Recent gallbladder surgery removal questions?
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Hi guys! So I recently had to get my gallbladder removed due to a massive 4cm gallbladder being stuck In the duct. I was feeling so sick months prior to this so this was probably the only culprit. I got it out on Friday so it's been the fourth day today. Just hope someone comments here and shares how they felt so far, if it's like me so I can get some info. I also have some questions? So, I've been eating but not as much although yesterday after I had some chicken noodle soup I felt so full and a little nauseous after. I hadn't ate much though which left me like wow what's going on. I felt a little bit like that today with the eating. And a tiny bit nauseous. Also, my chest and shoulder blade/back hurts so much. It comes and goes and I was told it's the trapped gas. I do try to walk as much as possible in my own home. My belly is bloated too and a bit tender from the incisions and gas. I was so wondering if maybe I'm feeling fuller than usual and bloated/nauseous because of the gas still in there? I did manage to use the restroom yesterday and today but tmi it was loose stools. Not liquid. So I don't think I'm constipated. Anywho, I was told this is normal as my body is getting used to not having a gallbladder? I'm just scared is all, I had this surgery to get better, not worse . I don't wish that to occur to me. Also don't have my appetite yet which makes it hard to eat too. Will it come back eventually? People tell me to give myself 2-3 weeks tops to heal and feel better and that I will. I sure hope so
. I'm being patient but I just don't want to get worse, that's all. I had enough suffering while my stone was here and I want to just feel good from now on! Hope you guys can help me, thank you!
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dee72012 deesan21
Hello I had my gallbladder out 2 years ago, its been up and down. Mostly I would say I had to adjust my attitude to a new way of life. Which is something they do not tell you. I was in and out of the hospital for a year and countless specialists who found nothing in addition, thank goodness. But dozens of procedures, MRI's, CAT scans, medications which made me sicker with horrible adverse reactions. So I became my best health advocate. I am now off of all meds and I refuse to go to the hospital unless its an emergency and I decide that. I am on a low fat low fiber diet (which you can find online) I was losing weight like crazy which I couldn't afford to do. So its best to eat small meals every 3 hours and eat slowly and chew well, remember if you go off the diet you may pay. But its been working better than any medication that messes with your head and other organs. I take Pepsid ac once daily and I talk to my local Pharmacist. They know so much! I will going to an Integrative Doctor as soon as my insurance changes. Every time I would see a GI specialist they'd prescribe another medicine. So I would say for me, I had to make big adjustments to not having a gallbladder and many people do. The operation may be a piece of cake but what you are left with is not. The pain is like a dull burning in the upper area right under the rib cage. Its a cycle, somedays good, not so good and so on. But I believe your attitude will make all the difference in the world. Light exercise and understanding, breathing and mediation and I pray a lot. I do take Melatonin at night to sleep and 1/2 of a light pain pill to sleep through the night. Good Luck, I do understand but remember your positive thinking will help.
deesan21 dee72012
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my question!
So do you not have any nausea or diarreah, and are you having an appetite now? Can you handle more food than before? I mean I've had surgery only a couple days ago so I was thinking maybe my body does need to adjust. Everyone tells me to take about 2-3 weeks tops and I'll be just fine. I sure hope so. I just don't want to continue struggling like I was before you know? I know other people mentioned here that I've read, they've had bouts of nausea after and loose stools, then it left after a week or so. And were able to eat more and feel better with time. And the gas leaves eventually right?
deesan21 dee72012
I was on Percocet when I got out of the hospital but stopped taking those yesterday as I heard it constipates. My pains aren't as bad but it does hurt near my belly button for now.
