Recently discovered pilonidal abscess
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I recently discovered I have a pilonidal abscess and I went to an urgent care and saw a nurse practioner. She said it's a good thing we caught it in it's early stage and she put me on antibiotics. It started paining me for three days and then I went to see her. I'm worried though from my research that antibiotics will not be enough and that I will eventually need surgery. Also they tend to reoccur which worries me. And after a day and half of antibiotics my abscess started oozing blood and pus.I'm just worried will antibiotics really do the trick for my pilonidal abscess that is so called in it's early stage?
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jason23956 ikym38502
PlymouthPete ikym38502
kimberly59704 ikym38502
No antibiotic is going to help, and please do not get it cut. You will develope scar tissue and it will just make thing's worse. Glad it's oozing, cause that means it's ready to give you much needed relief. Have a family member push on it and get all the junk out. You will feel so much better. In time it will come again,so put heat, or warm wash cloths to bring it to a head again. My son has this, and when it feels like it's filling up, I put Icthammol ointment on a bandage,and we do this for a couple of day's, till it start to draw the junk out. He has found this helps. It's like a black tar,a drawing salve. This is something that you will alway's have, but you can go for long periods of time with it not filling up. If there is one thing that you listen to , please do not get this cut open. It will come right back and nothing will be gained. My son had 4 times in a row to where it fill up, but I make sure to get all the junk out and put the ointment on,and he hasn't had a problem all summer.
jason23956 kimberly59704
Never let anyone push the push out the push! Your inside will be full of sinus holes yeah let's push all the bad stuff deeper into the infected area. Don't take people's advise off here see a dermatologist.
kimberly59704 jason23956
jason your wrong. The surgeon's advice. You will just keep having surgery's. My son's hasn't been active all summer because of the way we take care of it.
jason23956 kimberly59704
Sorry that probly came out cheeky. 10 years I've suffered with them and 3 operations. What I ment is there's all these tunnels on the inside I was personally warned by a surgeon not to put pressure on it and a load of other medical nonsense. Why can't there just be a instant cure for it ha. I've 3 scars from surgery my last operation was a few years ago. Now I've a small hole on the scar and guess what. ... it oozes everyday now
I just wanna explode with anget and frustration
kimberly59704 jason23956
Of couse there are tunnels,that's what cyst have. It is oozing because it's ready. If you would push on it and get all the stuff out,it would be so much better. It's good there is a hole, cause that's the hard part, getting it to open. I think you should not go back, and have anymore surgery's. Listen to me jason, mother's know best!!!!
jason23956 kimberly59704
Trust me the last thing I want is more operations i don't think there's even enough room there for another lol . Im trying to push the puss out it's just not happening.. it likes to surprise me when I'm sat down somewhere oright at work argh !!! Soo annoying
kimberly59704 jason23956
Get over here,I'll take care of that nasty thing.LOL. Get your mom,sister.wife. You can't do it yourself. Happy pushing. Did you get the ointment I told you too. Ichthammol ointment is a black salve that kills germs,soothes pain,and draws out the bad stuff. Drug stores have it. Ask your pharmacist.
jason23956 kimberly59704
I have some ointment somewhere I'll find the name of it l8r. OK so this one is actually different from the others. It's not swollen or painfull it's just a dark hole on the scar line from where I've had other operations. Puss wI'll randomly come out. I could push notifications nothing then sit down then yuk! I don't have anyone to do any ofurther that for me as I live alone (Mr independent) haha. I'm from Ireland
In the last few years I've had an operation on each hand then my wrist three on the pilonidol sinus another two on my shoulder and collarbone I really done want to go back underror the knife I don't think I'm even able ha
kimberly59704 jason23956
Ireland!!! what the heck you doing clear over I'm in the good ole USA. Take care Jas.
bobtails2 ikym38502
Hi I stared to have pain in my buttock on Thursday and Friday the pain was excruciating, by Friday night I couldn't stand it anymore so rang 111 and they I said I need to see a doctor, while hubby was on the phone I had to go to the loo and it burst and the pain ease, but the doctor still wanted to see me, anyway I went late Friday evening doctor said it was Pilonidal sinus, she said it had burst but there was still some there so she gave me Erythomycin for seven days, I'm hoping they work. Still earlier days.... How are you
bobtails2 ikym38502
Hi I have the same and started like you it was on my third day I was in so much pain I thought something wasn't right so I went to the out of hours doctor I'm on antibiotics now, and finish them on Friday just hope it goes away..
arunkohli99 ikym38502
Hi everyone,
I also got pilonidal sinus. I underwent limberg flap surgery which have <2-5% recurrence rate. Do ask your doctor whether he can do limberg flap surgery or not. Most doctors don't do limberg flap, only experienced doctors can do this surgery as you know pilonidal sinus is very rare. So search for doctors in your city who can perform limberg flap surgery. If you want to know more about this surgery, you can search it online. There are so many research papers on this limber flap surgery.