Really struggling

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Hello ive posted on her before about my head symptoms that ive been experiencing 2 years now and no answers problem is now that I'm pretty sure I'm getting worse, now I'm waking up in morning feeling very anxious and scared I have to get right out of bed can lay there at all then all day I suffer my head feeling very dizzy lightheaded then I get sick feeling thru whole body, skies on all day, I wish someone had answers to all this . prayers to all who suffer as

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17 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi Annette. I'm not able to give much in the way of answers as to why you feel the way you do but I can say that I have exactly the same symptoms as you almost daily. Mine started around 2 and a half years ago with feelings of dizziness, ringing in my ears, panic, palpitations, lightheadedness etc. I can really relate to the feelings of anxiety when you wake, I feel like that too and at times, I'm afraid to get out of bed. I feel unbalanced when I'm walking, I get panicky when I'm driving, that has gotten so bad that I can only do very short journeys in my car. I convince myself that I'm going to pass out a lot! I've suffered with anxiety most of my adult life but it's been worse over the last couple of years. I had to have a hysterectomy last year because of suspected cancer (it wasn't that thankfully) and since my surgery my anxiety has been much worse. As I said, I'm not sure I can help I just wanted you to know that you aren't alone. x

    • Posted

      hi Lisa,

      i am really sorry for what you are going through. my partner has the same exact symptoms, in addition he had a period in which he felt out of breath. he is not an anxious person, and must say all of this started after he got covid nearly a year ago. I believe working from home and always being in the home alone has worsened his condition as now he is scared of going out (he won't admit it but every time we go out he is in a very hurry to get back - or if we are out with his friends he is quiet and you can tell he is not alright). I just wanted to know if there is anything that helped any of you? this is having a very bad tool on both of us, and me being diagnosed with sever anxiety, has put me really down.

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying im so sorry you suffer too, its horrible mine is daily all day long, ive been too many drs and tests but no real answers, mine all started 2 years ago when i woke in middle of night with horrible dizziness, the other symptoms came later but it now has consumed my whole life, have terrible fears of dying and never feeling normal again. I am to the point of not knowing how to get thru the days anymore.

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      Hi Michela

      I totally understand when you say how when your husband is outside that he just wants to get home! This happens to me all the time, it's common in anxiety sufferers to constantly look to escape situations that make us anxious. Unfortunately by listening to our brains and leaving situations that we feel stressed in just reinforces the suggestion that those situations are dangerous when they aren't. I try to get myself outside alot and when the anxiety peaks and I start to feel dizzy and faint, I just keep walking. I have a little chat to myself and basically say to my brain "if you're going to make me pass out then just bloody do it!". Almost like I'm calling its bluff! It's hard though and it's exhausting to suffer from mental illness and it's exhausting for others to be around us sometimes. I struggle daily with severe health anxiety and I convince myself that I am dying, or ill every day and in reality there isn't much in the way of help out there. I've had several rounds of talking therapy and it's just feels like the therapists are just reading a self help book to me. I can do that myself, what I and the rest of us who struggle need is understanding of where this comes from, because I think without that understanding we will always be fighting what we can't see. I wish you both well xx

    • Posted

      I so feel this everyday i think my head symptoms are something serious and that im gonna die, i struggling everyday all day long just praying for it all to stop, ive been thru so many drs, tests, medications and no answers no help its horrible living this way, no dr has even mentioned my symptoms are anxiety so i dont even know where to turn anymore, I hope and pray everyday that God will heal me, hod bless you as well.

    • Edited

      Annette its just so horrible isn't it. Dizziness is awful and it's scary and unfortunately its a very common symptom of anxiety. When we are anxious our breathing changes, this can cause lightheadedness and dizziness and also being very aware of a particular symptom creates a worsening of that symptom, it really is a vicious circle. Try and take some comfort from the normal test results you have had and maybe try and be more aware of your breathing, thats what I'm trying to do. Trying to deal with anxiety is so hard and it's difficult to be positive sometimes but we can do this! Sending hugs xx

    • Posted

      same here ion even know how to handle it like the pressure in my head makes me feel like moving across the streets like a mad lady . its so horrible to think i cant even handle too much of stress

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      yes it is horrible its been 2 years of it everyday for me , i wish i had the answers on how to make it all stop.

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    distraction is step 1. Get outside and excersize. youll be shocked how well this works

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    could anyone please explain how anxiety symptoms can be so severe and constantly there, these main reasons i believe its something more then anxiety. Ty

    • Posted

      Hi, I am really struggling too. I have been on Venlafaxine for the best part of ten years because I suffered with severe anxiety and agoraphobia. Last week I had covid and my anxiety had completely gone through the roof. I can’t go out of the house, I don’t get ready, I can’t eat - it’s really unbearable. It’s been happening for a full week now, my doctor has put up both of my medications but these feelings are too hard to cope with. Are you on any medication?

    • Posted

      Good morning i know what you mean its horrible been 2 years for me and symptoms in my head dont stop, reason why its more then anxiety, and yes they have tried me on a few meds, I was on Venlafaxine and now am coming off it since did nothing for me and times thought felt worse, I also take clonazepam twice a day, but truthfully nothing has helped, I know somewhere some dr is missing something. God bless

  • Posted

    well seems as though things are getting worse my head is horrible and its constantly all i focus on are these symptoms i sit here on the couch and suffer everyday no matter what i do i cant get it to stop, im to the point of hating waking up in morning cuz i know its just gonna be a day of suffering and fear.:(

  • Posted

    The symptoms you're describing could be caused by a number of different things, including anxiety, depression, vestibular disorders, or a more serious condition.

    In the meantime, there are some things you can do to help manage your symptoms:

    • Get regular exercise. Exercise can help to improve your mood and reduce anxiety.
    • Get enough sleep. When you're well-rested, you're better able to cope with stress.
    • Eat a healthy diet. Eating a balanced diet will give you the nutrients you need to stay healthy.
    • Avoid caffeine and alcohol. These substances can worsen anxiety and dizziness.
    • Practice relaxation techniques. There are many different relaxation techniques that can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Some popular techniques include deep breathing, meditation, and yoga.
    • Posted

      Ty for your reply i have my head and wars thoughly tested still no answers, this has been 2 years and my will to go on faeds every day, its horrible living this way.

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