Recent AF diagnosis, some advice please?
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hi, my first time on here. I was taken into A&E last week with heart rate at 155 (lasted 4 hours). Had carotid artery massage (painful) but eventually heart rate came down. I have never been ill, am 49 and no health issues. This flutter has happened a few times before...pretty scary when I'm driving. Told never to have caffeine again or spirits. Have an appointment with Cardiologist next week, just wondering if I'll have to take medication? Or do you think as long as I cut out caffeine that will be enough? I'm stressing a bit! Any advice Appreciated.
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popeye62 susan55853
susan55853 popeye62
susan55853 popeye62
popeye62 susan55853
mazieboo22 susan55853
susan55853 mazieboo22
Carneuny susan55853
Like you I had led a pretty healthy life, only in hospital for cartilidge removal in right knee, usual spate of A & E visits due to DIY malfunctions (
) and some digestive issues in my mid thirties. I was admitted to hospital with atrial flutter which while being treated upgraded to atrial fibrillation and a heart rate of 160 bpm. - I was 65 at the time. I was kept in hospital for 6 days while all cardiac systems were checked out ( and shown to be 'A' OK) and put on warfarin and bisoprolol immediately. About 6 months after diagnosis I linked the onset of AF with digestive issues; bloating, burping, intestinal gurgling and diahorrea. I got checked out for IBS and Coeliac Disease - all clear so I consulted a Nutritionist and she advised going gluten free and put me onto the FODMAPS diet. (suggest you Google them both). Now some 4 years later - while still on medication - I have improved my diet and now cannot recall my last AF event.
It is important not to get stressed, it is important to try and improve your lifestyle, perhaps by a combination of exercise, diet and medication and also try and listen to your body - its trying to communicate with you. Let it ! When you read posts on here you will realise that whilst it is a common condition, it manifests itself in different ways in all of us - and - accordingly it responds differently to different remedies. Caffeine/ spirits and alcohol don't affect me; wheat based stuff does, oats are right out, all nuts are out, I could go on and on BUT so long as I respect my gut and feed it what it wants to remain healhty .... I stay AF free. Its a bit of a journey, and whilst we all share our experiences and try and help each other - it is nevertheless a very individual journey which may not necessarily be very speedy.
Good luck and if you have any questions just ask me - or anyone else - about our experiences.
susan55853 Carneuny
anna_45444 susan55853
derek76 anna_45444
susan55853 anna_45444
derek76 susan55853
anna_45444 derek76
Paroxysmal AF – (PAF) episodes that stop within 7 days without treatment;
Persistent AF – episodes lasting longer than 7 days, or less when treated;
Permanent or longstanding persistent AF – continuous AF which has occurred for more than one year
So because mine is (paf) and I dont tollerate the tablets well and I find they dont help it , they gave me the ablation , hope this helps
anna_45444 susan55853
When I had the first Ablation it was like a magic wand had been waved over me I felt great for nearly 5 years , sadly its back and I am having problems again , mostly witht he tachycardia and the missed beats are constant now , I have just been to the hospital and have a 7 day tape on now to see whats going on .
But I am sure you will be fine and feel great after your ablation , Believe me if they said I need another ablation I would be there like a shot if its stops this and I can get some sleep , I cant sleep and I cant eat as its making me so sick. keep me posted and if I can help you through this I will
anna_45444 susan55853
susan55853 derek76
derek76 anna_45444
I developed AF after having my aortic valve replaced in May 2012. The second cardioversion put me back into sinus rhythm and I thought that was it for good. Last November I had a colonoscopy and the probe stimulated my vagus nerve and put me back in AF. I have been back in sinus rhythm since another cardoversion in March.
derek76 susan55853
anna_45444 derek76
derek76 anna_45444
When they were doing the colonoscopy and I was slightly sedated but felt ok watching it on the screen. On the other screen I see my BP dropping to 40/29 and heart rate 30. I think are they going to do something about this? They suddenly panic and start pumping drugs into me. after a few hours in bed on a monitor things seemed back to normal. At the first real exertion after that I felt a rapid erratic heatbeat and knew that my AF was back.