Red and white blotchy hands?

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Im a 26 year old male and my story is a lot like everyone else's on here, i've been dealing with mono for 6 months and its been a rollercoaster of emotions and symptoms. brain fog, fatigue, anxiety, vibrating feeling in my body, dizziness, breathlessness, eye floaters and more... alot of symptoms arent as prevalent anymore while others seem to heighten... when i look back i realized that im way better now than the first 2 months but the last 4 have been up and down and i dont really feel alot of progress being made, ive been reading these forums for the past couple months and its def helped, so thanks everyone for the positive attitudes. its helped me calm my thoughts and attempt to relax..anyways im wondering if anyone has had red and white blotchy palms?? they come and go throughout the day.. like if i go from outside to inside i can feel my hands tingle and change colors, any ideas? honestly im not real worried about it, just curious... im done worrying about symptoms and im just letting whatever happens to me happen at this point. Thanks

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11 Replies

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    ive never had that but had many other weird symptoms so please do not worry this virus has many sides to it . yes its slow moving so make sure even if you dont feel awful on a particular day that rest is the main cure for this awful virus

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    Yes mine do the same thing. My hands also seem to fluctuate in size I wouldn't probably notice if it weren't for my wedding ring. The skin on the back of my hands looks funny too, kind of like dried out leather or like l'm 80. I am a 38 year old male and I'm quickly approaching the one year mark. I never had the typical mono symptoms mine have all been neurological. I have improved a lot but still a long way from 100%.

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      I had exactly the same symptom - blotchy hands which came on during dizzy/heart palpitation spells during the day. I've also had the same symptom as keith - dried out hands with wrinkly finger tips again during dizzy spells.

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    Never had the hand symptoms Keith but everyones body reacts differently. I have been ill for 21 months now. Better than the first year but the worst symptom for me is chronic neck pain and a sensation that goes up into my head causing headaches when overdoing it.

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    crazy stuff, yea mine fluctuate in size as well, it almost feels like blood is rushing into them. i also have the neuro symptoms. i have that foggy dream stoned feeling, although it has improved a ton and i can finally have conversations now without feeling like im just an observer. Id say the worst part to me at this point is the boredom. When im sitting on my couch i feel healthyish, and as soon as i get up to do something it all hits me. ive sat at home for months cause i dont want setbacks but part of me feels like i need to get back out and get my mind off it but i physically cant

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      i too hsve spent months lying on the bed but i do manage a walk every day at the beach ... i even managed a short jog just to see how i feel the other day and i was ok and by short i mean a minute or so .

      i too have been feeling weird in social situations like im on a drug or something .

      im sure this will pass but its a weird feeling i hsve no patience to listen to people

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      I know what you mean all to well. I'll get to feeling better and think I can go again and then it all comes back, but no where near as bad as at the start. The boredom is the worst I'm so tiered of setting around doing nothing. I can't wait for the day it goes away for good.

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      gosh amen to that ive lazed around now for more than 4 months ....sooooo boring !

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    I agree with you when you say you are done worrying about the symptoms. I feel the same. Something weird is always going on since my first symptom and if I worried about all of them, I would have time for nothing else.

    I'm at 6 months too, and it's like a roller coaster for me as well. Although it could be much worse (I'm back to a regular work schedule), I still havent gotten back to my work out routine and feel exhausted after a day of work, or any kind of activity.

    I get sick easily, I've been hanging on to a head cold for about 3 weeks now when most of the world got rid of it in 4 days. It just sucks all around.

    I havent experienced what you are describing, but have gotten rashes on different parts of my body. I actually had to remove my bellybutton ring because my body could not fight the infection. I had it for many many years without so much as 1 issue, then suddenly after getting mono it got infected and would not heal until I removed it.

    This mono...its no joke. I've never felt so sick for so long.

    Hang in there, thinking of you.

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    Hi Keith,

    Really empathising with the tough six months you have been through remembering my own mono experience from many years ago. I was just a year younger than you when I took it and the first six months were very similar to many of the symptoms and emotions you describe, and the worry and frustration and anxiety that progress after six months was still feeling very minimal and no where near where I felt I needed to be to start living a more normal life again.

    Just want to reassure you Keith that things do get better, it's different for everyone the recovery timescale and journey but for me it was about 10 months I saw a big change and really started to feel more like myself again and move towards full recovery. It still took a bit of time but did get there thanks only to God's help. Taking vitamins and herbs certainly helped me, just let me know if you want a note of some of the things that helped me but you've maybe seen it from some of the other posts I've made on the different threads. Things DO get better with this Keith hang in there. Hoping these symptoms with the blotchy palms of hands also settle, it can affect different people in so many ways.

    Thinking about you Keith and hang in there - better times are ahead and God willing you won't have to go through another six months as intense or awful as this one, and remember don't panic if full recovery still takes a little time it can be normal but absolutely you will get there, truly believing that given me own recovery experience and reading stories of others who went through such a hard time but made a full recovery too with God's help!


  • Posted

    thanks everyone.. this is a strange time and its nice to see there really is a community of understanding people... yes craig thankyou, i have seen your supplement post awhile back and put that into action... ive been reading everybodys chats for awhile and i never joined in because im normally not the type of person who would. but i gotta say it is nice and im happy i did cause so few people understand this virus

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