Right groin pain, or Left groin pain or both - yes Femoral Hernia - NO OBVIOUS LUMP

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I have a femoral hernia and I wanted to tell you what I have discovered. I am extremely open to other womens experiences, their advice, debate on what I have discussed. I have to complete it by writing a Part 2.

My GP had to diagnose me twice, the second time she told me I had a femoral hernia I listened (I didnt believe her the first time). Hernia me???? Unfortunately my Consultant, US scans (3), MRI, CT scan didnt back her up! I DONT HAVE A LUMP/BULGE.

I will start with three articles that I have found which are very enlightening, they do explain what I am discussing but are probably better written and use medical terminology which I lack. Google :

In Women, Hernias May Be Hidden Agony


His and Her Hernias: Pelvic Culprit Tough to Diagnose in Women

(Huffingtonpost, Los Angeles)

Hernias in Women : Uncommon or Unrecognized?


If you put in Femoral Hernia in Google you get a very simplistic set of causes, symptoms.

But if you do more research and delve much deeper you will find that there is much more connected with a Femoral Hernia.

A femoral hernia (and maybe other hernias in women I am not sure) can be caused or can start with a weakness in the abdomen wall:

Weakness of muscle/abdomen (in the family, speak to your relatives)

Result of surgery (C.Sec./abdominal surgery in the past)

Heavy lifting (relative to how strong you are, see below)

Sports (running, cycling, martial arts, any exercise you are pushing yourself, straining)

Straining during bowel movements (bad diet, not enough fluids)

Fluid in the abdomen (in one of the articles - havent the faintest what that is)

Being overweight (added pressure on the organs)

Colds (pneumonia, or just coughing a lot)

Sneezing (presumably violently!)

Pregnancy or giving birth (could weaken the abdominal wall/muscles)

The heavy lifting will be relative to how strong you are, I have discovered that my friends female cousins in Northern Spain have all had hernias as they pick and carry fruit on a regular basis. Lifting at work, met a female while waiting for my NHS ultrasound who was a gymnast but now coached young children. She would assemble the bars and regularly lift the children onto the apparatus, she believed that caused her hernias, yes two, left and right. Sports, horseriding, running, weight training, etc. If you google forums where sports men and women chat you will find hernias are quite common "Runners World" etc.


A femoral hernia (and maybe some other types, I am not sure) can be either on the right side, causing pain/problems, on the left side, causing pain/problems or you could have one on the right and the left. I only know you can get one either side as the woman I met while waiting for a NHS ultrasound had had two symmetrical ones that had been operated on. Her symptoms were shooting pains down both legs, groin pain left and right, bowel problems and pain on lifting, there may have been more but we didnt have much time to talk. She was there as her hernia symptoms had come back after being operated on 6 months prior.

My symptoms and without going into long and detailed stories are as follows: Thrush, recurring, altered periods (previously fine), severe right groin pain, bladder infections and bladder weakness, numbness of right thigh, tiredness, bowels (feeling of fullness and (early on) pain while passing the infected area (hernia) now I just have to be very careful what to eat - fibre and more fibre. Constipation can not only be a cause (dont think mine) but it is a common symptom of a hernia, I read somewhere that the hernia can extract liquids from the feces causing constipation. If your intestines have come out and you have a lump you may experience different symptoms.


This is where I tear my hair out. There is a part 2 to follow.

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    When I went to see the surgeon about what my doctor thought to be a femoral hernia she said it was a

    Saphenos Varix ( kind of varicose vein) not a hernia. However, these type of veins do present as a hernia in feature and location. I am due to see a vascular surgeon next week. I am quite veiny (if there is such a word). Almost 21 years ago I had a DVT so may be due to nerve damage. Anyway, some weeks ago I remember reaching up to get something and suddenly felt a sharp pull. Anyway I didn't think anything of it. Two weeks from this I discovered the lump in my groin area.

    Also prior to this I had a couple of days when my abdomen felt inflamed then eased off again, until last week when I felt inflamed again. Intrestingly I think my bladder was inflamed also as my urine was cloudy, but is

    Now back to normal. I didn't think it was an infection as I have had cystitis and know the symtoms.

    All this time I have put my symtoms down to my menstrual cycle like the times of dizziness nausea, but my

    Doctor thinks my thinking that my cycle is to be blame is a "Red Herring"

    Anyway I am currently on antacid tablets as I have had a lot of acid, which has caused nausea and belching(not very lady like I know).

    I have to say the anxiety of it all has got to me.

    What are the symtoms of a bladder infection?

