Recenty Diagnosed - Now Coping

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I woke up Boxing Day with a swollen, itchy, red eyelid and was diagnosed at the walk in centre as having this rotten sympton (Im in the UK).  I was prescribed a cream and given paperwork advising how to treat the symptons at home. 

By New Years Eve I was crawlling the walls in desperation.  I looked and felt dreadful - the itchiness was keeping me awake and I had to go visit a doctor Friday as it wasnt improving.  I've had no flakiness on my eyelashes or gunk as other sufferers have had tho.- just swelling and itching.


On Friday the Doctor prescribed me anti-histermines so i could sleep, Optrex Allergy eyedrops and Simple Eye ointment.  I then purchased Wet Ones having read Lynda's blogs on how they worked for her.

What can I say!  Im on day two of using the Wet Ones ... using 4 times a day (I am also using 4 drops of the Allergy eyedrops and cleaning twice daily). The difference is amazing.  My eyelid swelling has reduced considerably, the redness towards my eyebrows has nearly vanished and I just have a slight swelling still above my eyelid.  I'm sure it has to be the Wet Ones. I'm just going to try and purchase some natural moisturiser for my eyelid as my skin feels a little dry (maybe a Simple one).

I'm just hoping if I continue to use the Wet Ones the Blepharitis will disappear completely.  Thankyou Lynda, so glad I found this discussion board - and of course the Wet Ones!

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Glad it worked for you.  Wet Ones have been an amazing treatment for me and others that I have told about them.
    • Posted

      Yes they did.  It takes  quite awhile and now if I start to feel an itch I go right back to using them.  My eyes look the best they have in 20 years. I did stop early in my treatment for eye surgery and it came back with a vengence and I had to start over so you want to make sure it is gone before you stop. 
  • Posted

    Thank you for this info.  I find it helpful.  Where do you buy Wet Ones.  I use Ocu-wash and have had pretty good luck with those.  Are the Wet Ones similiar to those?  Thank you.
    • Posted

      Hi Margaret - the Wet Ones I use are the antibacterial ones in the blue packet here in the UK.  I bought mines in Tesco but you can get them in Boots too.  They contain thebenzalkonium Chloride which is what kills the bacteria on the eyelashes (as advised by Lynda whom I refer to above).  Not sure what Ocu Wash are - I'm just sticking with what I've read has been successful with others on this forum!
    • Posted

      Hi Maragaret,

      I live in the US and get the Wet Ones at WalMart.  They come in a red box and the active ingredient is Benzethonium Chloride 0.3%.  You can order then from Amazon. It took about 3-4 months to cure but I could tell a difference in the first week.  Lynda was the first to post on this site and I am so grateful to her. Others have used the ones in the blue that conatain Bezalkonium Chloride and have had success as well.

      Good Luck!

    • Posted

      I will look for the Wet Ones.  I like the idea of them being antibacterial.  I am thinking that I saw those one time and I will go back and take another look.  Thanks so much.
    • Posted

      Oh, thank you sandra.  I will go to Walmart and that is probably where I have seen them.  I like the fact that they are antibacterial.  I'm sure they must not be one that contains oil of any kind.  Wouldn't want that of course.  Thank you and anything else you can think of that would hellp - would be appreciated......Ointments, drops, etc. anything like that.
  • Posted

    For any one who lives in the U.K. I buy my "travel Wipes" from Aldi & they work just as well as Wet Wipes. An a lot cheaper.

    They are sold under Aldi,s own brand name of Lacura.

    • Posted

      Do you think the travel wipes would be the same as the antibacterial ones called Wet Ones?
    • Posted

      My understanding is that the wipes MUST contain Benzalkonium Chloride - this is what kills the bacteria in the root of the eyelashes.  If the Aldi ones contain that, then I'm sure they will also work. The fact that the wipes are torn into strips of about 6 - and you use only 2 strips per eye each treatment means you are only using a couple of wipes a day anyway.  I bought a pack of 40 wet one wipes for £2 - so still so much cheaper than prescription or over the counter medicines.
    • Posted

      Benzethonium Chloride works too. Needs to be 0.3% strength.  I understand that some facial washes have it in them.

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