Retinal Tear Laser Surgery

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I recently went to a retinal specialist because I was getting some flashes now and then and a lot of floaters and she told me I had a retinal tear that actually had tried to repair itself but said she would do the laser retinal repair surgery to prevent it from opening. The doctor acted as though it was very low risk and I went a long because I feared any vision loss and I didn't think there were common complications. Since the laser a few days ago I have this blank black/gray spot in my lower peripheral. Sometimes I see it more than others like in certain lighting or if I'm moving my head a lot. Sometimes it even just looks like a little light. I told the doctor about it and she says she thinks it's from the inflammation from the laser and should resolve but there might be a chance that the spot will remain but I'll only see it if I try to look for it and most people don't notice it. I notice everything however and I am only 24 and have good peripheral vision so it's a big deal for me. I was wondering if anyone had this experience and saw the spot and over time it disappeared. I saw a post in another forum that someone had the cyro procedure, saw what sounded similar to what I was seeing and it eventually disapeared. Any comments on experiences with this retinal tear laser would be helpful. Thank you.

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  • Posted

    I agree we all have bad aniexty here about our eyes they are so precious x
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      Hi hol

      Hope you're well. I just thought I'd let you know that I'm not going to be having any treatment for the hole in the retina. The consultant said that there have been no changes since 2011, at least in regard to the hole (obviously I've had the pvd, but this is something different).

      He said that I have many areas of weakness in my retinas and it would not be feasible to laser all of them. I'm sure yours are not as bad, though I do recall you saying you had some lattice degeneration. They are going to see me again in one year, but only because I specifically requested they do so.

      I expect they will check to see there are no changes to your retinas at your appointment and probably decide not to treat the hole also. I would suggest that you ask to be seen again and not discharged, just for peace of mind. It's easier when you remain in the system, but they usually discharge if there's no changes so make sure you ask if you do want to be seen again.

      All the best x

    • Posted

      Hi Cara

      I just messaged you further down 😊.

      That's great news!!

      Yes I have lattice in the eye with the whole with areas of thinning. Last time I went he did want to laser but said it was my choice and was happy for me not to have it also. I think he mainly wanted the laser as it was leaking a bit of fluid. Does your hole? I'm really hopeful there has been no change and it just stays there forever!! I'm so apprehensive already. Especially as my daughter has blepharitis too and her tear duct looks all sore tonight too, so my anxiety is really high!!

      So so pleased for you 😊

  • Posted

    Totally agree about anxiety issues, its a month now since my review and I was doing well, at least I thought I was, however, we are due to go on holiday next week and I am worrying now as to what happens if I get another tear!  So much so, I am nearly contemplating cancelling the holiday.  I know this sound ridiclous to those reading htis but I totally underestimated the amount of anxiety this whole epislod has caused me.  I am a very level headed person normally, this anxiety is nearly as frightening as the floaters !  I have a new one since yesterday, and also had some slight flashing light in my pheripheral vision, though had a headache so may have been a visual migraine.   Also just realised in the early wakening hours of this morning I had forgotten to ring the travel insurers about having my retinal tear, so will need to do that tomorrow.  Its wearing all this stress and worry !
    • Posted

      I totally understand why you feel this way. However, the trouble with anxiety is that it makes us want to avoid that which makes us feel anxious. Avoiding these things not only means we miss out on much of life, but also that we miss the opportunity to prove to ourselves that we can deal with stuff and that our worst fears won't necessarily come true (and even if they do that we can cope with them). How long is your holiday for? Perhaps make a list of all the possible outcomes as this helps you to see your fears in perspective. Also, maybe make a plan for what you will do if your eye symtoms worsen whilst your away, such as finding out where the nearest hospitals or optometrists are located. Even if something did happen, it doesn't mean they won't be able to treat it. I use these kinds of methods to deal with my anxiety and, slowly but surely, it is improving. All the best x

    • Posted

      Thank you Cara.  I am just going for a week.   I tell myself " what's the worst thing can happen ? And take it from there.    Things can totally get out of control if we give them permission, anxiety being one of them !  Especially health anxiety, where every ache or pain is a precursor to something dreadful.  Thanks again. Enter text...

    • Posted

      Good evening friends, just home from a lovely weeks break in Spain, I had no issues what so ever with my eyes, apart from my usual friend," Freddie Floater" who is my constant companion these days but even he behaved himself !!  It was just lovely getting away.  I admit to being a bit nervous about flying after having a tear, but I didn't encounter any problems at all.  Hope this might help others who are a bit worried about flying or going abroad after laser treatment.  Thanks again for all your help and support.


    • Posted

      Very pleased to hear all went well on your holiday, certainly given me confidence to take a short flight.

