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I've had reflux for the last three weeks, being treated with LANZAROPOL, any tips on what foods to eat or avoid would be helpful

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Katy

    How miserable for you.

    Try to avoid coffee, chocolate and alcohol, also bread can b e a big trigger. Try to eat bland meals, not to much greasy stuff like cheese.

    I don't eat after 6.00pm, have a big glug of gaviscon before bed and try and sleep on your left side.

    Very best wishes.

  • Posted

    Everyone is different, but I find fatty foods and very creamy or cheesy foods repeat on me. Also alcohol can affect me if I have too much. Try and eat slowly and chew your food a lot so you digest your food better.

    • Posted

      Thank you, have noticed orange juice up to now gives me a lot of discomfort, does it get any easier, get a bit of discomfort in upper chest region too

    • Posted

      Do you know what is causing your acid reflux? If it is something temporary, then it could get better, how long have you been told you need to take the ppis for?

      Acidic things are obviously quite bad so avoid certain fruits and juices as well as pickles. You can take other indigestion relief as well. Ask your pharmacist what they recommend. I take the double action chalk tablets, you can also get the liquid form as usually advertised on this site, but I personally find it disgusting. I also take ranitidine as well when it is really bad.

      As far as PPIs are concerned, if you find lanzoprazole isn't that effective, ask to change to esompeprazole (nexium) I find it is the best of the lot.

    • Posted

      Didnt know i could take anything along with the medication. DR given me 56days, 30mg, dont know what started it off, just came on after breakfast one morning.

      Dont know if this could be linked, but have had quite a lot of stress this passed year

    • Posted

      Stress can make things a lot worse, also certain medications like ibuprofen, antibiotics, antidepressants, metformin, blood thinners and even some herbal supplements can upset your stomach. Always check side effects of medications because a lot of tablets have heartburn on the list. If you are taking any supplements that don't list side effects, google what the side effects can be, webmd is quite good for listing them.

      If it gets really bad, maybe ask for an endoscopy. I have had reflux most of my life and recently it got really bad and I am experiencing a lot of discomfort I never had before, so I am going to get an endoscopy to see if there is anything wrong.

  • Posted

    I would try a food diary because everyone's food triggers are different. My triggers are fatty and spicy foods but yours could be different.

    • Posted

      Thank you i will, this is all new to me, if i had reflux before, it usually disappeared the next day, this is far different.

    • Posted

      Since you have had a lot of stress, this can cause your reflux to be worse than it was before. The nerves in the gut are very sensitive to stress. I have chronic reflux brought on by anxiety. Take your PPI medication for the length of time your doctor suggested and see what happens. Try to concentrate on things you enjoy to help take your mind off your stomach. Light exercise such as walking can help. Chew your food well don't rush your meals, and don't eat late night. Milk can help to neutralise acid too. Try to stay as calm as possible.

  • Posted

    My biggest trigger foods are anything greasy, tomatoes, milk, ice cream, chocolate is horrible, watermelon really anything overly processed and any juices or coffee. Ive had reflux, Gerd and Gastritis for years. When mine gets really bad i take a couple days and eat only grilled chicken or a rotisserie chicken from the store, crackers, applesauce (cinnamon), and baked or boiled potatoes. Abd i drink only room temp water, sprite or gingerale. If i do that for 48hours for whatever reason it clears it up.

  • Posted

    Separate your proteins and carbs by four hours, not having them in your stomach at the same time. Vegetables of all kinds can be eaten with either carbs or proteins but you can't eat them together. It works miracles for acid reflux!

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