    Best wishes

  • Posted

    Hi, both my consultants mentioned my Saphenos vein, my upper thigh is numb and this large vein runs down it (it is a varacose vein, has a few lumps in it) and it does appear to be where the numbness is, I have mentioned this to my doctor/GP but she says my vein would be red and inflammed if if was the cause so I have forgotten about it. My thigh really isnt my problem, I could live with it. My bladder is my major problem, when I was younger I got Cystitis and it was extremely painful when peeing and I discovered it was linked to bathing in perfumed bath stuff so cut that out and I have never had cystitis again. But what I have now is pain in my stomach, my urine doesnt flow like it used to, I get no pain at all when peeing and it is only when I feel absolutely awful that I take antibiotics. I am drinking a lot of liquids which helps but even that doesnt stop it resurfacing again. I go to the toilet much more than I ever used to. My urine colour is a funny greeny yellow but when I start the antibiotics it goes lighter and then it even goes transparent.

    My periods are a problem, they are much more painful and I now take two nurophen plus to keep the pain at bay. I am regular and they are not heavy, they are just painful.

    And now the bowels are back to normal ie. constipated. So the blowing me up with air hasnt done the trick.

    Like you not knowing what is the catalist is, what is the cause is extremely frustrating, and yes it does cause anxiety because you think you may have to live with all these problems for the rest of your life. Some I suppose are worse than others but personally I am fed up with constantly having to think about myself and how to make sure I dont let anything get too bad, keep it under control.

    My friends daughter has coeliac, but it has never been completely confirmed because the test she would have to do (so my friend tells me) will require her to eat wheat products for some time and that would make her ill. My friends daughter has a very strict diet and doesnt eat any wheat products at all. But she has also been given acid tablets and they have worked but she constantly gets a runny tummy and doesnt feel well. It wasnt a gp who told her to avoid wheat it was her next door neighbour. So thats how her daughter keeps it under control, when her daughter is stressed, sitting exams it all gets much much worse even though she is till cutting out all wheat, so stress to a certain extent is a small cause.

    My thrush has come back so I shall have to continue with the caneston, so all in all it just appears to be the stinging in my groin area that has disappeared.

    Are you seeing these consultants privately? I am still burping, bottom and top, like you say not ladylike but it has to be released.

    Its funny but we have similar symptoms but not identical.

    Have you had any MRI or CT scans and if so have they shown anything. I have had an MRI of my pelvis and lumbar spine, plus a CT of my kidney and groin area. Only thing came up was a normal cyst on my left side oh and mild prolapsed disc.

    Good talking to you.

    Best wishes

  • Posted

    OMG! Wish I found this whole discussion ages ago....all of you experienced crew, can you help?!

    I went to docs august last year with a reuccuring groin lump (comes and goes, not particularly painful, a touch uncomfortable), doc looked at it THROUGH MY JEANS, didn't touch it and sent me away with the diagnosis of an inflamed gland. Back to docs in December with it again and other things....he looked, poked and sent me to hospital with a femoral hernia, 48 hours after a hospital stay and one scan(still no pain, just uncomfortable), I could go home with my hernia. 2 months later, called for a consultation in another hospital and that doc said that he wasn't sure, so needed another scan.

    Got letter from first hospital saying I had hernia, so phoned insurance so that I could book a hols to china for a month. All fine.

    Now, I've got a new letter saying that it's not a hernia, and I need a CT scan....will my insurance be voided if it's undiagnosed? Damnit!

    Has anyone else been misdiagnosed twice with a hernia? What could it be?

    Please Help....all confused and frustrated with the NHS! (anyone able to help about insurances too?)

  • Posted

    OMG! Wish I found this whole discussion ages ago....all of you experienced crew, can you help?!

    I went to docs august last year with a reuccuring groin lump (comes and goes, not particularly painful, a touch uncomfortable), doc looked at it THROUGH MY JEANS, didn't touch it and sent me away with the diagnosis of an inflamed gland. Back to docs in December with it again and other things....he looked, poked and sent me to hospital with a femoral hernia, 48 hours after a hospital stay and one scan(still no pain, just uncomfortable), I could go home with my hernia. 2 months later, called for a consultation in another hospital and that doc said that he wasn't sure, so needed another scan.

    Got letter from first hospital saying I had hernia, so phoned insurance so that I could book a hols to china for a month. All fine.

    Now, I've got a new letter saying that it's not a hernia, and I need a CT scan....will my insurance be voided if it's undiagnosed? Damnit!

    Has anyone else been misdiagnosed twice with a hernia? What could it be?

