Recovery phase/Relapse phase please explain

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its me again guys


will someone who is healed

please explain this

im confused!


blah blah

i need to understand it better

as i am all over the place and cant see the light!

i got hit 13+ mos now (8/14/18 sick date)

hit overnight!


since 1yr mark ive felt improvements more closer together than ever

now i feel bscksliding?

how do i know im recovering

and what is a relapse?

i feel like ive been up down sick since this started


now im still beat up


yet doing more

but still not much

what is happening with my little body and if i feel better at times hours not days

is this a sign? of ill be me again ever????

only for it to be taken?

whats it all mean

i feel like this is it here


scares me

this that

will someone please save me


im over this

thank u

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey Starr,

    I wish it was easy to understand the recovery journey of this virus better, I didn't understand it either when I was going through it Starr, I still don't fully understand it only a little better with the benefit of hindsight and recovery thanks to God only. Sometimes you can't see the pieces fit together until afterwards Starr. I think truly the best thing is not to try to understand it when going through it, just deal with each day as it comes and its challenges, and do your best to remember that God is in control and He is looking after the bigger picture, and that He has heard all your prayers and hears all your prayers today and even if it seems like nothing is happening right now, those prayers will be answered Starr I truly believe that.

    One thing I truly believe given my own experience and what I know about this virus is that this is NOT going to be a chronic thing - I 100% believe that Starr - it can be VERY normal to go through this extended recovery cycle, everyone's body seems to take its own designated time to get to grips with this virus and get on top of it once and for all, and just because that's maybe not fully happened yet doesn't mean in any way that it's not going to happen. Remember 1 year to 15 months is still a very fragile stage of this virus and recovery. Hang in there Starr, still thinking about you and hoping and praying for better times ahead.


    • Posted

      thank u

      long road here....

      ive not much to say

      hope u are great craig

      thsnk u again

    • Posted

      Thanks Starr, I continue to appreciate your support for me too at this time, it is a great comfort when I'm not feeling great myself at times and thank you for that.

      Hoping for a good day for you today - let's keep trusting God with everything.


  • Posted

    I consider myself mostly recovered. If you feel yourself going backwards its part of the process. To me it felt like you get better but you know you're not totally right, the going backwards feeling is your body sorting itself out. Mass patience is required and get a hobby that requires sitting around not exerting yourself too much.

    • Posted

      hey william how long did it take you to recover?? also would you rest all the time or do things in between? i think its confusing to know if you need to push yourself a little more or completely just dedicate time to full resting...any feedback would be appreciated i hope you continue to feel well!!

    • Posted

      It's not easy Katelyn I know to find that balance between rest and activity. I don't think there is any exact right formula with this, a lot of it is just listening to your body, trying to be wise and plan if you can, for example if you know there is something you want or have to do, then make sure you get plenty of rest before and after it, and if it's too much then it's okay to take a step back even though I know that can be so disheartening and frustrating. I wish it was easier!

      The key thing I would say is just listen to your body - rest when you feel it really needs rest, don't push through when feeling awful. And in any times you are feeling a bit better, don't push too much either, but again it's good if you can do even small things each day as it can really help you mentally and emotionally.

      Still thinking about you Katelyn and I'm still believing that God is going to heal you completely from this - don't worry about a think, I truly believe with some time you are going to be fully well again.


    • Posted

      hi craig im just now seeing this post thanks for encouragement have had a rough day today with nausea weakness and feeling hot feels like when i first got this thing scarey to see an old symptom come back after it being gone for so long 😦 ughhh this is brutal...i hope your doing well

    • Posted

      Oh so sorry to hear you've had such a rough day Katelyn, very much hoping things can be more settled over the weekend for you. It's so hard not to I know but try not to panic if you see a symptom trying to rear its ugly head again - sometimes that can happen with mono but often it's just a short phase and the symptom settles and passes again.

      Thinking about you and just a word of encouragement today that you are getting through this, every day is a day further away from the day of infection and a day nearer to recovery - and that is true even in the days that you feel awful - your body is working on recovery every day and with time you will get there Katelyn, truly you will.

      Thanks for the best wishes for me too, have been up and down myself lately and distressed about some foot pain and hip pain and just taking it all one day at a time too, I need God's help at this time as we all do on the forum here - praying for healing for us all.


  • Posted


    Its hard to guage what to do in terms of rest. I did stuff but made sure I rested every day. In the end though I prioritised rest over everything and my gut feeling is you have to else you wont get much better.

  • Posted

    I was sick and unable to work for six months out of this year. I had a month-and-a-half break of slight improvement between those six months. Then a full crash. the only thing that saved me and gave me a quick recovery, around three to four weeks, was a lot of CBD oil throughout the day and a very strict Autoimmune Paleo Diet.

    I also take a regimen of supplements and drink tea for my gut, with intermittent morning fasting. The more anti-inflammation and NOT eating anything to boost my immune system, healing my gut... the better my health.

    if you want to do the anti-inflammatory paleo diet like I did, there's a lot of research involved. But a quick tip is to NOT eat anything that causes inflammation for a good period of time or boosts the immune system. Nothing that causes inflammation, nightshade vegetables, most grains, most dairy, eggs, sugar, cured meats, garlic, nothing that boosts the immune system, echinacea, melatonin, etc. good luck. I hope this works for you.

    • Posted

      thank u

      wheatgrass has helped me a ton

      im a vegetarian

      cut out a lot

      i take vits vitc

      not too much

      clean food

      whole foods

      minimal grains

      things roll on



      ive had immune system checked

      all good

      i dont know what to do

      everyone says diff things

      diff bodies etc


      this is all too much


      i was doing good 1 yr seeing great improvements

      now feel stuck?

      not sure

      no resources

      no support other than this forum


      being on our own

      no drs


      makes this so hard

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