Reliant on tramadol

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Hello guys, i live in the UK & i have been getting tramadol now for around 3 years from my GP for back problems, however in the past few months my doctor hasn't been happy with the amount i'm taking which was initially 8 per day, i have no come down to 5 per day but during the time i haven't been able to see my doctor he has brought me down to 3 per day, this is not enough for my pain and 5 was just enough, i haven't been able to get an appointment with my GP and it's the weekend now, i have had to call the out of hours doctors in which they have issued me what they say is 2 days maximum medication (6) tablets because my last prescription from my GP said take 1 3 times per day, but as i said i am still taking 5 per day. 

I don't know what i can do as from tomorrow i will have no medication and now after 3 years i realise i am dependant on this medication in which my doctor also knows. 

Is there anything i can now do until monday to get some medication, please help.

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Your in a hard spot because if you go and reach out to a doctor over the weekend they may stop your prescription all together for dependency issues. I would take only two a day scatter it the best you can to prevent withdrawal. I am currently taking 3 a day and gradually weening off them because I depend to much on them physically. The withdrawals from tramadol are hell. Maybe you could discuss this with your doctor and he can continue your prescription long enough for you to come offeel of them. Good luck to you!
    • Posted

      Will try your advice, many thanks i seem to be in a similar situation as you, most doctors at the surgery i go to are stubborn and iffy with certain medicines as tramadol is a controlled drug now, i personally find it stupid the moved it to this level.
  • Posted

    Hello I think I can help you with tramadol I live in London if you can come down I can give you some I know how it feels with out medcein I live in e15 2an 
    • Posted

      A very find gesture, however i live in the north west but should be able to borrow some from a friend in the morning. I really appreciate the offer considering we have never met.
  • Posted

    I pay for my medicines I can only give you some so it can last tilll Monday I only can give you 10 capsules no more than that I seriously think you should try to come off this medicine are killing medicines 
    • Posted

      I do want to come off them in the long run as ive discussed with my doctor but i haven't felt comfortable at all but have been managing on around 5 per day, have tried 3 tonight, will see how it goes.
  • Posted

    Going through withdrawal is the hardiest thing i have done. It is worth weening off as i was just stopped by the docs straight away after taking 8 a day for 3 years for a very messed up back
    • Posted

      In the same exact situation as me mate, i was taking 8 - 10 per day have been on them around 3 years for lower back pain and now suddenly stops.
  • Posted

    The British government re shedualed tramadol in July last year as a controled drug, that is why doctors have stopped doling them out like smarties. Just do a cold turkey the worst will be over in 5 days just dont plan on going into work.
    • Posted

      I'm not a strong minded person, i did try this about a year ago but couldn't handle it, it was horrendus, i was so weak, felt ill had very dizzy spells, no appetite etc. But coming off them slowly, that i can do, i do appreciate your advice by the way, just harder for people with not very strong minds.
    • Posted

      But yeah i know they government made it a controlled drug, but for what reason ? There are legal drugs that are far far worse, alchohol being one of them.
    • Posted

      I came off them really slowly because the withdrawal is worse than anything I have experienced. Coming off the very last one was the hardest. I did it by opening the capsules and opouring away half the powder and resealing. I was so addicted to this drug even though I never took more than 3 50mg capsules a day. The doctors used to dole them out like smarties. I thought they were wonderful at first because not only did they reduce my pain, but I felt on top of the world and could get so much more work done. IMO they should only be used for very short term pain relief, like morphine is.
    • Posted

      Its all to do with the level of risk, I believe it was due to an icrease in overdoses more than addiction potential. We all know the argument around alcohol and other drugs but that's another story for another day.

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