Results From Ultrasound Report
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Hi Ladies
I had a abdomen and pelvic/transvaginal ultrasound done 2 weeks ago and I finally got the courage to call for results today. Everything checked out fine for abdomen but uterus showed a thickening of lining of uterus. I was on day 3 of my period when i had it done. She was not able to tell me how thick it was, ( she was the nurse) She told me to follow up with my GYN. Now im freaking out with health anxiety again.
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linda79797 mary27278
Its very frustrating u know.Ive been post menopausal since 2016and had light spotting and i had the same procedure done except the vaginal ultrasound but my Dr was able to give the results on how thick the lining was to her nurse. I kept on calling until i got an answer haha so they told me. i was told i had a fibroid and my lining was thick but i was bleeding when i had the ultrasound done as well so that's why i think it was thick too....i asked my Dr a month later if she could order for me to get another ultrasound to see if the lining was thinner since i had the previous one done while spotting but she still wanted me to go get an endometrial biopsy done instead. I've heard horror stories about that procedure. So it's been 2 weeks since i last spotted and low and behold i started spotting tonight just a touch. I knew it would come down again since today at work i had those funny feelings you get b4 starting like stomach and lower back pain sensation and all the pms symptoms i use to get b4 menopause. I will say that I've been under so much stress lately with my sick mother. My goodness this is so annoying ! I wanted to look into hysterectomy possibly. This is just draining and I'm frustrated.
mary27278 linda79797
Hi sorry you are experiencing this . The thing with me is that im not having any abnormal bleeding or spotting except missing periods. I had a period in May and missed 5 months and had one in Oct which was a light one and one in Nov. ( heavy period) that is when I had the ultrasound done. The same thing happened last year when I did a CT scan and was told that uterus was slightly enlarged ..I was also on my period then when it was taken. I had an ultrasound done a few months afterward and said I had a fibroid , took report to gyn but she said she felt no fibroids then a fibroid of that size she wouldn't be able to see it. Im waiting on copy of my results being sent in mail..she didn't tell me on the phone how thick it was.
All this time Im waiting for them to give me a call because that's what I was told that I would get a call for a follow up appt. But no call..
Have you been having heavy bleeding and spotting?
linda79797 mary27278
Today is the 2nd day of spotting. Although not heavy but i have the symptoms that i would usually get before being menopausal like dull cold feeling in stomach and ovary. I had the headaches and Pms Symptoms like strange. I gonna ask for another abdominal ultrasound to see how stripe is now compared to Octs test.
Guest mary27278
Hi Mary,
I had that happen to me, I was just getting ready to leave on vacation for the summer. They did the u/s right after I had an extra long period and said my uterus was thickened and wanted to send me for a biopsy right away. I decided to not panic and not do the biopsy right away. I bought natural progesterone cream from the internet and used it all summer. When I came back I had another vag u/s done and my uterus was back to normal. I have read that the uterine lining becomes thick and craggy during perimeno. It's NORMAL! However, if you have any bleeding after full meno and your lining is thick, then that's another story.
This is what I decided to do, but you do what's best for you.
mary27278 Guest
Thank you Suzanne...As a matter of fact I just started back on my progesterone cream yesterday. I was using it at one point and stopped. This was my GI dr who sent me for the scan on abdomen to check my gallbladder , etc. I was having stomach issues , bloating and constipation. Now I have to follow up with my GYN.
I know while the tech was doing it she did ask me when did my period start? This period was heavier than usual. Did they tell you how thick it was?
mary27278 Guest
Hi Suzanne
I just received copy of my us report and I don't really understand it. I m very concerned about it.
Is it ok if . private message you with my results.
Guest mary27278
Hi Mary, yes, I'd be happy to try and help. I'm assuming this was an abdominal u/s. Just know that alot of times these arent very accurate. I've had scares where they thought they saw something but on further investigation there was nothing. So dont freak out yet! Also, if it were something ominous they would've told you.
Guest mary27278
I can't remember what they said the thickness was. I want to say 9, not sure. That particular tech couldn't even find my left ovary!
When I had the repeat test, a more experienced tech found it.