Rheumatology appointment - what should I expect?

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Hey guys

The details in the question really 😊

I've had chronic back problems for almost two years, I've plenty of other symptoms alongside, but the back has been the priority. In fact, I've never felt "normal" (I'm 31) and always struggled or hurt in scenarios that don't seem to bother others.

Since my back pain kicked in the other (typical) fibro symptoms seemed to get much worse, very quickly. I read that fibro can be triggered by trauma, has anyone had experience with that?

My back pain has never 100% been diagnosed, I had physio which was agony, acupuncture who pointed out I'm abnormally sensitive to touch, and finally I've been seeing a chiropractor for 6 months who told me I have a disc bulge, annular tear and compensatory muscle pain. But I'm still no better.

Finally a wonder nurse actually listened to me and is sending me for bloods, X-ray and I have a rheumatology referral - I was just wondering what to expect from this meeting?

I don't know if feeling "pressure points" yourself is the same as someone else doing them - I know my lower back/hip/buttocks have extememly painful points from treatment in the past! How I didn't scream is beyond me!

Also, I've heard teeth grinding is a symptom of fibro ? I'm currently having dental work and wil eventually get a nightguard because of this problem.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,

Keep on fighting 😊


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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there .you asked about the trauma ..Apparently this is true.

    I was also diagnosed with fibro. And had some heavy acidents in my life and they are said to be the trigger...

    Did you ever recieve your blood work / xrays back?

    Fibro is such a general term for chronic pain basically .

    And yes you will be able to feel your pressure points.All the rheumatologist did was take his thumb and place it firmly on my forehead , back of my neck(wow sore ) and all the rest of the points apparently if quite a few of them hurt you have fibro.

    I tend to also tell people , never fully just settle for a fibro diagnoses.

    Keep testing if you feel you have to . Such as in my case( Im 28 btw) ,I was told I have fibro but I am still suffering for all sorts of other joint pains , discomforts and inflammation. Which by the way is not associated with fibro.

    All my blood work was negative x2. Medication helps for sleeping though.

    I tend to believe yes you could have chronic pain/ firbo . But more than likely there will be an underlying cause . Which could in turn be a overlap disease .

    Just an opinion.


    • Posted

      Thanks for that Angie,

      I haven't had any tests back yet it only happened this week. I got sick of the pain and being unable to sleep due to muscle spasms, rib pain, restless legs (and arms) ... I didn't expect much because I've seen 11 doctors in 18 months and none of them cared, only two of them examined me; one saying "you can't lean back? Welllll, we don't need to do that much anyway!" And the other who simply lifted the back of my top and concluded "there's nothing wrong with you" .... So when I was taken seriously this time I was blown away! It was the nurse who said fibro was on her mind. I only discovered fibro was a thing 2 months ago, I'd spend s lot of time looking online, not for a diagnosis but for people experiencing the same issues, I kept seeing fibromyalgia but I only decided to look into it recently and I felt like my life finally made sense!

      I totally get your point of "don't settle", I might not have fibro, I just hope there is something. That might sound weird to regular people, but I just want to KNOW what's going on with me and what my future will be.

      I don't have swelling, occasionally my knees but I think they have issues of their own anyway. Time will tell I suppose. But thanks for your feedback.

      What are the points they push?

  • Posted

    Dear Lynsey

    I'm sorry that you are un such discomfort and that the chiropractor was not able to help you. was he/she a McTomoney one BTW? What did they do for you and did it help you.

    One taught me about pressure point which found to be very empowering and although you may be able to find and reach them it is of course easier if your chiropractor does it for you.

  • Posted

    Dear Lynsey

    I'm sorry that you are un such discomfort and that the chiropractor was not able to help you. was he/she a McTomoney one BTW? What did they do for you and did it help you.

    One taught me about pressure point which found to be very empowering and although you may be able to find and reach them it is of course easier if your chiropractor does it for you.

    Cheers Richard

    • Posted

      Hi Richard,

      My chiropractor mainly keeps his hands off me - this is partly due to the horrendous experience I had the the physiotherapist bouncing on my back that made me much worse. He has a flexion distraction table and basically he stretches my lower spine, it uses to work much better, i would feel a noticeable difference for a couple of weeks... but im but getting much out of it anymore. It makes little difference to me. He's convinced my problem is a disc bludgeon/tear which is causing myofasical and intercostal pain... it could be these things making it hard to sleep, which then cause more symptoms... or it could not be the issue at all which is why it's not working. I've been stuck between a rock and a hard place.

      Thanks for your reply

    • Posted

      Sorry for the spelling! Bloody autocorrect! 😁

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      I'm sorry that you were mistreated by a physiotherapist. My chiropractor works to ensure that my back is in a balanced state. I did ask you if yours was a McTimoney one as there is a difference.

      Cheers Richard

  • Posted

    Hi KIM,

    They are called pressure points , there are 18 on your body...9 on each side left and right sides. ..also located at the back and the front...they're symmetrical left and right...sorry hope this makes sense. I have had FM for 6+ yrs and like you I had seen all the ...ologists too...gastro, Neuro, gynae, uro, spinal...rhuemy ..etc but the only person who is able to diagnose FM is the rheumatologist. I too have 7 disc bulges in C, T and lumbar spine...which I was convinced was causing my pain and numbness tingling etc. ...but no it's FM....and carpal tunnel after an EMG test. It has taken me nearly 3 years to find out the cause of my pain that when the rheumy doc told me what it was I burst into tears....had felt like I was losing my mind. Oh btw they say trauma is one of the causes but they can be of any kind....a death in the family....breakdown in a relationship...abuse etc... and I've had all of these for 20+ years....I think what finally tipped me was my brother passing yrs now...and I'm having therapy which helps....can't stand strong nerve drugs.

    Wishing you lots of luck and the result you're hoping for..but whatever the outcome talk to someone and don't suffer in silence. Take care Angie

    • Posted

      Hi Angie

      Thank you! So sorry to hear what a tough time you've had, I'm glad you're getting the help you need.

      Thanks for your kind words, this place seems awesome. I felt so alone/insane/wimpy.

  • Posted

    Hi, I am not fibromyalgia diagnosed but suspect it. I have Ms and spine problems, I had a back operation in 2004 for prolapsed discs. I'm in horrendous pain and saw my neurologist who sent me for MRI, I've got spinal canal narrowing with facet joint disease. What you need to do is make a firm request for an MRI. As for teeth grinding you could have TNJ and need maxi facial or see your dentist, I gave this and have seen bith maxi facial at the hospital (twice) and a dentist who ground done teeth down. Good luck 🌹

    • Posted

      Sorry you're having such a tough time. I can't believe how difficult it is to get an MRI scan here, I've requested one several times through doctors and my chiropractor... I've been refused every time. Doctors telling me there's "no need, nothing will show up" (you haven't even examined me) ... and the chiro calling it a "reassuragram" because he's already told me what the problem is. Needless to say I've been frustrated. But I'm happy to take the X-ray, bloods and see the rheumatologist because I'm hoping it will finally offer insight.

      Teeth grinding is quite recent, last couple of tests but I've been seeing my dentist weekly for different treatments and she hasn't express any concern but I'm going to get a night guard. I can enquire when I see her though.

      Thanks for your advice.

    • Posted

      Ihbi wasn't telling you for sympathy, I've been worse and I've been better, just thought If your chiropractor is saying spine and disc bulge you need an MRI, not sure where you are, I'm in UK. An x-ray won't show soft tissue damage or inflammation. I think spinal problems trigger other things. Maybe after they've x-rayed they'll scan, I wish you well, it's so hard being in pain and not having a firm diagnosis. 💜

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