Reoccuring Fissure- all hope gone
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A little backstory: I was diagnosed with a hemrrohiod for 1 year, taking the wrong meds (steroids) before I was correctly diagnosed with an anal fissure. After 12 weeks of Diltz, taking it 4 times a day, I started feeling better. I was also applying Vitamin E oil and Wheatgrass cream, I have changed my diet to gluten free and no red meat. I was finally able to have stools with no pain. Even my husband could see my change of spirits. AND THEN
This morning, I strained more than I should but I was in the middle of a BM and even being calm about it, it still would not budge in the middle of the stool (sorry for the details). As you can all expect, I had bleeding and pain. I am so distraught today, I spent most of the day crying feeling like it will never completely heal and I have to deal with this for the rest of my life. Has anyone had reoccurrence and was still able to heal? Do any of us heal forever?! I hate how one little backstep can ruin my day and make me depressed. Am I the only one? I want to start a family soon, but knowing how pregnancy can often worsen these issues, I'm too scared.
Have any of you gone back to Diltz after taking a break? I was so excited to stop it after a long 3 months, applying it 4 times a day is 360 applications. Ugh. I have been trying to heal naturally and would like some success stories. These forums really help not to feel so alone!
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eric_87904 erin36852
Erin, hate to read this. I'm a 31 year old male who suffered from fissures since I was 18-19 and hemorrhoids for several years before that. Trust me I know what you're going through. I could sometimes last months between tears and always thought I could heal on my own. Truth was I always found myself in the same position. The last time (this past May) I knew I couldn't go on any longer. Met a surgeon that I liked and that preformed LIS frequently and had it done. That was June 21... That was the last day that a fissure hurt me. Took about 10 days before I felt comfortable enough to get active and after 15 days I was 100%. Haven't had one thing go wrong since. I've always been a healthy person, physically active, and enjoy eating good so none of that has changed but I know I've passed some "stuff" since the surgery that before the surgery would have wrecked my life for weeks and sent me into depression. Not now, I don't take any #2 for granted. I treat everytime like I did before and I still smile huge when I'm done. My problem wasn't all quality of the product.... My muscle was too tight. The only way to fix my problem was surgery. I was always mortified of the thought of surgery. Scary stuff, hospitals, anesthesia, scalpels, people looking at my ugly side.... But I HAD to get past that. Thank THE LORD every day that I did. A big part of life is trusting in other people... It's a must. Had I not trusted the surgeon I'd probably be laying on the couch right now sobbing. Fissures were such a major part of my life that even 4 months after my procedure I still get on here to read people's stories.... They suck (fissures not people's stories)!!! If your fissure comes back that easy I'd be looking into other options than creams..... Don't wait 12 years like I did.
erin36852 eric_87904
Thank you so much for your kind words. It really helps talking to someone who understands. I'm 25 and it's already controlling my life. I am very healthy as well and eat very clean. Which sometimes makes it harder and makes me think, why me if I makes all these savrifices and eat so healthy?! The biggest thing I fear with the surgery is doing it and having complications or the fissure comes back. To go through all that and it not to work is so scary. Already now, after trying so many different things and it not working felt worse than trying nothing at all, or so it seems. How was the healing process for you? Wasn't it hard to have a BM after surgery? I read some horror stories. Which ironically I listen to more than the success stories...
eric_87904 erin36852
It seems like healthy eating would lead to healthy "dispatching" of food too... This doesn't mean that that part of your bizz is unhealthy tho. With me, my spincther was just too tight. Then after tearing and damaging it, it just made it spasm out. After my surgery the surgeon told me my muscle was much tighter than he'd anticipated. I could have had liquid come out and it would have still hurt me. We are all different and can handle things differently but with everyone there are very few outcomes.... So if you evaluate the quality of your stool and it's all good, like you couldn't make it any more soft, and you're still having problems, in my opinion, the next step is alternative option evaluations. Yea those first 3-4 BMs sucked. The main reason they sucked was fearing them not the pain tho. None of those EVER hurt as bad as the last BM I had the day before surgery. I can't believe it every time I go now. To think what I went through for 12 years and all it took was a 4 hour trip to the hospital and 2 weeks off work. I know it's only been 4 months but I can tell that surgery changed my body. Hopes and prayers that it stays just like this. I wrote a big piece on here titled Internal Lateral Spincteratomy Boom. If it's still on here. Pretty much tells ALL the deets of my procedure. Really wish you the best. I'm one of the most active people on earth and it would just shut me down!
erin36852 eric_87904
Yeah, I don't have much pain after the stool, just during and some bleeding. I will read your post and start talking about it with my family if this is the best option! Thank you again.
nell61509 erin36852
Ah erin, I feel your pain. I have been there, twice. Once I had a deep fissure that was more painful than childbirth and went on accutely for six weeks, I couldn't stand for more than five mins.
