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Hi all, I was at the Docs yesterday and I am not peri menopausal I am in the full menopause!!! No wonder I have been feeling terrible!! I have been referred to menopause clinic and until then I am going to try natural rememdies. Busy B and rainforest 100 release. If this does not work I am going to seriously consider HRT....could not live like this!!XX
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loretta63638 margaret04348
sarah63813 margaret04348
shaznay96184 sarah63813
Yep. I was also told that HRT would only delay menopause etc. But - and this is a big BUT - do I want ever-increasing hot flushes,continue moaning all the time, crying more frequently, ache like a swine all day and night, become a permanent insomnic (shall I go on?!).
Or do I want to take HRT, reclaim some of my old self and, if I'm lucky, partake in the occasional bit of rumpy pumpy?
Seriously, what's the alternative: I struggle with Peri symptoms, wait until I'm post-menopausal, by which time I'm a complete physical wreak, and dry up, while the lead's broke in my ol' man's pencil??!!!! Its so bloody unfair: why are men and women rarely in sync?
Well I think HRT's sounding very good from where I'm standing! I think I'll opt to deal with a 'deferred' menopause, so I can enjoy a relatively decent quality of life, and by the time I wean off it, I won't care who I shout at, sweat over or care less if I ever have sex again!!!
2 of my sisters swore by HRT: the eldest said 'The sex was great!' - she's now 71 and couldn't give a monkey's about sex. I rest my case: HRT is must be!!
sarah63813 shaznay96184
shaznay96184 margaret04348
In a way that's great news. You may have read so many posts on here with ladies having blood tests only to be told they're not in Peri- let alone Menopause.
I'd say there's a few of us who are envious that you actually have a menopause Clinic to attend: I live in Kent, UK and am almost certain I know of no such Clinics. I'd be waiting for their door to be opened on Monday morning if I had one to attend!
I too thought that I'd try the 'natural' route as at the mo I don't have too many really rotten symptoms - aside from the constant moaning; insomnia; joint aches & pains; moaning, moaning, moaning.....did I say moaning?!!No hot flushes to speak of yet, and still regular as clockwork, but at 54, I've had enough of the black moods, as I'm a cheery soul who likes a good laugh normally.
Having spoke to my next sister up, she advises that I not be a Martyr to it, and reclaim some of my life with the aid of HRT. She's 62 and has been taking it for 7yrs. Her GP foolishly suggested she consider weaning off of it! Can't see that happening any time soon - she came out the Surgery with her repeat prescription for her HRT. That sister can be very persuasive indeed ha, ha! Besides, she's a total nut-job without and would be a danger to society if she were to stop now. She's retiring this Summer, so she can decide (with her foolish GP!) when the best time might be. Emmm, I'd say never ha, ha!!
My dear ol' mum (would be 95 RIP x) had no choice but she always advised us girls to have whatever we wanted to make it easier being a woman. Be that contraceptive, childbirth and I'm totally sure she'd have told us to consider HRT. (We're probably lucky that there isn't a history of breast cancer in our extended family, so I feel quite confident that it'll be worth giving it a go. But that dear ol' mum had to endure 3 hip replacement ops and none of us want that.)
Good Luck with whatever you choose to do margaret. But just think: HRT is there for the taking, and it might be the best thing you've ever considered taking - just ask my sisters!! x
sarah63813 shaznay96184
Nanna_sue sarah63813
shaznay96184 sarah63813
Thanks for the Clinic info. Because I'm a newbie to this peri-stuff, I don't know how long I should leave it and how bad I should start to feel before I go back to my GP to ask for blood tests and possible starting HRT. I'm sure their budget would never stretch to referrals (big practice, that I think is excellent regarding their flexibility and appointment system). Maybe by spending a proper appointment talking about what might be best for me, I'll find that good enough.
But you'll probably agree with me when I say that when you consider that ALL women go through the Menopause, and many suffer recognised physical and mental symptoms, why in 2015 is it still treated almost as a taboo and a bad Frankie Boyle joke opportunity?!!
Thanks againf or the info. x
sarah63813 shaznay96184
Toddpodd sarah63813
loretta63638 margaret04348
Failed to mention earlier I am on HRT age 58, tried to wean off 3x's now, symptoms came back with a vengence, back to my full dose 3 days ago and they will have to put me in an induced coma to get me off of these pills! I feel much better like your sister's on it and I am certifiable insane off!!! I feel like a drug addict needing a rehab clinic to wean me off....until then I will fight to my death for that prescription in the US!!! xo best to you!!! Loretta
shaznay96184 loretta63638
I don't take much advice from my sister(s), but knowing what she's like without this stuff, I will treat her like my personal Guru on all things HRT/Peri-menopause.
If you're ever in the UK I'll introduce you to my sister. But knowing what I know, you'd recognise her straight away without any introduction as a kindred spirit
Keep feeling good.
loretta63638 shaznay96184
Xo Loretta
loretta63638 margaret04348
Thank you! I will be checking this out!