      Good to hear from you


  • Posted

    Hi everyone. I went back to eye casualty this morning.  Had a thorough examination and no further tears found.  However I've been referred on to the glaucoma clinic for a check up as the doctor was a bit concerned about this .  I sincerely hope she is just being overcautious !  At least I've been reassured and feel happier now going on holiday.  Thank you for all your help and support 

    • Posted

      That's good news :-)

      Enjoy your holiday and try not to worry about the glaucoma clinic referral. Hopefully it'll be nothing.

      All the best x

    • Posted

      Hi Evelyn

      thats terrific news....Cara is right, try block out the glucoma appointment, dont let it mar your holiday. You believe this but I havent flown since I had my retinal tear in 2014...I was petrified , now following an accident xmas 2015 I developed dry eye and blepharitis. Im very aware of how dry the air is in an aeroplane and Im totally petrified. Eye doc says theres no problem just to drink plenty of water and bring eye drops, he still hasnt convinced me yet....

      Have a great holiday and get in touch when youre back

      All the best


    • Posted


      I too have developed dry eye and blepharitis after my laser treatment. I was informed by the consultant i was ok to fly, and i have not and have no future plans to do so ever. Very scary.

      All the best

    • Posted

      Hi Judith

      Im glad its just not me so....When you say you developed it after laser, was it the laser for the tear or laser eye surgery? I often wonder did my laser eye surgery weaken my eyes full stop although I might be just grasping at straws cos it was almost 7 years after it when my problems began and the consultant I am with now is adamant that my laser had nothing to do with my tear or bleph. He also reminded me that he didnt do my laser so he'd nothing to gain by telling me that, which is very true. I dont know about yourself Judith but I loved to travel and went on a few foreign holidays a year, Im only 53 and the thought of being restricted to staying in my own country for the rest of my life isent too appealing. Then I think, shut the hell up, theres people out there with far worse problems...

      Trip .....

    • Posted

      Very unlikely the laser had anything to do with the tear.

      Also go on holiday, you have nothing to worry about regarding flying unless you have a gas bubble in your eye. Eye drops are great for dry eyes on a plane. Take a flannel wet it with cold water lay back and put it across your eyes while you take a nap

    • Posted

      Hi Mike

      thanks so much for the reassuring words and I suppose deed down I always knew it was nothing to do with my laser eye surgery. I was very fortunate when I had it done, had no issues whatsoveer and brilliant vision. I suppose I was just looking to blame something or someone. I actually got a bang to the head and my optometrist reckoned that actually triggered a PVD, the PVD pulled on the retina (which isent uncommon) and thats what led to the tear. I might try a short trip somewhere on a plane, and see how I fare out, bring plenty of hylo drops etc and even buy myself the moisture goggles....Im loosing track of what everyone is battling here, how are you Mike and what issues do ye have yourself.


    • Posted


      Yes i had a repair for a tear and had no problems with dry eyes and blepharitis. I too loved to travel and intended to do more traveling as we retired last year. The thought of having holidays in this country with the uncertain weather makes me depressed. It is always good to know others have the same thoughts.

      All the best

    • Posted

      Hi I have Lattice degeneration. I had preventative cryo 25 years ago because my father lost his eye due to a detachment. Recently had a tear in one of the areas that was not done 25 years ago. I had the full circumference done on my left eye in 1992 and most of the right eye. There were three healthy spots on the circumference of the right that were not treated. One of these spots has torn. Hopefully the laser has sorted it but should know in a week. Lived with floaters for the last 25 years and now just take it as normal x
    • Posted

      Well at least you are on top of the situation Mike. Im the same re the floaters, this time 2 years ago they were driving me insane but after the horrors of blepharitis etc they have paled into insignificance.There are several people I know who have had floaters since a young age and they dont have retinal problems. The difference is their floaters come and go whereas if youve had a tear or detachement the floaters are with ye 24/7.....
    • Posted

      Hi Judith. I specifically mentioned flying to my consultant as I am going on holiday this weekend.  He reassured me , and in fact said I would have been at much greater risk had I not had the laser treatment .  He said he has a large number of patients where travel is essential to their jobs and well being and has never had any issues with them travelling.  Hope this helps you a bit.  
    • Posted

      Hi evelyn

      Thank you for that information, it certainly does help and if i had thought about the patients having to travel for work, instead of feeling sorry for myself. I will think seriously about taking a short haul trip first.

      All the best

    • Posted

      THis may be a silly question. Do you all see your floaters indoors as well as outdoors? When I'm inside or wearing sunglasses I barely see them. Outside with no sunglasses and I see a bunch . As far as looking out for "new floaters" my retina specialist said to look for black/dark spots that someone throwing ink or pepper in your eye. He is not concerned with circular clear ones. Anyone have similar feedback ?


