Recieved my barium swallow test results
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I had a barium swallow test on Tuesday and it came back that I have a moderate narrowing of the esophagus from a artery that is behind my esophagus and has pushed into my esophagus.
The artery is not supposed to be there and its something I'm born with , apparently its quite rare which is just fantastic.
The strange thing is were the narrowed part is I'm not having any feelings of food blocking or sticking there but a feeling of eaten food coming up into my throat.
The doctor said if it was blocking my food that narrowed part I would feel a chocking sensation but iam not , he believes the food feeling in my throat is from acid reflux.
The sensation of food being in my throat only started 3 weeks ago before that I had absolutely no issues with food coming up , so the doctors say my throat wouldn't off narrowed that much overnight .
The only explanation for why the foods going down the narrowed part is maybe my esophagus has become more flexible as I was born with this .
But I was told that my esophagus may have slowly narrowed over my life .
The people that did my barium test said that when I drank the barium it did not get stuck at the narrowed part it went stright down no hesitation at all , and it was a very thick drink.
I'm having another barium test this Tuesday but it's going to be slightly different to see if thicker stuff does slow down or block up .
And on Wednesday I'm seeing a specialist and I'll go from there.
To be honest I'm frightened out of my mind not knowing what's happening and weather I'll choke I'm at the point were I'm hardly eating out of pure fear , I'm sticking to runny yogurt and soup I seem to manage rice cakes with grilled cheese..
Because what I have is so rare no one can give me information about this so I'm so stuck at the moment and on top of all this I suffer from OCD so I'm obsessing badly about this now , I'm really scared that I'm going to choke .
Just giving an update from my post the other day
Thanks for reading
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