Regular periods all my life, but nothing for the last six weeks!
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Is it normal to have had regular periods for almost 30 years and then not have one for weeks? It's day 45 today. I'm not pregnant (unless it's an immaculate conception!) I'm 42. Anyone else experienced this? TIA
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sabrina1971 vcas
HI! Around your age my cycle started to lengthen and stretched out eventually to 60+ days over a couple of years. Now at 46 it's shrunk back to every 20ish days with barely any bleed. It's totally normal to start seeing changes even if you were totally regular for so long.
vcas sabrina1971
Thanks I'm new to all this. I've experienced some unsettling 'changes' in the last few years that I thought might be perimenopause, but have been told time and time again that as long as my periods were regular it couldn't be that.
Sochima822 vcas
Funny but yes, it's normal, and it's called "going through the change." Expect longer wait times and shorter ones too. Eventually, you're moon cycles will take a backseat, and you'll feel really good you don't have to think about them anymore.
Mars777 vcas
Azzumi vcas
Peri menopause started same way for me. Periods got further & further apart for about 10 months until I would just spot a tiny bit then they stopped completely. Its very normal.
vcas Azzumi
Hi Azzumi, thanks for your reply. What other changes did you experience, if you don't mind me asking? You went from regular to nothing in ten months? Was that quite quick?
Azzumi vcas
Not sure if that's fast or not for period to stop but I never really had heavy periods and I'd usually only bleed for 1 or 2 days but iv always suffered from terrible pms. I had all the other usually peri flashes, nausea, exhaustion, migraines etc for about 12 months even when my period stopped the other things continued. For me the worst part of peri by far was the moods swings. They were shocking and i felt like i was losing my mind so I'm taking bio identical hormones now and feeling a lot better. I've had a tiny bit of spotting on the bios but going back to doctor in about 3 weeks to have them adjusted again so hoping that will finally stop. Its a slow process getting all this hormone stuff sorted.
vcas Azzumi
Thank you for all that info. Hope you get everything sorted, all the best 🙂
Azzumi vcas
That's ok, its so important to share all our experiences and its just one day at a time with peri menopause..that's all we can do.
Good luck to u to..we all need a little bit😃