Results this evening

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my partner had his results this evening from his MRI and his Biopsy.He had 12 specimens taken and out of that 7 had some cancer.The Consultant says it is T2 and the Gleason results are 3+4.They are going to do a full body scan to check his bones the consultant said it would be about a thousand to one chance to be in his bones but we are still worried.He now has the choice of treatment,Robotic Surgery, Radium,or the Brachy Seeds can anyone give advice please.Thank you


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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Dear Soso,

    I am so very sorry your partner has this dreadful disease. That said, may I extend a very hearty welcome to this forum. I hope that you will find it to be both a source of information and of solace. I have found it to be so since I was diagnosed T2 last July. You sound far more calm than I was when first diagnosed but I expect both you and your partner are finding that your world has benn turn upside down.  It is very much a case of finding your feet once more for with prostate cancer the position concerning your hopes and plans has gone. Now you set out from your new position with new plans and hopes. Once you have made this transition life runs forward again but with its different measure of joys and hopes. It is life and it is still very worth while; but different.

    I will pause here to see if you have given any additional information about your partner in your profile and then I will continue to answer your questions in my next post.

    • Posted

      You have joined the Prostate Cancer group so I have been talking of the correct disease. I can only talk in very general terms. The age of your partner can make a considerable difference to choice of treatments that might be offered. The general state of health is also significant - other diseases and whether healthy weight or over weight.


      You do not mention a history of PSA scores ( the prostate blood test ) or a DRE (digital rectal examination) Both are important although the Gleason score with a prior MRI Scan report are more significant. The predominant feature of the cancer found are the less agressive sort but with some agressive ones. This is more encouraging than in my case. If you have a look at my profile you will see my tumours were both more agressive. 

      The treatments you are offered suggest to me that your partner's tumour is contained within the prostate envelop but with a certain doubt that it might have broken through. so with the Gleason 4 subordinate aspect your urologist (?) has ordered a nuclear whole body bone scan to check that there are no hot spots that might indicate a spread to any bones. This is what my urologist did in my case. My whole body scan was clear. Even so my oncolgist recommended agressive radical treatment and that suited my own attitude to my PCa exactly. (Radical treatment means treatment intended to cure.) In my case a preference for EBT (external beam therapy) was prefered because I am in my 70s although I could have chosen surgery but that would have to be followed up by EBT just in case of undetectable local spread.

      I would say that your partner being given a whole bone scan is evidence of thorough care and should enhance the confidence you have in your urologist. It is worth asking what treatment he specialises in. Once you know that ask more pressing questions about other main treatments to ensure you will be making a fully informed choice from all the relevance treatments. 

      I would also urge you to put details on your profile - nothing that would breach annonimity. This would improve our comments to you. We are not medical people. We are interested and have aquired a lot of relevant information through our experiance of our own or our loved one's PCa. Our comments should help you ask better and more probing questions of your helth professionals. That should lead to the optimum offer of treatments and a more confident and better informed choice of the treatment to be taken.

      I wish you the best of outcomes.  A complete cure. There will be costs. The prostate is one of the key componants of a man's sexual equipment. There will be loss whatever treatment. Untreated the loss would total. Question very closely in this area to avoid it being skated over. As I say, I wish you the very best outcome. George

    • Posted

      George,Thank you for your lovely reply it makes us feel a lot better to know that we are not on our own.I am not very good with words as you can see by my posts. My Partner is 62 is overweight and the Consultant explained the the chance of DVT and that he would have to inject himself for a month afterwards to thin his blood.

      I prayed so much that things would be ok or that I would be strong if it was bad news, I surprised myself because I'm usually a quivering wreck.I keep telling myself I will be strong because I love him so very much and he is muy world.

      As for the after effects of treatment all I want is to be able to hold him and have a cuddle.I also want him to be Happy and pain free.From what I have read about his Consultant he is very good.

      George Thanks once again and will talk soon also Good Luck with your journey as well x

    • Posted

      Dear Soso

      Thank for your good wishes for me and also the kind tenor of your note. Your modesty as to you ability with words is touching for you have entered immediately into the spirit of this forum. In receiving comfort you give comfort. I am so happy to meet you and through you your husband.

      There are a number of carers in this Group. From their posts and from observing my wife I know that carers have a very hard time. Yes you need to be strong for your beloved but there is a limit. Keep coming here. to receive and to give support and comfort. That will help greatly in never reaching your limit.

      I am glad and encouraged that you take a pragmatic view as to side effects. The value of cuddles and hugs is enormous and prostate cancer troubles do not impact much on them. I admit I am not quite as cuddly at the moment as I have a catheter. We still manage cuddles (have only had one small accident) and hugs are entirely uneffected. Tender words and touches through the day I have found to be enhanced. Almost immediately my wife and I found we were in this together. I believe you have already found that.

      With the additional information you have given I understand better the proposed choice of treatments for your husband. It does seem your confidence in your husband's specialist is well placed. Once again, but not for the last time, my prayers and best wishes for an excellent outcome.


  • Posted

    Hi soso

    i had the same profile but slightly younger at 56. Th consultants recomendation was removal but looked at all the options. 