    Please Help....all confused and frustrated with the NHS! (anyone able to help about insurances too?)

  • Posted

    OMG! Wish I found this whole discussion ages ago....all of you experienced crew, can you help?!

    I went to docs august last year with a reuccuring groin lump (comes and goes, not particularly painful, a touch uncomfortable), doc looked at it THROUGH MY JEANS, didn't touch it and sent me away with the diagnosis of an inflamed gland. Back to docs in December with it again and other things....he looked, poked and sent me to hospital with a femoral hernia, 48 hours after a hospital stay and one scan(still no pain, just uncomfortable), I could go home with my hernia. 2 months later, called for a consultation in another hospital and that doc said that he wasn't sure, so needed another scan.

    Got letter from first hospital saying I had hernia, so phoned insurance so that I could book a hols to china for a month. All fine.

    Now, I've got a new letter saying that it's not a hernia, and I need a CT scan....will my insurance be voided if it's undiagnosed? Damnit!

    Has anyone else been misdiagnosed twice with a hernia? What could it be?

    Please Help....all confused and frustrated with the NHS! (anyone able to help about insurances too?)

  • Posted

    Hi, first of all your gp is not very good if he examined you through your jeans, what a prat...... Is your lump constantly there??? If so it should be obvious on a CT or MRI scan to see the bulge and where it is coming from ie your bowels. There are certain places a hernia will appear if you look on the British Hernia Society website they have a picture. If your lump comes out and then disappears this is when the problems occur because it wont show on your MRI or CT scan. An Ultrasound Radiologist may find a hernia but again its is if the lump is constantly out. If you have insurance can you not go to a Specialist Hernia Consultant in the end I did end up going into London and went to a specialist who just dealt in hernias.

    As you have probably read I have had a laparascopy and they didnt find anything. This is a minor operation and I feel absolutely fine now 5 days later. If they had found a hernia I would have had to have another operation so maybe not an ideal situation.

    Can you push your lump back in. Do you have any other symptoms.Quite often women have female problems with their hernia and that can cause the GP to send them to a gynea.

    As you will also see Sanga has had a similar problem.

    What is the name of the hernia they say you had in your original diagnosis

    • Posted

      Hi Wacky. Thank you so much for your information. I have been suffering from right groin pain for 18 months.  In the beginning, it would come and go, mostly when I would get out of my car.  When my Gp pal patted my abdomen and felt nothing, he asked me if the issue interfered with my life. I replied no. However, within a few weeks that all changed.. I began walking with an obvious limp. I began having sharp, shooting pains down my leg, into my footy these became worse at night when I went to bed.

      my GP, whom I've known and respected for years, prescribed anti inflammatory and Pysical Therapy. I was treated for a hip flexor problem.

      i am 61 years old. I am 5 feet seven inches tall. I weigh 134 pounds and consider myself physically fit. Until recently, I exercised 6 days a week doing both cardio and weight baring exercise. 

      After seeing my doctor again last week, he suggested that I may have a hernia. His office staff is in the process of making me an appointment with a General Surgeon.

      At this point, I can barely walk around my house. The pain becomes so much worse at night. The shooting pain feels as if it is deep in my bones.

      i also have pain on the outside of my right hip, as well as in my right Glutes. It feels if my right side below my waist has the flu.

      i have had an US ,  as well as X-rays of hip and back. There is no evidence of degeneration in the hip.

      your discussion is keeping me sane and hopeful.


    • Posted

      Hi Pamela, glad to hear this discussion has been of use.  Please keep us informed about tests you have and what the outcome is.  Hernias in women are not that common so any information you can provide to others is very useful. 


  • Posted

    Sorry, I didnt read it properly. If your lump is out while you have a CT scan or MRI then it will show where the lump is and what is causing it. What can sometimes happen is the lump disappears and then it will be difficult to diagnose and wont be seen on these scans.

    To speed things up you could pay for the MRI or CT scan yourself, then you would be able to know within a week.

    Personally I would have thought an MRI scan was the better option as it doesnt cause radiation but its not for me to say.

    I have discovered that most doctors (privately) will always push you have to MRI or CT or US to back up the diagnosis. It is also useful as they will give you a copy of your MRI on DVD which you can look at on your computer, and anyone else can also look at it for diagnosis.

    It is much better to have an MRI or CT scan for your benefit - if your lump is always poking out????

  • Posted

    I must have posted my original post on two sites so went into the wrong one.

