Regular nausea feeling

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Hi, So I’ve been feeling nauseous in and off for the past 3-4 weeks, it comes over me randomly and I can’t really find anything in common with each time I’ve felt it, I’ve actually thrown up about 3 times in this time but the nausea feeling doesn’t usually subside for hours, if at all. Usually I’ve just tried to sleep it off, and for the most part it works but it’s gotten to the point it’s ruining to day to day. I’ve had to miss a few days of work or leave work early so I’m now missing out on money!! I’ve tried taking rennies as well but it doesn’t really help. I’ve booked a doctors appointment for next week but also have an important presentation I can’t miss before then! Any advice to help get rid of the feeling or explanation for what’s wrong would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Try a food diary to see if a food is causing the nausea. Have you eaten anything you wouldn’t normally eat?   Also try milk.  Your doctor will be able to help you more.
    • Posted

      Thanks! I’ll give that a try, I’ve pretty much had the same meal for dinner for the past 3 nights but it’s only today that I’ve felt sick, similar to other days where I’ve felt sick, there was nothing unusual in my diet. But I’ll still give it a try, thank you! 
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      Your doctor may order tests like an ultrasound or endoscopy if diet changes don’t work.
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    Buddy go and stay away from foods with saturated fats. No fried Foods only grilled chicken salads are awesome will help you get some relief. I think it's your gallbladder. Have it removed. That's you best option. Hey Good Luck mate. 😎

    • Posted

      Thanks! Interesting, I’ll have a look into that and see what my doctor says! Thank you
    • Posted

      If I were you I wouldn’t run and get my gallbladder taken out.  Nausea can be all sorts of things.      Just because you can live without our gallbladder doesn’t mean it won’t change the quality of your life for the worse.  Read up on what your gallbladder does.  You could have a food allergy, gluten intolerance.  Happened to me.  People make it sound like it’s  such an easy fix.  For some people it is but a lot of people have a lot of problems after too.  Good luck.
    • Posted

      Thanks, my doctor thinks it may be a hiatus hernia so has put me on medication, said lifestyle/diet change is the long term answer to it. 
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    Hey there just to let you no I'm having this also for almost 4 months now been to doctors blood tests stool tests I feel 100 percent no pain in my body at all just chronic random nausea and they can't find nothing wrong I've been put on ppis which I swear have now gave me burping issues and acid issues which I never had at the start.I'm going crazy over it thinking maybe its teeth problem. Mould in my house I was weightlifting 6 months thinking maybe that's it.I no I don't have an ulcer or gastrisis as I have no pain whatsoever I tried eating great for a month no joy and eating crap no different at all.

    • Posted

      Oh dear, sorry to hear about this! In the nicest way possible, I’m glad I’m not the only one dealing with this kind of thing. Hopefully we both find a solution soon!!
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    Someone on another forum meantioned low stomach acid so I'm goina try and test for that its very common and causes many illnesses.

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    I know this might sound funny but try drinking pickle juice I've read and tried it myself for that relieves nausea..

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      I was told apple cider vinegar organic helps it I must start that.
  • Posted

    Been feeling nauseated now for a few months, think its my liver and maybe gall bladder. i do have slight pain under my right ribs near the centre . As said keep of fatty foods,  I cant seem to enjoy any morning cup of teas anymore, have a few sips and think yukk, cant drink anymore. Find lemon and ginger tea works well, and fennel ones too, plus peppermint tea bags ,also taking milk thistle tablets for helping with liver/gallbladder problems. 

    Also stress and anxiety can cause this feeling of nausea too. Had this to the point ive literally developed knots in my stomach   which only my kineseology lady could get out. Apparently you can remove these yourself by rubbing a tennis ball over the part.  Kept of gluten to which helps and not to much sugar either,plus take one probiotic a day.  Are you sure its not the presentation making you feel anxious.  Not sure if Tam9797 is a man or a woman, not pregnant are you? Sorry but thought id ask. 

    • Posted

      Yeah, I think regardless a change of diet could be good for me, I’ve been eating healthy this week/ not snacking and not seen much of a change.

      But my dad thinks it might be anxiety related, like panic attacks manifesting itself as nausea or something like that. I am final year at uni so unconscious stress could definitely be a factor. 

      I am female but 100% not pregnant, I understand thinking of that option though!!

      Thank you for your suggestions though

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