dee72012 deesan21
I would definitely give some time, and eat very light to start. yes Percocet does cause problems. I take only 1/2 tramadol from time to time at bed time. I really watch medications with not having a gallbladder, the body can not process things like before. Don't go crazy reading and searching, I did this for a year, and was in and out of the hospital because of the pain. Remember the gallbladder played a huge role in digestion and now we don't have one. The Liver can not pick up the slack that's not its job. But yes I eat a lot more than a year ago, I started introducing new foods but I can never eat Mexican food or Chinese again. And no processed foods anymore. Sadly salads are out, its the fiber content that causes the problems and you will pay in the bathroom. So I eat healthy, grilled or roasted chicken, turkey, salmon, potatoes, sweet and regular, really butter, not much dairy. no nuts or fruits with seeds. for snacks I have almond butter, no grains or breads with grain but I can have pasta but very little sauce. I make turkey burgers, I would look up all the foods for a low fat low fiber diet and follow it. Lot of water! I drink 4- 23oz. bottles daily. depending on your size. Mostly you will adjust your life, its only as hard as you make it, and I use to make it hard and I suffered because of my attitude. 3 close friends have had the same experience some slightly different degrees as we are all individuals with different DNA of course. I would say learn about mindfulness, breathing and how to control your mind from taking you places that are not healthy. I have had to do all of this and its really a good thing. Much better than drugs and going to Specialists who prescribe drugs to mask this condition. I hope and pray this has helped you. Many people would rather take drugs but I've gone that route and I want to live and feel life and take responsibility for my own health. I have nothing against the medical field but I have found western medicine can only do drugs and surgeries.
webdk dee72012
Not sure if you're aware of this, and it is something I've only recently discovered. Fiber foods contain either mostly soluble or insoluble fibers. Leafy green vegetables are mostly insoluble fibers, while grains like oats, bran, brown rice, and wheat are mostly soluble fibers.
I too have problems with eating leafy green vegetables like salads and green vege condiments. They pass through my system, amplifying the effect of the dreaded diarrhea. Also, greens being insoluble fibers, they don't absorb water in the intestine but rather pushed out the waste product quickly, which is good for normal people, but for those of us suffering from chronic diarrhea due to gallbladder removal, this can be a disaster.
I've recently found out, just like you, that pastas help to reduce the symptoms somewhat. My guess is, due to the soluble wheat's high fiber content, it absorbs water in the intestine to a more solid form. Also, pastas contain iron supplement, which slows down food motility in the intestine, hence allowing time for the digested foods to absorb water in the intestine.
Like you, quite wildly coincidentally, find grilled chicken very helpful in reducing diarrhea. My guess is, the protein in lean form from the chicken takes longer for the digestive tract to push along, hence allowing the digested food enough time to absorb water in the intestine.
Everyone in the health profession seem to recommend high fiber diet for thos of us with the gallbladder removed and suffering from diarrhea symptoms, but in reality, I found this to be completely bonkers, as ingesting more fibers only seem to greatly amplify the unmentionalble symptoms, and insoluble fibers seem especially notorious for causing massive diarrhea and gas.
So, in summary, I'd say for those suffering from chronic diarrhea as a result of gallbladder removal, if fiber intake helps, great, but if not that's my theory and explanation. In my case, grilled chicken and pasta seem the most helpful.
Hope this is helpful to those who find fibers to be more of a detriment to than a help against chronic diarrhea from gallbladder removal.
dee72012 deesan21
I should also mention sometimes males have an easier time adjusting, but every female I know that's had this surgery pretty much has pain and discomfort in this area. like I mentioned everyone says oh its a piece of cake, yeah sure the surgery not the aftermath. But many people continue to eat like they want and pay later, I'm not willing to go through that anymore. But everyone is different so I'd say wait and see, give it a few months.
deesan21 dee72012
Thanks for your detailed response
. I'm just sad I can't eat as much now
. I mean before I wasn't eating so much either but now it's worse. I do manage to eat though. Will my appetite come back eventually and will I be able to eat more like you? I just don't want to worsen you know, that scares me to death. Like I got my gallbladder out to make me feel better, not worse. I know if I kept it in longer I would be worse, I felt myself getting worse actually.
Anyway, as long as I eat something, eating small tiny meals and maybe snacking will be fine for now right? Is it because I had surgery recently and my body is adjusting to no gallbladder? For example in the morning I'll have some toast with tea. Then later on I'll have crackers, applesauce, some fruit, drink natural juices and water to stay hydrated, and later some soup example chicken noodle soup, or some rice with a small piece or chicken or turkey. Haven't tried anything other than these foods at the moment. Oh and some jam.
