Relentless Anal Fissure and GP run arounds...
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Dear friends.... I am frustrated not only with having to manage the pain in the rear but also having to deal with GPs and Specialists who do not volunteer essential information about this nightmare problem willingly and comprehensively...
I have put all sorts of creams, ointments, portions, suppositories up my rear for 8 weeks now, and have radically changed my diet as well. but this has not been because of medical advise but rather due to my own processes of learning what various regimes of treatment do to me... doctors are eager to give you the usual reassuring pat on the shoulder and the "just take this and that and it will be okay" speech. In the meantime, the frequent visits to consult them and then those to the pharmacist are racking up huge bills over time. this is not fair...
firstly, they should tell us what we are really up against... to tell us frankly that there is no cure for anal fissures and that everybody's body basically does what it wants in response to the litany of treatments... if it wasn't for forums like this one, I would have gone nuts cause frankly speaking half the stuff out there that they are selling doesn't do anything at all.... it was some guys testimony about coconut oil that basically doused the fires in my anus.
secondly, the fissurectomy too is overly simplified with "oh it's a light procedure that will take under one hour, and you will be asleep and so you won't feel a thing" and yet, from accounts on this forum, the worst that could happen isn't the skidmarks... that's just soiled underwear. the worst is the grueling post operation recovery that often spans between 30 days to 6 months... why won't they tell us that? and so you go in hoping to be back at work in 4 days and no, you can't show your ass up at work for weeks.... this is not ethical.
I am in pain, at wits end with all sorts of creams lodged in my buttocks, while choking on food coming down the other way for fear that a BM will attract epic levels of pain the following morning when I have to go.
why isn't there a bloody cure for fissures by now!!!! it's a horrid condition that shuts down your life.... I mean, COME ON PEOPLE!!!!!
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karen43603 Ja22m3
Ja22m3 karen43603
I am so happy to hear that this is finally behind you.. could you tell me what the whole surgical experience was like, and how long it took to heal? I am a doctoral student in a foreign country... no family. and I need to be certain to a degree that I can go have thisprocedure and be able to take care of myself and be back in the library completing my thesis....what was it like for you? what did you get done? and how much of a dependent whereyou over the recovery period. cause the doctors won't tell me this... perhaps it's fear of lawsuits... so their speech is very vague and hollow....
thanks again dear friend...
I am so happy to hear that this is finally behind you.. could you tell me what the whole surgical experience was like, and how long it took to heal? I am a doctoral student in a foreign country... no family. and I need to be certain to a degree that I can go have this procedure and be able to take care of myself and be back in the library completing my thesis....
what was it like for you? what did you get done? and how much of a dependent where you over the recovery period. cause the doctors won't tell me this... perhaps it's fear of lawsuits... so their speech is very vague and hollow....
thanks again dear friend...
karen43603 Ja22m3
The next day, I was feeling very well and no pain, but was dreading my first BM which happened almost three days later. As per doctors instructions, I took stool softener and some Mineral Oil ( very cheep at any Chemist)
I need not have been afraid, because the first BM was painless. You will have to wear pads after surgery as there is a lot of bleeding and and server bruising which looks bad, but does not hurt only tender. You will have to stay on stool softeners for a fairly long time and just take good care of yourself and watch your diet. The diet part is really trial and error, depending on your own body's reaction to certain food. Compared to the suffering I went through before surgery, the after surgery for me was a breeze. DO not take codeine after surgery even if you doctor gives you a prescription. The last thing you need is to be constipated. I took two Aleve every four hours which did the job nicely. I hope this will help you. Keep in mind, everyone has different experiences with this. I was tempted to try Botox but having read the many postings on this with few successful results I went for the surgery, I just did not want to live with the pain of fissures anymore. I wish you all the best.
Ja22m3 karen43603
I will avoid the surgery and try to manage the pain until I return home. I think it would be irresponsible to do this type of procedure when I live alone. Might incite and provoke other kinds of buttockular (it's a word I have created due to the newly established centrality of my bottom in all my endeavors.... I always think about my bottom now. It's a forced marriage) complications.
Will look up the mineral oil as well.
Cheers cheers....