Really shaky...but when I'm not in a stressful situation
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All morning I have just been hanging out around my house, cooking my lunch and preparing to go into work. My home is not at all stressful, I am the only one home and there is nothing making me anxious at the moment other than this one symptom.
I went back to work yesterday, and overall it was not as bad as I was expecting it to be. But about halfway through the day I began to feel like my entire brain was vibrating, even though I was physically fine. Now this morning I have been very shaky, and I feel as though the shaking is getting worse when I'm trying to coordinate my movements. Even trying to type this is making my hands shake more. I dont think im having any trouble moving around, but I'm getting more shaky as I'm trying to move around.
The past few months I have been dealing with anxiety, but this shakiness does not seem to correlate to anything that is making me anxious. Now I'm more scared that it is something neurological. If anyone else experiences this please let me know so I can put my mind somewhat at ease.
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jan34534 michela28390
so you were expecting work to be bad? Maybe that’s where the anxiety came from. Anticipation. ?
sometimes the symptoms don’t come out until well after our concerns and it may not feel like you have anxiety but many times, as with myself it was in there and I didn’t realize.
I had the same symptoms such as vibration in my head and arms and legs. plus numerous other symptoms!
you have had anxiety in the past few months. it has most likely been building up and you were not aware of it. This happens a lot! have a visit with your doctor for your peace of mind.
Most likely it’s nothing neurological. sometimes people have electrolyte imbalance is such as calcium or potassium but that’s an easy fix.
I thought the same thing about myself but my testing was all normal.
take Time to relax your mind. Practice some mindfulness breathing on YouTube or listen to meditations for anxiety. take care
brittany2222 michela28390
I as well have been having very shaky hands. It feels as if I'm anxious but i have no clue why. This started after i took my first covid vaccination. I was really scared to take it and the next day i felt weakness in my arm and it went from there. Now my lips tingle and feels numb in certain spots all day. Once I notice my hands not shaking as much, it starts right back up. I think about it all day long. I didn't feel like I was having anxiety but maybe I am.
randy41812 michela28390
you have stress and later you get kind of like when your not stressed a stress come down. Stress is like taking speed your body releases a lot of adrenalin then after it goes away that's kind of like a withdrawal that cause shakes in your muscles and stuff.