Remeron time in system and alcohol
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Now before anyone accuses me of being an alcoholic, etc. "you shouldn't drink on ADs," let me explain. Ive been on 7 or 8 straight meds now, none of which have done what I was hoping they'd do. I have severely cut back my social life over the past 15 months to get better, and am just back where I started, with an even more negative view on meds now. I stopped Remeron cold turkey 5 days ago, and was supposed to fill another script for another drug, but said screw it.. my body just literally needs a break. I have pumped so many different pills through it (I get that alcohol is probably terrible to pump through it too), but it's more of a mental "F you" to all the meds I've taken that didn't agree with me. So I wanna go out and enjoy myself for once and then get back on track starting Monday. It's been 5 days, is the Mirt. still in my system?
btw, withdrawals haven't been negative at all for me.. if anything, I feel a broad range of emotions again and feel decent.. weird.
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switchman02263 onward
I would not accuse you of being an alcoholic, only you can decide that. As far as the MIRT go’s, It depends on how long you have been on MIRT and the dose. WD start hitting hard about 4-10 days out going CT, Also I have read some people don’t have any issues stopping, You may be one of the lucky ones.
If you have only been on it a week or so, should be ok, half life is 20-40 hours if you have been on it for longer , give it a couple weeks.
christine15542 onward
Hi there
it does depend on how long you have been on mirtazapine. But it can get its hooks into you in as little as 2 weeks. I went cold turkey 4 months ago. I was on 15mg for 6 months. It didn't work for me so I just stopped it dead. How I wish I'd have known more about the protracted withdrawals of this drug. I had no side effects for at least 4 days then on day 5 it felt like I'd descended into the 7 circles of hell.
if you are still feeling okay it is quite likely that you are one of the lucky ones or you were not on it for long enough. Good luck to you. Far too many people are left "hanging out to dry" if they want to stop this drug. The medical profession are out of their depth and would rather just hand out another AD then admit there are any repercussions when stopping
Hello to both of you and thanks for the replies! Welp I went out, and had more than a drink or two as it was my first time showing my face out in a long time. Overall a beautiful night with beautiful friends. Hangover was pretty awful today. I do have to say that I've experienced virtually no withdrawal from Mirt. but have been through the wringer on numerous other drugs. Onward.
rosina_48400 onward
Hi, I can relate to this, I have also been pumped with a lot of different medications & had them stopped due to mistakes being made in diagnosis or being “too young” at that time to properly articulate things to whatever doctors I saw at that time (even though I passed languages and was in the higher tiers for the exams, passing with A’s B’s) unsure as to how I could’ve been misconstrued. I can reassure you I do not think you’re coming across as “an alcoholic” - as far as is possible to gauge from one post anyway! But anyway, if this helps, I moved from London after being atttacked at 8 months pregnant by 3 heroin/crack addicts, the block of flats I lived at I tried to move elsewhere. Having no family & being from a line of only children (mum passed 2002) no next of kin in borough, no drug or alcohol issues, not classed as “vulnerable” (though my attackers apparently were, unsure how men on anabolic steroids alongside crack&heroin against a 5 foot 1 woman 8 mths pregnant is fair assessment of vulnerability, or the elderly residents on GF flats..vulnerable I reckon) anyway due to having next of kin in a town in south Devon, off I was sent, as London borough I had lived in for 32 years had no duty of care. No son (he was my only ever pregnancy) and a move to a town with 23 pubs, and a population of around 10,000 & featured in Guinness world record book (I think early-mid 00’s) you can probably see where alcohol fits in. I was prescribed Mirtazapine 30mg and diagnosed with depression & they seem to fluctuate between a BDP/PTSD diagnosis or generalised anxiety/depression. At times I drank, as I was temp accommodation or homeless/sofa hopping. No drugs, no nicotine (until 2 yrs ago). I can really relate to this post, as being told or perceived by others to be “alcoholics” is wrong when it honestly, in my case, & probably yours, simply can’t be further from the truth. If it’s coming from those who actually do drink, excessively too, just remember it’s really hypocritical. Does your GP have any concerns about alcoholism? Chances are no, and they are qualified more than anyone else & that includes me. I accessed a liver function test and went to a place in order to access counselling or key worker, as NHS don’t seem to give CBT or any talking therapy. But as I wasn’t considered to be drinking anywhere near enough and had a completely normal liver, the service was not deemed to be the “appropriate” place to address anxiety/depression issues. One thing, I suppose that’s “proof” - physical evidence that I’m not alcoholic. I don’t think you can change other people’s perceptions about what you do or do not do, just do what you know won’t damage your health. And you seem really knowledgeable so I hope you did enjoy your self. I just noticed this was 2 days ago lol, anyway I’m on here as I didn’t do my repeat request properly & on 45mgs a day, been without since Friday, and barely been sleeping. Dreading the trip back out to doctors with black bags under eyes, anxiety & “wired” feeling. Very gossipy town at times, hope they won’t say I’ve been on a bender... spent weekend drinking orange squash, cups of tea, housework & box sets. Oh & too many ciggies! A huge dent made in my golden virginia, and no more filters left. I hope I can sleep soon & not bored people on here lol. This is my longest of no mirtazapine except once it was just over a week. The nervous talkative stuff, does anyone else get this? I can’t wait to feel normal again, this is embarrassing! X
onward rosina_48400
Thanks for the reply and opening up like that! I always like to hear others back stories. Started laughing at the too many ciggies as it reminds me of 75% of my friends who don't smoke usually, but if they're out, somehow chain-smoke. Mirtazapine was actually for me for sleeping than I am without it strangely. That and Effexor gave me terrible restless legs for some reason. Without it I am now sleeping like a baby. Still having no withdrawals, and the therapy I have been doing is really kicking ass mentally. Finally some therapy that works, as I somehow landed as the youngest patient in a fantastic Psych's practice. Very lucky he took me on. I'm sure at some point I'll go back to meds, even at a small dose, as it doesn't bother me. Some are so anti meds, but they have saved a lot of lives and eased a lot of burdens in a LOT of lives, that I don't get it. The emotional blunting I got from this crazy round of 7 or 8 straight was kind of a shock, and I only realized bad it was once I finally got off all of them. So I think I might even try to go medless until the new year, and then jump back into "experimenting." I just won't do any more SSRIs/SNRIs as they have not done me much good, but who knows what Mood stabilizers/ Tricyclics might do. I've heard a world of good about Lamictal (M.S.) and Clomipramine (Tricyclic). We shall see! Best of luck to you, I'm always here.