Return to office job query.
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I had a LTHR four weeks ago and have been signed off for six weeks.
I have made great progress so far, down to one crutch when out and just limping about indoors. My concern is that although two weeks is a long way in recovery terms (when I think back to where I was two weeks ago) I am barely sleeping and sitting for any period of time is very painful. I will have about an hours commute in the car.
My HR department have contacted me to see if I will return at six weeks or if I will go to GP to get more time off or a phased return to work. My company are great (big US co.) so I am thinking to do a phased return.
Please can you share your return to office life experiences- how did you find the commute, sitting, concentration etc ? I have a fairly demanding job so don't want to push myself back before my body is ready.
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leah35183 sarah97675
Hi Sarah,
I also returned to a desk job (at a hospital). I had some complications and returned after 4 months to a modified program starting at 4 hours a day for 2 weeks and increasing by 1 hour for the next 2 weeks, ect until up to 8 hours a day. Sitting is/was very tough. I called the occupational health office and they set me up with a sit/stand desk. I found this to be helpful and it was easy to use. I also had the brain fog that everyone is speaking about, and word finding problems. I do very detailed work, so I had others check since a mistake has large implications. Thinking about it, I feel I returned too early. I would come home and go to bed. My husband would bring me supper, and I would stay there until the next morning. One of my kids needed a lot of help in math so I would help him in the evening while I was in bed. There is alot of snow where I live and some days I would look outside and say, "nope, not going in today", and then I would take a vacation day. I have months and months of vacation time to use up. You do not sound like you are ready to go back if you are not sleeping and have trouble sitting... with the commute you will need about 10 hours sitting, and then you have to consider what kind of shape you will be in at home after work. Take as much time as you possibly can afford. Work will always be there, and when you do return, you will be more able to do a good job. (While I was off work a colleauge was on her way to a meeting and dropped dead in the parking lot- she was 2 years older than me). Life is short.
Let us know how things work out,
Wishing you the best.
Rocketman_SG6UK leah35183
These are more common problems I need to write up- the phased return is essential for most of us, I started on 4 hours, 3 days per week, slowly working up over a month to full time for 5 days per week. I am thankful I have a good employer.
Brain fog ........ yes indeed. I have a very technical job, in which I was looked up to by others as a subject expert. When I started back I was the 'new boy' again, I had forgotten so much.
Forgetfulness - yes I suffer this tooI can never seem to find the right words to say any more. I found I had to write down instructions to myself about things that had been routine daily tasks before the operation.
And now 7 months later, I am looking forward to next year when I can retire.
linda38528 Rocketman_SG6UK
I agree - these would be good additions.
Glad you are stilling adding to the guide - it is so great! I will have to reread it soon for hip #2.
How are you doing - you sound a little down in the dumps. Is the commute any easier? Are you getting back into the 'go to' role?
Must be time to take your bike out for a good long run.😆
sarah97675 leah35183
You are so right. No one ever lay in their death bed wishing they spent more time at work and no matter how great our job is and however much we think we are valued at the end of the day we are just a number. We shouldn't feel guilty about taking the time we need. I know some people who treat their sickness allowance as additional holiday!!!
Time to put ourselves first !! X
Rocketman_SG6UK linda38528
I have been a bit down lately - we have lost two good close friends in the last two months. I think it's affected me mentally, along with actually signing the documents to get my own legal case of negligence under way.
The commute can be tiring, I was doing very well this week, but it all aches today. Never two days the same
The bike - we went out for a 10 mile ride on our pushbikes for Sunday lunch last weekend ..... and that was great.
My motorcycling days are over - I just know I will never be as safe as I would want to be, holding the two of us and a heavy motorcycle upright. Our Triumph Rocket weighed in at over 800 pounds without fuel or us! I am just so glad we had it whilst we were fit enough to enjoy it.
Yes, still adding little bits to the guide as I have time - I just seem to be so busy these days.
Best Wishes
sarah97675 Rocketman_SG6UK
i don't know how you do that commute !!! Sorry that you are having a tough time - you are such a great guy. Enjoy the bike rides, (pub?) lunches etc... X
linda38528 Rocketman_SG6UK
With warm regard for a lovely man who should not have to be going through the court case either.
Deep Peace of the running wave to you.
Deep Peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep Peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep Peace of the shining stars to you.
Deep Peace of the gentle night to you.
Moon and Stars pour their healing light on you.
Deep Peace to you and your family.
sarah97675 linda38528
Ahh that's lovely x
Rocketman_SG6UK sarah97675
Thanks Sarah & Linda, and everyone else.
It may be tough, but then I am able to do so much now that I just could not do before, so I count my blessings.
Just spent another morning picking apples, crushing them and making some lovely fresh apple juice. That's in the fridge now, all ready for a late afternoon barbecue with our sons and their partners.
We'll probably do some bike riding and walking this bank holiday weekend .... what's not to like about post THR life?
josey1964 sarah97675
sarah97675 josey1964
That's good that you have the extra time. I got my sleeping pill prescription today so can hopefully break the no sleep habit at last. X
auntiebeanie sarah97675
I went back at 8 weeks - office job, ended up working 6 hours out of 7.30 day for a week, was very tired and found it hard to concentrate. Made sure I didnt do anything after work for a few weeks. I wasnt sleeping well either but as i work for a small company and have a very understanding boss, I was looked after. Was off of tea making dutties for 3 weeks lol!
sarah97675 auntiebeanie
I'm lucky that I have a great boss and a great team. Will have to see if I can get a Cuppa out of them although the walk to the kitchen will do me good X X
i will make make sure my evenings are free so I can rest - good idea.
jan06056 sarah97675
Hi Sarah
Glad the THR recovery is going well. Whilst we all recover at different rates, I found commuting a nightmare - so exhausted after a hours commute plus 2.5 hours, so had to stop. I had stuff emailed to me and had loads of call but still couldnt handle more than a few hours a day.
Someone on this brilliant forum said me to listen to my body; if you're too knackered it's probably too early in the healing process to go back f/t.
If you can do a staged return of grab it - ur decision now will impact the rest of your life - and health.
Good luck and well done so far!
jo_partee jan06056
I am just getting in from work FT
Gonna head for our guest room
Exercise shiwer than nap
Husband has his dinner set
Me just some salade
All of us need to know
We get pooped its ok all part of this process
I just past one month done
All the best to all of u tonite