    Liz, getting an MRI or CT scan especially of the whole pelvic area is a good idea as it will bring up any other problems in that area. As you will see from the literature I found if you have a femoral hernia which pops in and out then it will not show on the tests you have done if it hasnt popped out. The vein that the consultants are talking about is the same one that Sanga mentions and also my consultants have brought it up saying there is a thrill (when they do a test). If you put the name of the vein on google "saphenous varix" it says it is easily mixed up with a femoral hernia. You could get it done privately and that would take a week.

    Since my laparascopy I have been thinking that the "prolapsed disc" discovered on my MRI may very well be causing me my problems. A prolapsed disc can cause groin pain, bowel and bladder problems. When the jelly is ruptured it can send nerve signals to the bladder bowel and groin. I had no nerve entrapment on my MRI but since this has been found, and it is the only problem that they have discovered I have decided to try and cure it. I thought I had a hernia and a prolapsed disc is also called a herniated disc.

    Firstly I am drinking mountains of water, at least 7 pints of water a day, this I started on Friday, I am cutting all caffine down to 3 cups of tea a day. What I have noticed is that my bladder and bowel are nearly working perfectly. My back has never caused me problems even when lifting heavy weights but now and then I have noticed a slight pain in my lower back, nothing serious, and it does appear to travel up the spine sometimes as well. It wouldnt normally be anything I would go to a GP about.

    So I shall try and keep to drinking this amount of water and lying on the floor with my hands under my chin, belly down when watching the TV to help my prolapsed disc. As I said I have no obvious nerve entrapment but by drinking a large quantity of water it appears to help????

  • Posted

    Dear Dear Dear Wacky

    Thank you so much for posting all this fantastic information - I am so grateful!

    I am however going slightly mental as I now seem to convince myself - and seem to have every symptom of every ailment going - but your discussion has rung so true to me - here is my story - I hope that it can help others as yours has me:

    I havent felt 'right since having my second child in 2001 as for my build (petite) was rather large a large baby for me. I had a fantastic water birth, despite going 15 days over due I had her in 1 hour 25 mins. I felt winded for 2 weeks after and couldnt stand straight. I had campalabacta (food poisioning) in 2002 and took a downwards spiral from there. I started to have bad constipation, (contraction like sheering pain when a stool passed through my bowel (arounf half an hour before I need the loo) trapped wind, weight loss, excruisiating tummy pain and felt like I hadn't had a complete bowel movement even though I had. My bowel felt swollen all the time. My periods were horrendous (lumpy and heavy) and sex was really really painful - to the point where my relationship broke down.

    I was back and fourth to the doctors every week (being told it was IBS all the time) I was given so many meds and fibre tablets that didn't work. They then gave me lactulose - which I was practically drinking! I was left with an annoying sharp pain over the area where my right ovary would be - it would sting and fel like a deep cut - sometimes it would feel like I had a very small water ballon wobbling around which would vibrate whenever I walked, moved in bed, changed position, put my foot on the brake or changed gear in the car. When my partner returned we decided to seek help gyne wise and was referred for a lapaoscopy in 2005. They discovered that my tubes were swollen and blocked - however they left both my tubes in - but couldnt locate the pain. I was told it was a hormonal pain where my bowels would inflate and cause this problem. I was advised to take the mini pill Cerezett. The pain did go, and I felt well, although my bowels were still tender and sex was impossible. On the upside I didn't have a period for 5 years! :-) I was also taking 300mg of magnesium which did help with the constipation!

    I had constant urinary infection symptoms (but no infection) like a squashed bladder feeling. I had an operation to take a biopsy of the urethra is 2010 - but this was negative!

    I came off the pill 2010 as my partner and I decided we would like another child, and although we knew that my tubes were damaged and we would need help, possibly help unblocking the tubes. After just 2 weeks after coming off the mini pill the dreaded right hand side groing pain returned - with avengance - but I started keeping a pain diary and it seemed to only occur when I was ovulating - but would last 2 weeks! I had low back pain and a funny pain under my ribs (like being heavily pregnant and baby's feet sitting there) Constant wind (top and bottom) and my right hip ached and radiated into my right leg and I have a numb big toe! I had to give up jogging and swimming :-(

    I went to see a herbalist who said I had cadida - most of my symptoms matched so I started an awful sugar free diet - which was impossible - I lasted 3 months (it changed nothing) I then started a complete elimination diet of brown rice and water - only introducing one thing each week - this came to nothing either (apart from tomatoes and chocolate) Just my luck!

