Rib pain, is it menopause related?

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Hello lovely ladies,

i have a question maybe someone can answer it, ive been having pain in right rib area and in back ribs. I had my gallbladder removed in march this year and up until now hardly any pain. Ive just started taking BHRT only four tabs so far, would BHRT cause pain in this area or is it a menopause related pain. Any ideas? I did read somewhere this type of pain can happen! My liver enzymes were aok on last blood test. Thanks for any replies🌻

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13 Replies

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    Hi Carol...i had my gallbladder out 3 years ago and no problems at all. But I have really achy ribs frequently now and only since peri kicked in so I am thinking it has to be related.
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      Hi Carole..it is hard to stay positive when you feel old and achy with symptoms that make you think you must have some kind of illness. I can't believe so many doctors don't recognise perimenopause. They only know about menopause which is when you are actually finished your periods.

      I imagine in the olden days women got put into mental asylums because of peri.

      Thank goodness we can now google and get information ourselves as doctors mostly are hopeless! Keep your chin up (or in my case chins as I have put on weight as well lolol)

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      That is sadly true Janine! I was only talking to a nurse yesterday at my gp surgery; we were talking about how hrt is helping me tremendously & what it was like for me before hrt, she said in olden days they did just put women into asylums...... how dreadful......I suppose we should think ourselves lucky as we now have supplements & hrt to help. 

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      I remember when I was young one of my friends mums would have 'off days'. We would go to her house and her mum was in her bedroom and i wouldnt see her. My friend would just say mum is sick and can't cope sometimes....she cries a lot.

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  • Posted

    Hi Carol,

    I have rib pain too, just one of the many aches and pains I've been having on and off for months now! :-)


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    Hi Carol,  I have a spot on my liver that flares up from time to time and causes some mild discomfort.  Could it be kidney stones? Hope you feel better soon!
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      Hello Dee,

      i recently had an MRI of the abdomen all aok, ive had a kidney stone once ouch it hurt! Thanks for your reply, cheers!

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    im almost bent up double because of the pain in the back ribs. 

    once i saw a lady our age who wore a rib support kinda jacket at the airport...kept wondering what she needed it for......

    now i know

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    Hi Carol

    Have just been catching up on posts and thought I'd just pop a quick note on.

    My ribs were my biggest symptom. I was so worried about them but I've been told they are just part of peri menopause, I'm very newly diagnosed and have been advised to take vitamin d and I've been on it for 3 weeks and it seems to be easing. It's just so confusing as my pain never stays in the same place but I've had every blood test under the sun and they are all clear. I've now got bloody jaw ache and ear pain and am full of cold. The joys of being female haha. Hope you're doing okay. Squishy hugs xxx

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      Hi Sheena,

      thanks for your squishy hugs! Yes we do seem to have some odd things happening in our bods! Im taking vit D again, this tablet is a once a week tab. Didnt know it existed till my menopause dr prescribed it along with BHRT. I often sit in the sun but only for short bursts as the sun in Australia burns us very quickly, i didnt think my level of vit d were low but bloods showed it was. Im sorry you now have jaw ear pain etc hopefully this will pass for you soon, so many strange feelings in this meno trip! my rib pain seems a bit better this week!🌺

      take care hunny 💐

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