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I had operation to repair rectocele and cystocele prolapsed 12 days ago under epidural. DIscharged home the next day. PAin a little better today but anxious to start exercising and stop putting on weight. DOing walking and pelvic floor exercises. WHen can I go back to work and when can I start doing slow exercise bike riding?
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lisa52462 rita42871
lisa52462 rita42871
Beetlebugmik rita42871
You need to remeber you've had major surgery and need to heal your inside before you can work on the outside and thinking about starting to exercise and not putting your surgery repairs at risk.
Please refer to the pinned documents on the chat's main paige they will help you.
I think you might need to leave the bike riding until after 12 weeks, as you are not even allowed to push a hoover/shopping trolley until then so a bike would be much heavier.
Walking needs to start slowly and only a little way and boy will you know what i mean once you've tried. I felt like i'd run a marathon when i walked around my street the first time. you need to gradually build up your walking when you start.
Please do not try to run before you can walk, you do not want to go through all that major surgery only to repeat it again just because you were keen to loose weight.
Pelvic floor exercises are another problem some consultants like mine said do them as soon as you can, others say leave it until after 6 weeks, i think you will need to give your consultants secretary a ring and see if they have any advice.
Going back to work and how quickly depends what job you do and how physical it is. I do a physical job, had a rectocele repair and another procedure 12 weeks ago unfortunatley at 9 weeks i had complications so my doctor had signed me off until today, but now has given me 2 more weeks to get over the complication so it really depends on the individual and their job. but you probably are looking at a minimum of 6-12 weeks off.
I have been able to get back swimming at about 7 weeks once the stitches have disolved. which has made such a massive difference getting my tone and fitness back (I am a long distance swimmer and swim 3-4 times a week pre op) but at the moment i'm managing about a mile each time which is probably half what i am used to but I'm not pushing myself and listening to my body which determins if i swim that distance or a quick up and down a few times because each day is different.
I know it's boring and frustrating, most of us have experienced this but right now you are very luck its summer and you can get out in the garden for fresh air and a bit of sun on your skin, when I had my Op it was March, freezing cold, dark and very depressing.
Please take care, and keep us informed how you are doing. I'm sure you will get a few more comments, we are a good bunch on here.
love Mik x
rita42871 Beetlebugmik
Jan999 rita42871
rita42871 Jan999
trizwizz rita42871
Do a little bit, stop before you think you should. If I were to do this again I would rest more and not push myself. Although I haven't done myself any damage I don't think by making myself do things I've aided my recovery. I was signed off work for 6 weeks then a further 2 by the GP - which I did need. My job does involve lifting , driving and being able to get up and down from the floor but even if I had a desk job I wasn't fit to go back to work after 6 weeks.
The weight gain - have you really put on weight or do you just feel 'flobby' because you are not moving so much? After 17 days I don't think you could have put on that much weight. I was careful about what I ate as I was concious that I was not moving so much. Not helped by visitors bringing me chocolate!
Walk slowly, don't bend, lift or stretch. For me it was the stretching up that I could feel the worse - and still do. Standing can be a problem as gravity takes effect! Walking for me was never a problem and I could walk quite far reasonably soon. But do be careful. I don't know about the bike riding - walking is probably better!
rita42871 trizwizz
trizwizz rita42871
Mari88 trizwizz
phyl_40063 rita42871
I had the same repairs and it took me almost the full 12 weeks to recover, back at work but still limiting what I can do, still resting lots and taking things carefully.
You can't hurry this recovery otherwise you end up prolapsed again and having to under go more surgery, so please don't be in such a big hurry.
Take progress slowly a little at a time, your body tells you when you have overdone things, throbbing wounds and feels heavy swollen. So listen to your body and please don't overdo things.
We all recover at different rates, you will have to start with short walks (5 mins) and build up to 2x 20 min walks by 6 weeks post op, they say no low impact till much later, usually swimming first.
Weight bearing starts with no more than a cup of tea, working up to a litre at 6 weeks and gradual increase to not more than 3 litre by 12 weeks. Having said that at almost 14 weeks I can lift 2 litres but could not continually carry that weight.
No hoovering or mopping, no ironing or heavy wet washing, during early weeks of recovery, those who recover the best do nothing for 12 weeks.
Good luck,
And look after yourself.
Phil x☺
rita42871 phyl_40063
Beetlebugmik rita42871
phyl_40063 rita42871
Healing hugs ,
Phyl x☺
phyl_40063 rita42871
Healing hugs,
Phyl x☺