Recent Achalasia diagnosis, what am I to expect?
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Hey guys,
Ive just turned 23 and was recently diagnosed with Achalasia after suffering for almost a year with severe reflux and the sensation of food being stuck in my throat. It first started near enough around this time last year when I was drinking a fizzy drink and all of a sudden It felt like a had an air bubble trapped in my oesophagus that wouldn't pop or go us or down and I ended up throwing up all down myself in public. From that incident, the list of foods and drink that I was able to keep down dwendled to nothing (no exaggeration) and the GPs kept brushing me off with Antacids and anti sickness medication despite me expressing to them what my symptoms were. I went from 13st (around 75-78kg) to currently 7st (47kg) and I'm currently in hospital, only receiving the diagnosis because of a pneumonia I've developed from me breathing in the reflux and it going into my lung. There are now talks of me having that final test before having the POEM surgery and then the POEM surgery in the next several weeks or so.
What I would like to know is what am I to expect after all the surgery in regards to pain, possibe pitfalls and eating wise? I know I should be thankful to be able to eat anything after the procedure from at the moment keeping doing very little, but it's hard to swallow (no pun intended) this diagnosis after living 21 year never having an issue with food. Will I be able to, (obviously after full recovery) eat virtually anything again?
Thank you for taking your time to read my question,
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quantumq4 Rhi-Eva
Hi Rhi-Eva
I feel your pain............ho ho ho (sorry is it too early for xmas??)
I had POEM in November 2017.
Here is my whole saga, including recovery and food intake after the op.
It should give you an idea.
Rhi-Eva quantumq4
Hey Chris,
I'm still reading your journey and I'm up to your first post op check up. Your story sounds so mirror to mine minus the 10years of this suffering and eating frazzles (my salt intake is from Hula hoops because any other crisps flavour destroys me and crisp texture, I don't know who decided this but that's what my oesophagus seems to like.) the whole getting people to believe you thing is literally me these last two weeks and I guess because of my secondary issue caused from the Achalasia I had the Barrium Swallow after a week in hospital. So everything is going a little faster (well, a lot faster in comparison than yours did.) I don't know whether that's because I am based in London. Your food diaries are really insightful because you're the only person I've read on here and other forums that said they're able to manage eating bread and I can't wait for the day I can eat a crisp Sandwich! (So so lame but something I've seriously missed and taken for granted.) I was discharged from hospital for the asaspirated reflux pneumonia in my lung today and prior to that I could only confidently eat Cornmeal Porridge and ready salted hulahoops. Now I'm on a liquid diet of soups, cornmeal porridge for breakfast, and 5 fortisip milkshakes to drink throughout the day. I have also been given Procal powder to add to my soups so if all goes well, I should have an increased calorie intake of 1800-2000 notincluding the calories from the actual food!
Thanks again for your in depth journey diary- I am definitely going to be rereading it throughout my own journey. They said my wait won't be as long as others so weeks as opposed to months so fingers crossed!
neil32387 Rhi-Eva
Hi Rhi -Eva,
In case of use - as I hate Fortisip Drinks!!
Google 'Nestle Boost Caramel' ... 600 cal per small drink and tast like sticky tofee pudding..
They really do taste good... May have to shop around for a good deal though...
quantumq4 Rhi-Eva
When I could eat normally again I found I had another problem to deal with..........What to eat.........There's so much choice now !!!
Except the last 5 tins of macaroni cheese.
I just couldn't face them, so donated them to the local church food bank
Rhi-Eva quantumq4
Ahhhhh I am dreaming of this day! I can't wait to eat ribs and crisp sandwiches again!! (I would like to say not at the same time but In my current condition, I wouldn't turn down the plate if I could eat normally tomorrow, or even after recovery, in all honesty!)
Hahaha I don't blame you, with the mac and cheese, I feel I'm be the same with the cornmeal porridge!