Really struggling with waves of Neasuea..low mood and anxiety
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Hi ladies
i cannot seem to get off this merry go round. im fine then the neasea gets worse...gurling tummy in the morning with lots if wind and bleching...cannot get out of my head about how im feeling...its awful psychologically as its constant worry..Christmas is meant to be a joyful time and all i feel is dread...will these hormones ever relax and is there something more sinister going just exsausted with it all...
for those of you who know me...ive recently relocated home and job. all this change maybe doesnt help.....anyone with the same tummy ?? its hellish..
thx in advance..
4 likes, 8 replies
Nettie261962 CarolKelso
I'm 56 and have all your same symptoms and more. The anxiety is crippling. I too wake up with a bad stomach almost every morning. I find that eating healthier, exercising, keeping caffeine ans alcohol to a minimum help somewhat. Getting enough sleep and keeping stress down also help. It never seems to go away though. My worst symptom is dizziness and balance issues. Had lots of tests, scans etc and all comes out okay. I too feel like I cannot get out of my head and I constantly worry about my health and just everything. This forum has been such a blessing. Helps to know we are not alone.
CarolKelso Nettie261962
thanks appreciate your comments. a little better today with sleep. no one could ever prepare you for how you can feel physically and mentally. its a nitemare. but so grateful for this site as id be lost.
i hope you feel better soon. Thanks again as your msg made all the difference.
have a blessed Christmas x
Shana_P CarolKelso
I am going through all the same things. My stomach seems aggregated in the morning more beltching as well. Our hormones are changing and inturn its changing us and our body's I am also exhausted from running to the drs. because a new thing pops up. I have also had so many tests run and everything checks out normal Thank God!!! So hopefully this eases your mind. My skin has been all over the place....
CarolKelso Shana_P
thx Shana. ive given up going to the gp as no point. i dont want this to define me but its very hard at times..
the stomach and bowel problem has been the worst symptom for me. The headaches, palpatations, heart fluttering i can handle nut when my tummy is am I....
but i have this site which has been great so thank you for your reply and have a lovely Christmas.
CK x
jude87739 CarolKelso
Yes i have all same the insomnia, queezy tummy, anxiety at night, dizziness afraid of falling over, no appetite, i have got on top of the night sweats and anxiety and insomnia with lavender oil baths and deep breathing in through nose and out of mouth in bed ( i did not believe this would work but it has, i noticed after a week or so ) and listening to classic fm in bed. i had medical full menopause overnight, i had ovaries and tubes removed. now i have dense cataract in one eye and one starting in the other,it feels like hit 50 and its one thing after another.
i also have had fibromyalgia since i was 40. its especially stressful this time of year but just focus on the one day ahead and its easier to cope
jude x
CarolKelso jude87739
thank you so much for your reply. its rough but feel so much better today.
hope you feel better soon
debra76983 CarolKelso
I'm feeling exactly the same.
Nausea period pains (no period) back ache hot flushes (about 15 a day) night sweats
my skin hurts, I have zero energy.
I felt fine 2 weeks ago and was attending the gym. But last time I went I thought I was going to be sick and had to leave.
Its a complete nightmare.
Im the same I feel like Im dying of something its so bad.
You're not alone x
CarolKelso debra76983
bless you...its awful....thank you for the reply...when will it end eh...
i hope you feel better soon
have a good Christmas. CK xx