    I took the the oppertunity to loose some weight and get my self as fit as I could. The injections for 4 weeks after are routine for anyone over 50.

    remember this is a well trodden path and what ever treatment you decide will be right for you. 

    All the best



    • Posted

      Thank you all so much for been so very kind and my partner and I wish you all well and I will pray for all of us that we can stay strong for each other x
    • Posted

      And we for you and your partner. Our strength and solace come from mutual support. Others will testify to this and you will very soon find it to be true.


  • Posted

    Hi Guys Hope you are all well,my partner is having his bone scan done on Weds.How long does the results take the Dr wants it done as a matter of protocol but still worried even though he said it is about a thousand to one that it would be in the bones.My partner frightened me this evening as he felt unwell he was getting floaters in his eyes and could not see the tv properly,mind you he said he forgot to take his blood pressure meds last night but I still worry even if he has a twinge.

    Yours Soso

    • Posted

      Hi Soso. I was told three weeks. It was three weeks to the day plus the time in the post. It was clear, as expected. I expect that was why I was informed by letter.
  • Posted

    Hi Guys,Well I can say we were at the Hospital most of the day and had the bone scans done also had the results this evening and great they were clear.We let a big sigh of relief.We were going to go with surgery, but the consultant is a bit worried as my partner is overweight.They started him on Horomone tabs this evening and will have his injection next Weds.We meet the Dr on 25 th Feb to discuss Radiotherapy which the Consultant said should start in about 6 months.In the mean time if at that time my partner had lost enough weight they would reacess him.Got the Gleason patterns and six of them were 4+3 and one was 3+4.The percentage was( 75% and 11mm)and (75% 9mm) and (80% 11mm) and (75% 8mm) and (20% ) and (80% 9mm)There was only measurement for 6 out of the 7.Hope all this makes sense overall Gleason 7 and T2.Thank you all so much
    • Posted

      Dear Soso.

      I do rejoice with you that the scan was clear. Your husband's diagnosis is similar to mine, only a little less frightening. I have been on hormone therapy since diagnosis on through 7.5 weeks of radiotherapy and on for up to 3 years in all. The hormone therapy significantly enhances the  efficacy of radiotherapy and I am hopeful of a cure. The side effects I have are nothing compared to the hope of a cure.

      A fairly recent study has shown that normal weight enhances cure rates and also reduces side effects. My wife had me on a vegan//no dairy/no alcohol diet from diagnosis. I lost 1 1/2 stone without effort. Chicken, fish and eggs were added when radiotherapy started.

      I wish you, with great hopefulness, an excellent outcome.

      x George

  • Posted

    Just popped in to say Hi,How is everyone.My Hubby is having his first injection on Weds and we are then going on holidays for 2 was the Consultant said it would be fine.We did go away for Xmas but we were awaiting his results and I can honestly say it was a long xmas and our mind always went back to the what ifs.New Years Eve was very emotional for both of us as you are wondering who will be here next year.We have now told quite a few of our family and friends.Take care smile
    • Posted

      Should say 2 weeks
    • Posted

      Hi Guys,Hope everyone is doing well,my hubby is having his 2nd injection on Weds it will be a three monthly one as that is what our GP stocks.He is a bit worried that the side effects will be worse than the monthly one.We see the Consultant on 25th Feb to discuss when other treatment will start.He gets very tired at times. smile Chin up everyone X
    • Posted

      I did not notice any change when I went from monthly to three monthly injections.
    • Posted

      Hi George,Just to let you all know my other half has had another PSA test and it has gone down from 12.5 to 0.18 which we are delighted about.Next thing we are awaiting an app to the Marsden to have his Radiotherapy.he will have to have 6 months of Horomone treatment so I think it should be a July start date.
    • Posted

      Dear Soso, 

      That is wonderful. Will his hormone therapy continue through radiotherapy and on for at least two months after? The stats indicate a significant enhancement to the outcome of radiotherapy. I am sure it is worth exploring this with the oncologist if it is not offered.

      Besides it is what I had plus hormone therapy continuing for up to three years in all because of the aggressive nature of my cancer. My result was very good at three months after the end of radiotherapy PSA 0.07. Down from I.9 before RT.

    • Posted

      Hi George and everyone,My other halve had a call from the hospital this morning asking him to come for another blood test as his psa has gone from 0.18 to 3.9.They seemed to think the injections were not working.He got his last injection on Tues evening,They have also given him a pack of the horomone tabs  that he took at the beginning.The injections are every 3 months.Has this happened to anyone else.About 3 weeks ago he had a few erections
    • Posted

      Too soon for me to compare. I had been on monthly injections and had settled quite well. Two months ater my first three month injection I restarted hot flushes which were preceeded by severe pain (6/10 on my scale. Persisten involuntary moans) more than enough to wake me. Same pain as previously unique to my prostate (and previously only refered to the tip of my penis) but referred to chest and bicepts and shins mostly but also other sites occasionally. I am back on 1 monthly injections from two weeks ago. Pain and hot flushes are settling down slowly.

      the one month and three month injections use different dose delivery chemicals.

    • Posted

      I started to get a few erections when on the three month injection but no libido or very slight.

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