Redspot on face for almost a year

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I haven't had acne since the better part of my 20s and know just started my 30's and I have a redspot on my cheek that doesn't seem to want to go away. it's not a pimple (does not hurt or grow or become white just stays there like a kind if inflammation).

Dermatologists said its acne and gave me a cream (benzol peroxid) just made it more red.

any thoughts????File size is too big

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    My first thought was an ingrown hair?

    Then possibly Molluscum Contagiosum...the dimpled centre is quite typical. Dermatologists often give Benzoyl peroxide for this but often its a case of just waiting for it to disappear. If you get more spots that look like this then I would say its MC. Its caught from towels or flannels or even razors that are not too clean. Very infectious,so dont pick at it. Children pick it up very easily.

    If it refuses to budge and stays a single spot then I would certainly ask your dermatologist to remove and biopsy.

    • Posted

      thanks but it's not an ingrown hair.

      looks like my skin is continuously reacting (inflamed by somehting I eat, I wash with or shave with).

      tried using facewash and tried not using it, no difference.

      tried aloe vera, no difference.

      tried benzol peroxid from prescription, made it more red.

  • Posted

    Steven does the spot itch or bleed? If yes then do ask for it to be removed.

    You say your skin just seems to react to everything.......if you eat a lot of chocolate then give it up.

    Also have a look at Rosacea.

    Is your skin dry or greasy?

    • Posted

      It doesn't itch or bleed.

      skin is probably more towards oily.

      I am guessing time will make it go away.

      will try to cut out dairy products and wheat to see if its changes something

  • Posted

    So it doesnt itch/bleed so its not a BCC. Only one spot so probably not Molluscum.

    Skin more greasy than dry and prone to acne.

    This may be just one of those raised bumps that we all get as we get older and they often turn light brown,like a raised mole. Not much you can do about that apart from surgical removal.

    However, it could be a build up of sebum but trapped under the skin,so it never comes to a head,but forms a bump. The dimpled centre is quite distinctive. You could try using a face cream with retinol in it, usually advertised for older skin but it can help with these sort of bumps. Just use it on the bump at night as it may cause itching and reddening. Hopefully the bump will gradually dry up and peel.

    If you get a lot of these please do consult your doctor again.

    take care when eliminating dairy from your diet. If its not necessary because of a gut intolerance,then its better to keep it in your diet,because its the best source of calcium.

  • Posted

    I am not a doctor, so I advise medication I think it will be wrong on my part. One thing I can say for sure, the more drugs there are, the more need for moisture and softening components. Because the skin is hard at the time of treatment. Moisturize, soften the side effects of medications. Especially if you are taking antibiotics!

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