Red rash on tip. Causing anxiety and confusion.
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hello everyone.
i have come in contact with a rash i have never seen before. The tip of my penis tingles and burns before or after urination, or sometimes just throughout the day. sometimes its worse on certain days.
so background on how this occured. I did have unprotected sex 2 months ago for like two minutes. About three days later i had a slight tingle when i urinated. shortly after the rash was evident. i have gotten tested for chlaymida, gonnerhea, syphillis, hiv, you know the standard testing. all negative. i have been glued to the internet fearing the worst and diagnosing my symptoms. this has been keeping me up at night and believe it is causing me depression. it might be hsv-2 but i dont know because i never had an open sore or lesion just this rash that tingles or burns, never itches. i did receive an IGG blood test for hsv-2 a month after exposure but it was negative. i still feel like this can be a factor still since the test was done a month and a half after exposure. seen a uroligist who didnt really seem to listen or look at the area. gave me an antifungal cream that has not done anything and i'm a week into treatement. please of anyone can give guidance or there thoughts that would be great!!
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Wee_Dugie j87463
Although they are relatively mild, the level of symptoms you have 2 months following sex would seem to be unusual.
You say you have a burning sensation: can you differentiate whether the sensation is an internal thing, such as a bladder or urethral tract infection, or whether it is specific to the head area of your penis, and more specifically, whether it is the skin where the rash is apparent that is becoming further irritated and causing the sensation of pain?
For now, I would use the antifungal for as long as you have been directed to use it. If you are not happy with the professional manner of the urologist, perhaps, think about visiting a different one.
However, I would be looking at the possibility that the sex may have been coincidental to what you have going on. If you received oral or had penetrative anal you may have a bacterial infection - but as I say, 2 months in an you have these symptoms still, or, they have not escalated to something more serious would not seem to fit with normal experiences.
In terms of alternative explanations - think about whether there has been a change in what has been in contact with your penis from before, and, since the rash first appeared. Look to things like starting to use a different form of lube, or whatever it is you may apply to your penis for masturbation, for example. Have you just changed to a different soap, particularly something that may be termed ‘medicated’ or scented soaps? What about a change of shower gel - it is these broader considerations you may need to look to for an alternative explanation.
When you had the STD tests done did you both explain the symptoms you had, and did the medical professional take a look at the rash you have …… ?
j87463 Wee_Dugie
hi thank you for taking the time for the detailed reply. i feel like the pain comes from the urethra itself. like the meatus is what seems to have the most irritation. and right after i pee the tip of my urethra kind of burns. the end of my urethra look swollen and inflammed, possibly causing the rash to spread on my tip perhaps. the symptoms have remained the same for the last two months. no escalation and no signs of getting better. i havent really changed anything i regards of soaps or lube. i also refrained from masterbstion hoping this would help, but nothing yet. i also been washing with luke warm water for a month with little to no soap, keeping super dry. the urologist took a quick look and said it was fungal. but she seemed rushed and really didnt get the full breakdown. to be honest i just dont want it to be herpes. can symptoms of herpes even last that long?. can herpes just be a rash? the thought of having something is driving me crazy. i did tell the doc that my tip was burning and tingling but still said fungal.
Wee_Dugie j87463
Use the antifungal as directed to now, but I would certainly be following this up after you have used the full course of the cream (usually about 14 / 15 days or so).
Is it possible for you to see a sexual health specialist .... ?
j87463 Wee_Dugie
i will def try to follow up with one after my appointent with my urolgist this thursday. and will continue to use the cream until directed. hopefully i see improvement soon. i will follow up if i get a cause and answer
Callum64675 j87463
IGG blood tests need to really be done 6 weeks after exposure for confirmatory result. how come you just got hsv2, why not hsv1 also? that can also be spread to genitals.
if youve not had a lesion/s ulcer/s appear with the tingling and itchy sensations then probs not hsv. why you thinking about hsv out of everything?
j87463 Callum64675
its around 6 weeks when i got the test. i will get hsv 1 and repeat hsv 2 test this week. i have been doing an unhealthy amount of research online, and herpes just happen to cause a rash so perhaps it just has me parinoid. this rash has been here for nearly two months, and somewhat appears to be worsening.
kim12266 j87463
herpes does not cause a rash like the above photo it causes blisters /open sores plus herpes symptoms only last for 14 days max for outbreaks it would not cause prolonged symptoms over months on end
lolak94957 j87463
Same symptoms and my doctor suggest me anti-fungal too. Keep us update.