Really tired
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does anoyone. Find they get really tired? I am in peri menopause age 51 and find if every couple of days I am hit with exhaustion so much that I can sleep for hours in the day. I feel constantly tired and never seem to have much energy. Does anyone else find this and have any ideas to help!
4 likes, 15 replies
lori93950 ruth24048
The BHRT has helped a little with that but nothing major so switching to HRT . This is no life for us ! 20% of women suffer badly with menopause . I’d take irritability and hot flashes any day over the fatigue panic dizziness and general feeling like you’re going crazy losing your mind !
mbs12 ruth24048
Oh my goodness, you described me!! It is terrible being so exhausted all the time! I've almost fallen asleep driving during the day. I've never been like this before. I'm 52 years old. I take vitamins, drink water, exercise, am on thyroid meds but nothing works. I could sleep all day. I'm with you on this symptom.
anna51634 ruth24048
lou44 ruth24048
Yup x tis me
I had to take a nana nap on Saturday - my part days are way over and I’m only 47 😢
sarah05599 ruth24048
Yes me to! It hit me 2 Saturdays ago and I had plenty of sleep so couldn't understand why was so tired and exhausted and couldn't be bothered to even speak let alone anything else so I looked it up and said fatigue, I thought oh no not something else! It's the symptom I most dread now. For a week after prob 2 I just felt like a slug. I also felt really low to with it so don't no if fatigue does that to your mood or if it was depression to but I am due to try HRT soon and am quite nervous about it .At the moment am just taking Menopace but don't seem to be helping much.
Kadija1966 ruth24048
I have this problem too, feel drained and exhausted, can fall asleep in seconds. Luckily it's not everyday as I have so much responsibilities at my job.
so I know the feeling.
2chr2015 ruth24048
mamamia03 ruth24048
Yesterday and today I've gotten out of bed exhausted and spent the day weak and yawning. I'd gladly spend day In bed. Now anxiety kicking in and I've convinced myself I'm dying AGAIN!!! So fed up with this. I'm 47 a mother of 5. I literally don't have time for this!
lori93950 mamamia03
2chr2015 mamamia03
Trevis ruth24048
Yes Ruth sometimes it’s an over whelming tiredness that comes on suddenly and won’t let up until I do actually sleep. It too will pass I promise, it s like phases of different symptoms with many at the same time. What a journey it is but stay strong and keep talking on here 💖
lori93950 Trevis
kelly55079 ruth24048
Yes.. I go thru spurts. Mostly I have to push myself to do something otherwise I find myself just laying around mostly. When extreme fatigue hits, I'm sleeping a lot more!
Sears4 ruth24048
For me it's EVERYDAY! It's summer so the kids are home so I'm normally up by 7am and EXHAUSTED by noon! And I even started taking a "pick me up" diet med. Again, by noon my body is shutting down. I tried to regulate my sleep and take a 1 hour nap, but nope. I need at least 3 hours. I can't believe women live like this! Neither my mother or grandmother seemed to have symptoms so they look at me like I'm crazy... but I'm not. This is really happening to me! My Dr.'s all seem to feel like this is a go with the flow kind of problem... yes, pun intended. Like it's all just natural. But I don't FEEL natural. I'm losing my mind!
kelly55079 Sears4
I hear you on the kids being home for summer. Mine are 14 and 16 but still they are still coming and going. Today being Saturday I'm exhausted so I'm getting to bed early!! It's sad for a Saturday night but my body needs extra rest. Sometimes I think it's my relationship with spouse is somewhat mentally draining OR maybe it's me just wanting more alone time and dreaming about my retirement years.