Recent diagnosis of endometrial cancer
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I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer 9 day ago. At the beginning of August I suffered a supra ventricular tachycardia event and went to the emergency dept of a local hospital.My heart was racing at over 150 beats per minute. I had extreme fatigue & cold sweats. I had these symptoms 3 or 4 times over the previous months but tried to figure out what was wrong myself. The hospital referred me to my G.P. for follow up. Blood tests revealed severe anemia resulting in my referral for a hysteroscoscopy where a biopsy was taken. I explained that I had always had heavy prolonged periods, had been diagnosed with pcos & fibroids several years previously and in the past 6 months or so was experiencing flooding. I had fertility issues and have no children . It was only when I received 5 calls( which I missed) that I realised that cancer was a possibility. A week later the shock diagnosis was explained. The doctors seem confident that it is early stage and contained within the lining of womb and surgery to remove the womb, ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix and lymph nodes will be the only treatment I will need. I'm booked in for a c.t. in 3 weeks to ensure it hasn't spread. I'm feeling positive right now although still in shock and probably denial.
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erika90744 karen_90238
karen_90238 erika90744
I'm 45. Thank you, I hope it was caught early too! Try not to worry too much.
amburr99 karen_90238
I am so sorry to hear! But, it's great news that they caught it early! Be calm and think positive. Best thing to do is to continue to eat healthy and prepare yourself/body. Does that form of cancer run in your family anywhere?
Thanks I am thinking positively. Thank God I went for that test. There is nothing like this in my family. Babies galore for everyone else. How cruel is nature sometimes 😟.