Recently diagnosed with gastritis

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i have been suffering, pain, nausea and vomiting since mid April. yesterday I had an endoscopy and the diagnosis is gastritis. i will be talking to my GP on Friday. in the meantime tonight my symptoms are worse than ever. i am in so much pain i dont know what to do with myself. i already take omeprazole and have taken an extra one tonight. but the nausea and retching is awful. is it safe to take co codamol for the pain. please help.

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11 Replies

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    hi nina

    i too suffer with it and its hell! be careful with co codomol as it can cause bloating and constipation, which isnt good for me. have you tried slippery elm tablets or powder.? it coats the stomach. also anything that repairs the gut. keep off tomatoes and acidic things. really watch what and how much you eat. sometimes being hungrey makes it worse too. i hope this will help a little.

    regards julie

  • Posted

    I suffered from painful Gastritis for years. Over time I knew roughly what foods to avoid but without fully understanding cause and effect etc. I just about got by but was mostly miserable with the discomfort. I had an endoscope test and was diagnosed then prescribed Omeprazole. Omeprazole helped marginally but it didn't resolve the Gastritis. I realised the only resolution was going to be by dietary changes. Finally I resolved it by eating oats most mornings, and by replacing normal milk with oat milk. Now I eat oats/porridge twice a week in the morning but I have oat milk every day in muesli and cereal etc. After years of pain, the recovery was astonishing and quick, within 2 weeks. I need to use the oat milk brands without added vegetable oil, so oats, water and pinch of salt only. There are a couple of brands on the market you can use from the supermarket. I also eliminated normal tea but I have an occasional white tea in moderation which is less acidic, milder and can be drunk alone or with added oat milk. This is my experience, hope it is of use to fellow sufferers.

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      Craig, have you made any other changes to your diet other than the oatmeal, oat milk and tea in the morning?

      What else do you eat during the day/

    • Posted

      I,ve been eating a plain diet for years to try and lessen the discomfort from Gastritis. I've also learned to introduce one thing a time into my diet so I am them certain if it causes issues or not. So in answer to your question, no I only introduced oat milk and oats. I swapped to white tea a few months earlier and that lessens the stomach irritation, however once I started oats and oat milk the pain vanished and the stomach healed. I try and avoid too much processed foods in general and have plain chicken, white fish and vegetables in the evening. I avoid oils, spices, coffee. I can now eat most fruits for the first time in years also as previously I found them too acidic and was restricted to pears only. However I haven't tried citrus yet but that might be a step too far. My mum has also suffered from Gastritis for years but once I found this worked for me I got her to introduce oat milk and lo and behold she was fixed in 2 weeks also. An identical repsonse. Hope this helps.

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      Do you take any medication?

      Or are you only making dietary changes?

      I'm asking because I've been given meds, but I don't think they work. Over the past 2 months my gastritis is not as painful, but very uncomfortable.

      I've tried the bland diet, but it's so frustrating, since I'm from a background

      where we use lots of herbs and spices. I'll have to drop the spices, although the ones I use have been recommended for helping with this condition, for example, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon and tumeric.

      Thanks for sharing on eliminating and slowly adding foods back. I'll have to be more patient with this new way of eating.

    • Posted

      I only take 20mg Omeprazole but I am moving to 10mg shortly with a view to coming off it altogether. It doesn't heal the gastritis for me, only eases it a fraction. My fix was purely due to switching to oat milk, this is all I have done in the recent past. Previously I have tried DGL, Slippery Elm and Marshmallow capsules. I think Slippery Elm and Marshmallow do have an effect but I didn't use them long enough or as indicated on the bottle to say conclusively. Once my Gastritis disappeared I forgot about them. Oat Milk seems the easiest, quickest and best option for me. Once the gastritis disappears you will be able to go back to almost a normal diet, this is my experience. You need to find the solution first then persevere with it until it heals. Oats/Oat milk, Marshmallow, Slippery Elm are worth trying.

  • Edited

    I was also diagnosed with gastritis in June, after an endoscopy.

    I was given Dexilant 60mg daily for 2 weeks and also Carafate/Sucralfate 1gm four times daily. That combination worked for the two weeks. However after stopping the Dexilant the gas pains returned. I do not get nauseous, but the pains travel all over my body, especially in my lower back and toward my back. I only get relief after burping like crazy all through the day. I still marvel that one's stomach can produce so much gas. I sound like an angry belching bear...

    I was later prescribed Gas X which didn't help, but resulted in stomach spasms. Then I was given Omeprazole 20mg this also give me the worst and most painful spasms ever!! So i stopped taking it. While not alleviating the gas pains.

    The Dexilant was the only med that worked, but the GI would not give me a new prescription since it costs over $300 for a month's supply.

    Like craigo437, I've had to research dietary alternatives. More so because I have RA and the Dexilant and Omeprazole, being Proton inhibitors, prevents the absorption of necessary nutrients to my body, since they block the secretion of stomach acid.

    I've also found that oatmeal in the morning seems to help to delay the build up of gas until later in the day. I've tried the slippery elm, that Julie79860 recommended, but it didn't work for me. Maybe I didn't give it enough time to work, since I've been looking for instant relief.

    However, I've been trying Zinc Carnosine and DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Root Extract). I haven't had any side effects and although I still have a lot of gas, the pain has significantly reduced and I am sleeping a lot better at night.

    Also trying juicing non-acidic vegetables, like cabbage, celery, cucumber, kale along with avoiding acidic foods and drinking alkaline water.

    It's been a journey that I'd like to end soon, but it seems like trying to heal the stomach lining, is a slow process.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      DGL didn't seem to have much effect for me but slippery elm did show signs of having an effect if only I had used it properly and for longer. One treatment I did find to work somewhat was marshmallow capsules.

    • Posted

      Thanks. I'll check out the marshmallow capsules, if they're gluten free I'll give them a try.

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