Remind me it’s Hormones!!
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I feel like I’m having more bad days then good lately! Getting tired of the unbalance, dizziness, head rushes. I keep telling myself to not get in my head and try to assure myself it’s the hormones. I’m so off kilter but I’m also having all the normal menopause symptoms. I seem to be having ovary pain with painful bloaty gas as well which I’m thinking is contributing to the crazy off kilter and head rush feeling. This is just getting to be too much!! I’ve been so good at keeping my health anxiety at bay but I feel it creeping in as I start to doubt its my hormones. I’m seeing a naturopath next week who specializes in hormones and in menopause so I’m praying she can help in some way!!!! Any reassurance would be helpful friends!!! It really does help when you hear someone else is going thru the same thing.
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Guest angie58226
I so feel what you feel! When you off kilter do you mean "off balance"?
I am dizzy and off balance a lot. So tired of feeling this way! I get the head rush too. Glad to hear I am not alone! Let us know how you make out with the doctor. Good Luck
angie58226 Guest
Hi Dorothy, yes off balance. I’ve kind of fallen forward a couple of times. One blogger said she had actually fallen. I’m so scared of doing that when I’m with a client and cutting there hair. I could most certainly handle it, if it was night sweats and hot flushing but the instability of the other symptoms isn’t pleasant at all. I really hope she comes up with a remedy that helps. I’ll keep you posted💜
Clare1971 angie58226
Hi angie
I went to the doctors with my dizziness feeling off balance she said I had an inner ear infection although she said she couldn’t see anything I have the symptoms of it. She wasn’t willing to acknowledge it was meno , and gave me tablets for anti sickness. I cried with frustration that no one listens or helps .... just another symptom to add to my list . Glad I found nd this page
Clare 💕
metamorphed Clare1971
Hi Clare
I sympathise with this as I too have had the off balance feeling and dizziness and I too have been to a female doctor who has said that it must be an inner ear infection even though there are no usual symptoms there. I've had this for over a year now. and like you, it is not being related to menopause. I really don't think anybody truly understands this menopause process until it hits them and I include myself in that, I knew no different and certainly doctors are not convinced that hormones can bring on a whole range of health issues and I really hope that they start taking notes of these ailments that women bring to them and lose the 'women seem to lose their minds at menopause' attitude that seems to be the general view of it. The physical symptoms are the cause of it all, it would be a huge step if this was recognised.
what do you all think?
Clare1971 metamorphed
Every new symptom I get I think is this menopause or is something seriously wrong this time . The dizziness and brain fog is the worse thing ever . I’m glad I work from home as o don’t think I could hold down a job just now.
AG13 Clare1971
Tell me about it the brain fog is killIng me at the moment - finding it really difficult at work
Clare1971 angie58226
Hi Angie
You are not alone , I have felt like this for 6 months and it’s the funny head sensations that send my anxiety into over drive, the detached , overwhelming tired feeling . Trying to act normal is becoming even harder
maria76995 Clare1971
Hi Clare I have a funny head I feel it everyday I wish it would go away it makes me anxious .. too and yes it's not easy as you said act normal ain't easy but we have to still laugh at the funny side of it..I have a friend not so bad now so there is light at the end of the tunnel for us God bless you
AG13 angie58226
Me too I thought I had everything under control but the headaches came back with a vengeance last week.
Gastro problems have started to flare up again. I’m trying to keep myself calm but it’s hard.
Will be interesting to see what your natutopath says - keep me updated 😊
Would be interesting to see what your
anxiousface angie58226
katyD211 angie58226
Hi Angie...
Add me to the list of ladies here who are dealing with all the same symptoms you are. Each one awakens my health anxiety anew....whether I've been to the doctor for that particular symptom or not. Today I have the shakey trembles and dry mouth. My family says I look and sound fine but I can feel the trembling. This is sooooo unnerving!! I just pray that we all get through this stage soon...and are able to walk some newbie through it all because we will have become experts!
I just want to feel normal again...
Str8tfans angie58226
Please let us all know what your naturopath says!
I too have often posted that I feel as if the intestinal issues may have something to do with the crazy head feelings?
The head feelings are my biggest complaint- they’re the ones that always make me get super anxious.
My head will just feel “weird”. Trying to describe it is difficult, as if I only say “head rush”- it’s not exactly that....or I use “heavy head” sometimes- but it’s not exactly that, or even dizzy/off balance also doesn’t perfectly describe it though ALL of those descriptions DO somehow fit in as well.
It’s sooooooo strange trying to perfectly verbally describe it, which is so frustrating.
Sometimes I’ll even get what feels like a very faint “knocking” in my head on either side, and other times a “whoosh” which is THE WORST, and sometimes actual headaches and of course pressure.
It’s almost ALWAYS accompanied within a couple of minutes of some type of gurgling or straight up gas in my stomach.
I’m so intrigued to see this many women respond to this in agreement of these symptoms.
We can’t ALL be having the same terminal disorder and posting here at the same time so there has GOT to be a connection!!
Let’s keep this thread going and if anyone gets any info at all post it!
Good luck at your naturopath and let us know the outcome!
Hugs to all of you!
Happy Easter to you all!!!
katyD211 angie58226
I was telling my daughter and younger sisters that I think God sent me through this so that I can help others through it when it is their turn...hugs!