Reoccurring Endometrial Cancer
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I had some tests on Monday the 7th and was told by my oncologist late Thursday afternoon the 10th that my cancer has returned. I have had a CT scan, an MRI and a biopsy. I have a tumor encapsulated in the muscle of my left abdomen and two, much smaller ones on my right side in the muscle deep within my hip.
His office is trying to arrange for a PET scan for me before he sees me next week. The next steps are definitely surgery, radiation and/or chemo, but it’s too soon to tell exactly what and when. I told him I’d prefer to have surgery as soon as possible.
If any of you can offer advice and support I certainly ned it. Your prayers would also be sincerely appreciated. xx
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courtnay26 lynda20916
Which have much more radiation than MRI
as you know Radiation is not good if you have cancer
lynda20916 courtnay26
Thank you Courtnay.
My doctor explained it to me this way. An MRI offers more detail, but the best detail is provided when the radiologist layers the CT scan view over the PET scan view. It's the most accurate means to determine where the cancer is. And it's vital to patients like me.
It's true that radiation can cause cells to mutate. But radiation therapy usually has less side effects than chemo.
Thank you for your response. My best to you! xx
Rocksey lynda20916
Lots of prayers and support here Lynda.
I have just been to my GP and she has referred me to go for a hysteroscopy as soon as possible. I saw the gynae at the local hospital back in April, he did and internal ulrtasound after a minor bleed that happened last year. Both that, and a recent smear test within the last 6mths came back negative.
Last month i had a 5day light bleed, this month a 7day(so far!) heavy bleed with low down cramping pains( feels a bit like trapped wind would, but lower)
Its not looking great really is it (all things considered) especially when i have been post menopause for at least 6yrs now, am aged 51 and quite overweight.
Anyway Lynda, I just wanted to say, you have my support and im happy to chat whenever feasably possible. Maybe we could be each others support through this, as I don't really have much from other directions. x
lynda20916 Rocksey
I would be happy to share support, thank you! I am lucky to have good support from family and friends, but let's face it, they're not going through it. The ladies on this site are knowledgeable and sisters-in-arms.
I'm having one more test tomorrow, a PET scan, and then will meet again with my surgeon/oncologist on Thursday. My heart goes out to you. It's so hard to keep it up, go to the doctor, wait for a test, have the test done, wait for the results (see the doctor) and then on to the next test. Last year, I thought I'd go mad with fear, because I wanted the one thing that doctors can't give, certainty.
I am doing better this time (I hope). The important thing, I think, its to try to accept what's happening on your terms, not how someone else thinks it would be beneficial for you to feel. Some women feel anger that this happened to them. Some women can accept that it's happening and don't feel that anger. What unites us all is the courage to do what's best for us and our recovery and to live each day with hope and love in our hearts.
I hope your test goes well and that the results are good. Please let me know how you get on! xx
Rocksey lynda20916
lynda20916 Rocksey
courtnay26 lynda20916
Hi Lynda
I don't know anything about your type of cancer
But hopefully you find the main tumor
And are able to take it out
After that to prevent metastasis
Sometimes natural medicine
Like turmeric and even beetroot powder
Can do a lot to prevent cancer from growing
You sound so lovely
So I hope you get through this
lynda20916 courtnay26
stephie2 lynda20916
I am sorry to hear about your cancer returning. It must be a very stressful time for you. I am sure your Oncologist has your care under control and well planned.
As for the support, please do keep posting and I am sure everyone will try to support you in any way we can. Will keep you in my thoughts too and hope that the treatment options are strong enough to eliminate this awful disease.
Keep us all posted.
lynda20916 stephie2
Thank you, Stephie!
As I told Courtney, I've just had a scan this morning, and will see my oncologist on Thursday. It has been stressful, but if it makes any sense, I already got the worst news anyone can get last year, so somehow it's a bit easier this time. I already have a doctor I have confidence in. Usually, if caught in time, this type of cancer doesn't reoccur, but sometimes it does.
Thanks for all your support! Will keep you posted. xx