Rief from depressive symptoms

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Good morning everyone. Ive been on my increased dose of sertraline for 4+ weeks now,and many symptoms are lifting. However does anyone still have a nagging doubt that low mood and lack of motivation won't lift....Ive read that these symptoms are the last to lift

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41 Replies

  • Posted

    Hiya iris

    I totally understand your worries about motivation as I have been severely depressed since January and am on sertraline 200mg, quetipine 100mg and mirtrazipine 50mg. Came off anxiety med buspirone about a mth ago. I too wonder when my mood will lift and I will feel more human! I just want you to know you are not alone.

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      That's really kind of you......thanks. Keep in touch 
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      Woke feeling anxious this morning, silly things going through my head. Lying here feeling nervous about the day ahead even though yesterday turned out OK and I felt like I could cope.

      Day 2 of increase to 100mg and day 16 of starting setraline. When will this get better in the mornings?


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      You need to know that any increase in dose will make you feel worse before better until your body adjusts to the new chemical.....2 weeks?
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      Thank you for your reply, I long for the day I wake up and naturally think " I can do this" I know I can but the mornings are my stumbling block.

      How are you today?


    • Posted

      Well ......I've got pneumonia as well as depression, so I have no energy. I just don't know which symptoms are depression and which are pneumonia. I have to force myself to eat, and that's a symptom of both. I'm almost 6 weeks of higher dose, so ADs should kick in soon......hopefully! Keep in touch
    • Posted

      You poor thing you must really be going through it at the minute. Sending you a big hug. Pneumonia will have a huge effect on your energy.

      It's hard to separate symptoms, I totally understand that. I sometimes can't separate what are anxiety symptoms and side effects.

      In regards to eating, I eat little and often. A banana in the morning is a huge help. Then a couple of biscuits. I occasionally have a decaf coffee. I know I don't stay hydrated enough and that's something I need to work on.

      All I can think about at the minute is will I feel like this in 8 weeks when we go away on our holiday.

      8 weeks is a long time though, so I am hopeful that I will be much better by then.

      Is this your first time on AD's? I should know that they work because I have taken them before. When you get better and stop taking them you assume that you would never get like that again, but it does happen. I can't wait to get started on CBT and actually talk to somebody that will understand x

    • Posted

      My depression started last yr when my brother died....I was on other side of world and couldn't get to funeral. Then in August I had blood clots on lungs. I was just getting better then had big row with daughter...didn't speak for 3 months and dep/anx started again. Wondering if I have had a virus tho that's led to pneumonia
    • Posted

      So sorry to hear that, the loss of a loved one has a huge impact on your mind and wellbeing.

      I hope you are now speaking with your daughter and talking about your feelings.

      Really look after yourself to get better so that you are in the best physical shape to beat your anxiety and depression x

    • Posted

      I'm resting because I don't have much energy. Yes all is well with daughter but hardly see her....always working. Does your anxiety manifest itself in your diaphragm?
    • Posted

      Emma I'm going to send you a message.....open it by clicking on the envelope icon.
  • Posted

    Hi Iris, I think you are right the restlessness, low moods and motivation shift last, then suddenly you wake up in the morning feeling great. This is my third experience and I am looking forward to that special day in which I am "me" again.

    Good luck on your battle.


    • Posted

      Oh me too.  I've had pneumonia for ten days and had a real setback.....the antibiotics had me like a zombie. Went to a counsellor today who explained it takes 6-8 weeks to get serotonin levels at a therapeutic level to START working!  I'm at 6 weeks now and thought I should be doing highland dancing by now!  Whey feel unmotivated he advises to think wha you would like to be doing if you are well.....then go and do some of that job.  Try not to sit all day (?!?!?!?) because that worsens depression. Funny things happening tho.....when I came home I started cooking for myself, served onto plate, and then got all anxious as I was starting to eat.  Strange.  Can anyone identify?
    • Posted

      i must agree Isabel that you do wake up one morning and you feel well...I've had depression half dozen times!  I hope the sun is shining that day
  • Posted

    Iris I couldn't see your message?

    I am on week 4 increased to 100mg 11 days ago had a good spell last week but feel all sick and anxious again today. Is this normal? Am I expecting too much because I felt better last week? I hate waking up feeling like this, it really sets me back.


    • Posted

      Hi Emma.....yes, side effects I'm afraid. I had a good chat with pharmacist yesterday (I'm at week 7). I still get anxious feelings, dizziness, fuzzy head! When serotonin levels balance you'll notice. Are you finding improvements in sleep/appetite? They are good indicators
    • Posted

      Thank you Iris, so how I feel is still likely to be the side effects. Good to know, I felt like I had accomplished so much last week and then this morning bang I was all anxious again!!

      I will be patient and mention it when I see my doc later in the week.

      Appetite is still hit and miss and my sleeping hasn't been effected at all apart from vivid dreams.

      How are you doing? X

    • Posted

      At week 7 of increased dose. I still get fuzzy head, nervousness, unreal feeling. Google articles make claims we should be perfectly well by four weeks or so, but I had an appt with pharmacist who said it can take 8 weeks to start to feel you are improving. Manufacturers make claims to sell their meds.my doc has always said to be patient. If you can see improvements, the meds are working for you. I've been out to lunch today with 11 other people. My appetite was fine but I felt nervous (side effect). Strange!
    • Posted

      Hi Tracy......well the antibiotics are finished now and I feel a lot better for that. Keeping good, appetite improving, been doing some gardening too. BUT....I've got vertigo in a big way. My head feels disconnected too....full of cotton wool/unreal feeling......I don't know if that's part of depression tho ? How are you Tracy?ong time no hear ?
    • Posted

      Hi Iris, how are you doing?. I am on my 7 week with an increase of 100mg for the past 2 weeks, still not there, but I can feel an improvement. My appetite during the day is nil, force feed for me, in the evenings I can eat OK. My anxiety seems to have gone, just get a mild dose now and again, manageble with mindfulness and relaxation Apps. Doing Reiki once a week, and waiting for depression to subside completely, I had this since the sudden death of my husband 6 1/2 years ago, this is my third episode, therefore I'm no coming out of meds ever again, as I am scared.

      Let me know how are you getting on.


    • Posted

      Hi Isabel I'm at 8 weeks now.....pretty much same as you re food during the day. Been having reflexology but starting acupuncture this morning. I'm sleeping fine too. I will messGe you later. We can compare ! Iris
    • Posted

      Just checking into see how you are doing?

      Seven weeks in 5th week on 100mg. Had a bit of a sick and slightly racing heart the last couple of days. Trying not to dwell on it but is this still normal at week 5 of increase. It's not making me really anxious but I am wondering why this has happened again as I haven't had this feeling in the mornings for a couple of weeks.

      Emma a

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