    • Posted


      I see floaters all the time when i have sun glasses , on the floaters are less. Most of the comments here, we have been left with floater to deal with for the rest of our lives. UK CONSUTLANTS inform us to tell the brain they are NOT there ha ha. However seems to work for a lot of patients. Hope that is of help. This forum has been a life saver for me.

      If one person cannot answer a question, someone else will come on line to help. Stay in touch.

    • Posted

      I see floaters indoors aswell, but they are much worse outside. I too wear sunglasses a lot as this makes them less obvious, but even with the sunglasses they're still there. I think people's floaters differ significantly. Some people seem to be much better able to ignore them and I think this may have something to do with the level of anxiety an individual has about them.

      With regard to the new floaters, I was told to look for a whole bunch of new floaters appearing suddenly, showering down or the curtain effect that happens with a detached retina.

      All the best x

    • Posted

      Hi all,

      I couldnt agree more, this forum has been of great solace and help to me. At times I was at my wits end. I feel the consultants are being very disingenuous when they tell us "The floaters will either go away in time or your brain will switch off from them". That is complete and utter rubbish. I dont think we would all feel so anxious and so frustrated had they been honest with us in the first place. In my case I calmed down about the floaters when I the bleph and dry eye developed as this badly affected my appearance etc not being able to wear eye makeup. Im fortunate to have private medical insurance and I have seen my consultant every 6 months but there were a couple of occasions when I saw flashing lights and I actually went to the optometrist (who has all the Retinal equipment etc) and asked him to check everything out. Its very hard for any of us to assess if we have additional floaters , in my case my left eye is full of the damn things so I really am at total odds to know who I could identify more......

      I also dont go along with this myth that retinal tears/detachments happen an average of 11% of the population cos since I had mine so many people have told me of friends or relatives who have had one so I think they need to conduct a lot more research on the subject and check their stats...

      Sorry to be sooo longwinded

      Hope everyone has a good day today#


    • Posted

      I would just like to thank everyone on this little forum for all the support and help, some forums , if you are new or dont post so often you get ignored but this one is very special. 

      Regrading the floaters , Ive got them all the time , they cleared up a bit after my laser treatment but occasional ones are always present.  I have a little blurrd vision in the eye that was treated since Wednesday, when I attended the hopsital casualty.  I have put it down to the three lots of drops and all the different testing etc, my poor eyes are worn out !  Hopefully it will settle.  I am off to Spain tomorrow so trying not to worry about floaters but just enjoy my holiday.  Thank you to everyone for your help and support.  E

    • Posted

      I totally agree if the eye consultants were honest from the beginning re floaters, maybe we would not be so anxious. Not knowing if the floaters have changed or never going to fade. Is the worst part.

      I agree 11% seems very conservative as i also know of friends of friends with the tears etc.

      I cant believe how many of us suffer from dry eyes and bleph. Surely there is a connection between retinal problems. Again something the consultants forgot to mention.

      All the Best

    • Posted

      Happy hols Evelyn, safe journey and chat when ur back xx


    • Posted

      I'm glad everyone on here has a chance to talk about their anxiety with eye issues. I'm only 25 so it's hard not having anyone know what you are going through. I haven't been on here in awhile because I've been dealing with another horrible issue: constantly sinus pressure (the treatment on which started all my eye problems). I feel like people get sick of hearing me talk about it if I ever mention it. Not that I do a lot. But both of these problems have really depressed me. The flickering from the laser has definitely gotten better but it's not gone and is still never annoying to deal with. I also have minor subcapsular cataracts from Flonase to add to my eye issues. I really think the combination of Flonase and levaquin set in motion my lattice degeneration and tear and I was more at risk because I'm pretty near sighted. It's so frustrating but I guess I have to be thankful that I can see okay. Hopefully someday they will have something to heal the retina. Hope everyone is finding ways to cope. I'm glad this group chat can be a source of venting

    • Posted

      I meant to say still always annoying to deal with*
    • Posted

      Hi Trip, I am just home from a holiday in Spain, I was , I have to admit a bit worried about how my eye would be, after flying , however I had no problems whatsoever and apart from my friend " Freddie Floater" everything else was fine.  Admitidly I was wearing sunglasses basically all the time, much more so than here in the UK ! which may have helped but I can truthfully say, I didnt experience any other issues.   I think I said before I would consider myself a fairly level headed person , and until retirement held down a very stressful job, but this anxiety around my eyes has come as a total surprise, and not a pleasant one either !  I had heard of Health Anxiety but never experienced it until now.  Not pleasent, its worse than the actual probem !

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