Regular periods at 52?!? Help!
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Hello Ladies!
I just turned 52 this month. I keep track of my periods on a phone app. The data tells me that my periods are averaging every 32 days. 4-5 days of flow for each.
I have never missed a period. And the flow rate is the same as it's been since my 20's.
Is anyone around my age / older than me and still regular? When does this nightmare end? My brain fog is so bad, my energy levels are so low, I am drowning in the normal responsibilities of being alive.
What signs besides missed periods should I be looking for to indicate menopause is getting closer? Are there any? I am just flailing here....
I swear I am going to be in the mortuary prepped for my funeral and the undertaker will say "This 92 year old woman died on the 3rd day of her period. Sad."
Love you all!
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anetta85562 maddysmom2015
I am 53 and i had very regular periods all through 52. Only once I had 2 periods in one month. My period ended in October last year-I am 53 already, and came back suddenly 3 months later. Might as well be regular again for who knows how long. I have a friend , 53, she is the same. I have 66 or more symptoms of peri, since 4 years ago.
maddysmom2015 anetta85562
How are you managing? I have an appointment with my GP and want to ask her for medication. Progesterone? HRT? Low dose BCP?
I can't live like this anymore. I wanted to transition naturally; but at this point I need medication.
anetta85562 maddysmom2015
well, I cant have anything since I am a so called benzo survivor and very sensitive to meds. Anything just make me 10 time worse. But, I know that most women benefit from hormone replacement. Good luck to you/
andrea05399 maddysmom2015
My mom had very regular periods until her late 50s and it was not considered abnormal. It’s actually very good for your bone health to continue to have periods so you can look at it that way. But if you are having other significant symptoms that’s problematic but if your period is regular I don’t think they will give you hormones? some women have regular periods and they suddenly just stop without becoming irregular. maybe you are one of those women? the average age in the US to stop having periods is 52 by the way.
maddysmom2015 andrea05399
I hit bottom this month. I was driving a job candidate to the airport in a white out blizzard and my period came. I couldn't pull over to handle my business because the snow was so bad. My brain fog was so bad I should not have been on the road in any condition. This is untenable. I need help.
kelly55079 maddysmom2015
My friend had regular periods till 54 and then started skipping months. She is now 56 and thinks she is finally done. I'm 50 and mine are every 28 days and very heavy which really aggravate me BUT my friend reminds me that once I'm done-- I could experience more problems so don't wish it to stop. I agree with the periods-- they just wipe me out. I do my best to drink a lot of water and take Vid D, iron and I just started B12 so I guess just carry on.
maddysmom2015 kelly55079
If this goes on for another 4 years I will not be able to handle it. My brain fog is so bad I am barely functional on good days. When my period comes, I lose even the basic ability to wash, dress and feed myself for at least a week.
I will lose my job, my house, and everything I have ever worked for since I was a teenager. HRT may not be the answer; but someone has to give me something. I feel like I am dying.
mauiblue maddysmom2015
hi there it's actually pretty common I had regular periods hi there it's actually pretty common I had regular periods and then went into menopause so you're probably not far off
Redundant sorry!
maddysmom2015 mauiblue
Please let this be true! I feel like I am failing at life. I have no control over my body. I have been a zombie for months now.
Sorry for the rant. I feel like I am dying. I read a book by Carol Radziwill about her husband Anthony's agonizingly slow death from cancer. "It was just me, and Anthony and his cancer, dying like this forever." That's what it feels like. I cannot stop crying. I can't put two sentences together at work. I am afraid to drive because I'm too stupid to manage heavy machinery.
Without you ladies, I would be completely alone. Thank you!
jude84900 maddysmom2015
HI Maddy,
I had regular periods until I was 55. From 53-55 my periods were always very regular but the flow was very heavy. Its very normal to want your periods to finally end but when they do new problems generally come.
katyD211 maddysmom2015
THAT...was funny!!🤣 I just turned 60 on Monday. Had a short period on Jan 16th. Women in my family go long, but I think i have everyone beat. Peri is hell and forever for me n my gyn says to enjoy my estrogen and all is healthy. I do have a fibroid that contributes to all this. But after many tests and experiencing what seems like all of the 66 symptoms of menopause, i just try to get through this and to the other side. I'm having the sharp pain in my left boob that you describe right now!
You are not alone.