on here and chatted to people honestly you will feel better and less alone. GPS are just that general and people here seem to know more, my GPS were uselesss,
sophiecarroll sue162
GP took a swab and sent it off but didn't tell me what is is going to be tested for. She did say depending on what that shows she may refer to specialist vulval dermatologist which makes me worry she thinks it's something bad. My appointment with gp is not until 8th Feb, it's hard not to worry. I hope you hear back with your results soon, this waiting is so hard. Xxx
sophiecarroll sue162
sue162 sophiecarroll
Hi Sophie, No it usually means they don't know that's what I've learned now. So please don't worry too much. Mine was itchy too like a tickle and felt bruised when I pressed it, this was summer last year and I put cannesten on it. That area is better now though. I think fungal can get in as well. If she was very worried she would of referred you asap she must be using cream to watch and see for a little while. If you do get referred you need vulvar skin one as the ordinary gynaecologist don't seem to know as much and you'll end up there anyway. Don't google just come on here and chat to make you feel less isolated. I got told worse cases are on internet. i have weeded myself down to stopping looking on google it was just making me worried.
diana71766 sophiecarroll
Hello, we are all scared. But we can stick together. Follow through with your doctor. If you don't feel she know enough get second opinion. Use virgin olive oil to keep moist. When I have flare up I use clobetasol prescribed by doctor. Stay in touch. Will pray for you. Diana
lorraine72329 diana71766
directly on to the clitorus?I am never sure where to put it,
Also ,when the redness
has gone where do you put the onitment,if the Dr has told you to keep
Using it, sorry for sounding silly ,
sue162 sophiecarroll
You've noticed your bits
Sophie and gone straight to GP you could of done more. LIke Diana says you can ask to be referred even just to reassure yourself, we get Dermovate for LS to use for a while if its that. Make sure you say you are worried so you don't get fobbed off, enjoy your evening. 
deborah82032 sophiecarroll
Not sure if it is Ls, however it isn't Vulva cancer. You might have the start of LS. Do you have any itching or burning? LS usually starts out as white patches in the vulva area. Then you will usually get itching and burning. A bioposy in that area will determine if it is LS. Lots of women have this condition. From what I have read, it involves your Immune system. Most women use Clob. I do. Over time, the skin gets thinner and the skin develops folds. I
Thanks for all your kind replies. I wondered if peeling was consistent with LS, as I can see thin layers of skin flaking off....can't stop worrying.
karen56241 sophiecarroll
Hi Sophie. I hope you get this. I see your message is pretty old. Hopefully you're feeling better by now. I was just told that I have LS by my Gyn. After reading the literature she gave me and reading online, I'm not so sure. Your comment is the only thing I've seen that mentioned a white, hardened clitoris. That is what I have too. I also can feel tiny hard bumps too. That exact spot never itches but just beneath it does sometimes, never like crazy though. There's pain but not like I've heard described. Mine is more of an irritation pain. But it has completely gotten in the way of sex. There are days when my clothes bother it a ton. I've used Neosporin a few times and it calmed it right down but didn't get rid of it. I'm just not sure the symptoms I have meet the symptoms of LS. Doc was completely sure tho. Can't do a biopsy because the area is literally the tip so it's too small to get a sample. She gave me the Clob ointment but I'm hearing some scary side effects. Not sure if I want to use it now since my symptoms seem different from everyone else's. Thanks for letting me vent.
sue162 karen56241
Hi Karen,
when i I first started with L S aut started on the clitoris. It tickled so I just put canister on it. I'd never heard of L S i was very ignorant about things down there. It felt hard as well and trousers annoyed it. Finally six months later which was xmas last year I got given clob and put a tiny amount on it, the white had spread to the minora and was creeping higher up the sides of the clitoris I put tiny bit of clob as well. The tissue has gone pink now and the clitoris touch wood is better, I too was scared of the clob but used it as told to. Try a bit and see if it works for you.