I'm just so worried because yes I have gone online and read all these horror stories about people suffering for months before they for better. Others are so lucky to be well in about a week after recovering from their insicions. Wish I recover soon though, I don't want to feel crappy any longer, I think it was enough suffering when I had that stone inside making me feel all poopy.
m80731 deesan21
I think you're fine. Of course if you're very concerned see a doctor. It will take a couple of weeks to feel back to yourself. You might even experience pain/tenderness for months. It takes a while to heal in my experience. You might not be able to eat the same foods you did before either. The gallbladder stored bile that helps digest your food. I think you'll be fine after a while. But if not, go to a gastrointestinal doctor
deesan21 m80731
Thanks for your reassurance, it makes me feel better. I know I recently had surgery and all but I would have liked to be like those people that can eat whatever they want afterwards and are better in about a week. I've just felt ill for so long I wouldn't want to prolong it you know? I'm praying I'm better in a couple weeks. Eating is a bit hard at the moment as I'm staring to experience a bit of nausea but I heard that does go away. It's just a bit hard to eat again because of that and also my bloated stomach doesn't help. I think i still have some lingering gas which I think doesn't help and still makes me feel full so staring tomorrow, I will go out and about for a couple minutes each day to get the gases going and out of my system already. Then maybe my chest and shoulder blades will stop hurting. This is just so hard and I'm young, I haven't gone through something like this as its my first surgery. Thank you again.
m80731 deesan21
I completely understand . I was 27 when I had mine out. I am 29 now. Unfortunately my case took a turn for the worse. I am still suffering and do every day but not every person ends up like me. A majority I think are fine. Your upper body pain definitely sounds like trapped gas to me. Don't let yourself get too anxious just yet
deesan21 m80731
I'm really sorry to hear that you are suffering everyday
. What's wrong if you don't mind me asking? I hope you'll be better soon, it's not possible for one to be sick for ever! I know it's nothing but being positive can make things better. I'm trying to be very positive myself and hopeful that my body will adjust soon and I'll be all good! ????
tami27303 deesan21
I am 6 days post op. I did not have the shoulder/chest pain you are mentioning but my surgeon told me to expect that I would feel like my shoulder was dislocated. I did feel very bloated however. Day 3 I felt great, day 4 I did not. Try not to overdo it on your good days or you'll feel bad again. I don't have diarreah and I seem to be able to eat anything. I just finished a bowl of ice cream. However my colleague had diarreah for 6 months after surgery while her body adjusted but it did adjust. Give it time. Some people take a year or so for their bodies to find a new rhythm. Some people need to adjust their diets until then, some don't. You just need to find what works for you. It seems that everyone who has it removed is different.
deesan21 tami27303
Hopefully I am like you. I would love it if I ate everything I used to
. I haven't had ice cream as I'm scared to get diarreah ??. But I do wish to try it. And again other things I used to. Today is day 5 but ill be okay. I'm going to give myself time, even a month if I have to. My chest and shoulder pain seem to be much better today. By the way, do you have a normal appetite or have you been eating small since surgery? I can't eat much without getting full easily but Doctor says its normal as I've just had surgery. Had diarreah again today as i had pancakes. Hope it leaves! Don't want any of it anymore lol very annoying
tami27303 deesan21
My appetite was small the first few days but I still ate. Now it's back to normal. I had nachos for lunch. I really should eat more healing foods but it had been awhile since I have had foods with cheese or ice cream as I was fearful of an attack so I was pretty excited to have them. I start back to work tomorrow (day 7) so I will pack a heathier lunch! If your diarrhea continues they have meds for that ;-)
deesan21 tami27303
I totally forgot to reply to you, I'm sorry! Thanks for the response by the way
. Would you mind telling me how long it took for your appetite to come back? At times it seems like mine is almost there but not really. It's day 10 post op for me today! Pain is no longer there I think; just some like tugging in my incisions I've noticed? And yeah I can now lay on my left side without my right hurting so much. Yesterday I ate a little more than the first few days so that made me happy. Are you feeling much better now too?
deesan21 tami27303
I totally forgot to reply to you, I'm sorry! Thanks for the response by the way
. Would you mind telling me how long it took for your appetite to come back? At times it seems like mine is almost there but not really. It's day 10 post op for me today! Pain is no longer there I think; just some like tugging in my incisions I've noticed? And yeah I can now lay on my left side without my right hurting so much. Yesterday I ate a little more than the first few days so that made me happy. Are you feeling much better now too?