Reflux worse with meno?
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Has anyone else experienced new or worsening acid reflux with meno? Does this get better? I had reflux when pregnant and for a brief period just after pregnancy. I was around 30. Then at 44, in peri, reflux came back with a vengeance. Still suffering at 48 and almost 2 years post-meno. I take protonix, but it doesn’t help all the time. Having a really bad bout in the last few days. I know it’s partly due to stress - packing to take my daughter to college this week. I hate that life situations impact me physically SO much more now than before. I used to be pretty good at going with the flow actually! I’m hoping this is a symptom that improves. It may not have nothing to do with hormones - maybe just age 😏
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maria59405 teri76755
teri76755 maria59405
Nancy2121 teri76755
debra16694 teri76755
Hi Teri - yes, reflux definitely rears it’s ugly head during this time & I do believe stress adds to it - I tried to stay away from over the counter RX’s & even prescription RX’s because what they tend to do is decrease your stomach acid, but once off the drugs your stomach acid tends to come back with a vengeance - First off I would recommend a really superb probiotic & then really start eating probiotically like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, sourdough bread etc. I also carry papaya enzymes everywhere with me & fresh parsley also helps in aiding digestion. The probiotic should start to calm your stress/anxiety & digstion - also, sleep with a “wedge” pillow - & of course, lots of water - hope that helps!
teri76755 debra16694
I'm embarrassed to say I went on the meds before really giving it much thought. Now I feel stuck. You’re right. The times I’ve tried weaning off were not successful to say the least. I have some weight to lose which might help. Not a huge amount, but 30 pounds could make a difference. Most of all, gotta reduce the stress. Working on that 🤨
teri76755 debra16694
I wonder if I need to wean off the meds before trying the probiotic diet additions? I do take a probiotic supplement and I eat Greek yogurt most days, sometimes Kefir. Anything like sauerkraut tends to cause my reflux to go crazy. I tried a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in water before meals - that lasted half a day until I was writhing in pain! My Gastroenterologist doesn’t seem overly motivated to help. I had endoscopy 3 years ago. Nothing unusual. Since then I had my gall bladder removed, a coincidence that I hoped might help my reflux symptoms. Overall it has. Flare ups like this week are unusual. But it’s also unusual to pack up your only child to deliver to college I suppose. Stress level is up there for sure 😜
debra16694 teri76755
Hi Teri - Taking a probiotic should not affect the RX’s you are on, but perhaps talk to your dr first. Yes, what you are going thru is very stressful & life changing, give yourself a’s a huge event in both of your lives - Just remember what a great job you did in giving your child roots and now giving her her wings to fly -
Gillian1956 teri76755
Most definitely yes I've still got reflux even after menopause sorry to say it never went ash got me and I'm stuck on the PPI medication
pinkcatfairy teri76755
Dear Teri
Yes it does and I got gastitis with it due to having a hernia. I lost weight and my appetite with it, which added to my health anxiety in peri. I take a priobotic drink which seems to help, I had to take ppi's for a while but thankfully could come off them. Because of my hernia I do have the bed raised. The reflux used to make me feel nauseated in the mornings after lying down.