It recurred recently but not half as badly and I knew what to do. So, I too was interested in healing naturally. Here are as many things I can thing=k off that helped me.
gotu kola, as a pill or tinture. for capillary mending.
Coconut capsuels inserted after a bath or BM. I really think this was the major thing that helped
Try not to worry. Seeing friends. It is so very isolating.
Cutting seedy, bitty and firey foods out of my diet. Particularly garlic and ginger was a killer. I lived on avacados. I cut out coffee and alcohole.
For stool softening i used linseed husk, made a drink of it.
I had some interesting methods for my bowel movements that i wont go into here.
drinking lots of water of corse
Interestingly when I stopped the rectalgesic I saw improvements.
I really hope some of this helps. The healing you had acheived will happen again. Don't be too discouraged dear Erin. Keep the faith.
erin36852 nell61509
erin36852 nell61509
mmarcus151910 erin36852
Hope you feel better!
lisa_99358 mmarcus151910
Hi I hope you don't mind me asking but have you had this surgery....LIS? I have had 2 lots of Botox injections and I'm back to square 1 my consultant really isn't keen on doing this surgery on me a he says it's quite a big thing to have done and can cause incontenance after?
erin36852 mmarcus151910
erin36852 lisa_99358
I am concerned too as that tissue is so sensitive! Which is why the fissure won't heal. I am also concerned with going through the surgery and all the work and it still coming back. I feel like I would be in worse shape...
eric_87904 erin36852
I know three others personally who've had the LIS. One of them had a tough spell getting over it (maybe took him 5-6 weeks to be 100%) and the other 2 had zero issues like I did. That surgery literally changed that whole area... Allowing it to open much more. Not just temporarily relaxing or medicating it. You've torn and torn again for a reason. But LIS Totally changed my #2. I know how you all feel... The fear of surgery is overwhelming. That's why it took me 12 years to do it. The embarrassment doesn't help either. Not the easiest thing to do but you can't let that stop you. Botox... I've heard terrible things about this. Damaging nerves and ruining people's lives. Un fixable problems. It's a toxin.... I'd be worried to death about letting that enter my body. If I were you all Id ask my doctors/consultant how many procedures they've been apart of. How many of those people that they personally worked on had extended problems from the LIS. The same questions about Botox. LIS fixes 94-96% of chronic fissures when preformed correctly. We are all so scared because it's "us" who have to go through it. Way easier to tell someone else "it's no big deal" than for you to believe it yourself. Think about what doctors do these days lol... Heart, brain, crazy complex things. This is a butt hole. Ha! If you get a doctor who does this, performed lots of procedures, this is a walk in the park. Took my doctor 20 min. For a doctor who strays you away from it or try's to scare you I would ask them and yourself why. All Doctors are not right all of the time. Go get a consult from 3-5 different doctors and judge it from there. The ONLY reason I follow this website is because I knew what it meant to me to have someone just to text about the surgery. Before, after, and all the way through full recovery. I suffered for 12 years and somewhere around 25 tears. Some would heal in 3-4 days some 10-14 days and the worst I left the house 3 times in 25 days. I know where y'all are at. From what I went through with my surgery... If my backside tore again in 2 years id have it again. I never once felt the amount of pain after surgery that I did THE DAY before surgery. Not even after my first bm. By the way, the three people i know, one had it 5 years ago, one 4, and one 2 years ago. The guy from 2 years and 5 years ago have never bled again. The guy who had it 4 years ago has bled twice (but told me it never hurt or slowed him down) and he doesn't give a crap about his diet. At. All. I keep my diet on point. Good luck
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mmarcus151910 lisa_99358
Yeah I did have the LIS surgery I am pretty sure. I know they went in and cut a piece of my sphincter muscle. Best desicion of my life. I would totally recommend doing it if Botox isn't working. BUT, make sure you have a good surgeon. Do research online. Check reviews. If you do not have a good surgeon who has done many surgeries like LIS before, the likeliness of you having good results diminish.
Hope this helps!
ALso, as far as the incontinance, the only issue I have is that sometimes it is hard for me to hold in my farts. That's about it. To have people smell my farts once in a while far exceeds the pain I was going through before.
erin36852 eric_87904
Thank you again for taking the time to detail it! I just read this to my husband and called my mother in law who works in GI to see what she knows about the surgery and doctors. It's definitely something to consider as I've tried everything else. I can't let it control my life and it really can't get worse than now. If the surgery doesn't work, I'm back to where I am now technically....
mmarcus151910 erin36852
Hope you feel better soon!