    After seeing my Gp numerous times and waiting for a referral to the fertility clinic in 2011 I was given a scan on my ovaries and had a Hysterosalpingham where they put dye through your tubes to see how damaged they were. Both were still blocked - but - they did say if we had the tubes removed it would increase our IVF chance to 40% - and that my right hand tube was 2 x bigger than it should be and near rupture and was the cause of all my symptoms and back pain, but most of all my right hand groin pain would go!

    I couldnt get my tubes out quick enough - I wanted release from the horrid stinging pain, the bowel fullness, trapped wind, bloating, leg, hip and back pain. At last I would be pain free!!!

    After the op (bilateral salpingectomy) I felt pain free for 10 days (this must have been the pain killer supositry they give u) I was over the moon and booked an appointment with the IVF clinic (we would have to pay privately) However the pain returned just 2 weeks after the op - I was so deflated.

    Back to the doctors i go to be told its IBS and to try this that and the other. How could IBS cause my numb toe and heavy leg? How could I pin point in my diary in 2 months time exactly when I would be getting the pain and how long it would last? That is not IBS! My period pain has become bad again where I am in bed for nearly 3 days unable to move - pins and needles in my right leg and heavy feeling - I feel like there is an elastic band around the top of my right leg. My periods are really heavy and my bowels are inflamed.

    I can feel every single bowel movememt and every bubble of air that passes through - I watch my diet and do not eat tomato's, chocolate and I limit my sugar religiously. I do not eat meat now either as it makes my stools too painful.

    So with my 2 weeks of right groing pain, heavy numb leg, and a week of period pain ith my right groing pain and heavy numb leg - i only have 1 week of the month where I actually feel okayish.

    After begging my GP, so we can get started on the IVF, I asked to see a gastroenterologist. He examined me and my right hand side pain - I did the cough test (Hernia) - NOTHING THERE! But wondered why he did a hernia test because a hernia has never crossed my mind before! So he referred me for a colonoscopy.

    I had my colonoscopy 2 weeks ago - I had a bad reaction to the sedative and pain killer which made me really sick - and I had to have double to pain killer just so he could insert the camera - he only got as far as the sigmoid colon (about 6 inches up from the anus) where he discovered bowel loops. But this is on the left - my worse pain is on the right. He mentioned Chrones? - I have googled that too - but i do not have bleeding from the bowel.

    I was then referred for a Barium meal X-ray) which i had yesterday - the lady that came to look at me after my x-ray had been done said she was going to do a live moving x-ray - she pushed my right hand side exactly where the pain is and said there is nothing there! But to wait until my consultant has seen the resuts - but all looks normal to her (the witch)

    I know I have loop in my bowel as when the stool passes through the sigmoid colon i am on the floor doing my contractions breathing as if I am about to give birth - however she could not see this loop!

    I know I am jumping to conclusions and diagnosing myself - and i should probably wait until I hear from the consultant again, but I did wonder if my right hand side pain is a hernia (only becuase he did the cough test) and like everyone else I assumed it wasnt because I do not have a lump there. I was moving a bed the other day and felt it pop out and I had to sit down and hold my side until the pain eased!

    I have a bowel movement every day now due to diet and I do take Threelac probiotic which had really helped with the wind etc - but I just wish this bloody right hand groin pain would go! I feel so tired all the time because it drags me down. I know I have 6 days left until my next painful episode!

    Reading about all your symptoms today I wonder whether this is what I should get my consultant to look into?

    Sorry for the novel x

    And thank you for sharing x

    • Posted

      Wow. I lived through what you are experiencing. Turned out I had endometriosis. And on a good month I felt good about 10 days out of the month. Burning pain meant my ovary was trying to work..but the spike in estrogen just set off the endometriosis. Some times it felt like a knife ripping through my intestines. Sex...unbearable. then it got where I could feel something that felt like a bowl of jello moving when I rolled over..that is dangerous. .it turned out that the endometriosis was causing cyst on my overy and then they would burst and bleed.which made me so tired and swollen..one time one burst and it busted my overy and I almost bled to death. Thank goodness doctor Cooper figured out ALL my pain was from the endometriosis it was all over my intestines liver stomach uterus tubes...that mess will destroy your life. .but there is a sad cure.total hysterectomy. I did discover that CORN was a huge no no..I eat it and within 30 minutes knife stabbing stomach pain. There are new treatments for endometriosis if you ever feel that jello feeling again have an ultra sound of your uterus and abdomen to make sure you do not have free floating fluid which could mean a cyst has ruptured or worse your overy..please talk to an endometriosis specialist it may give you back your life.Hope this helps in some way. .your story sounded so much like mine and my horror started at age 15 and did not stop till I was 36 when partial hysterectomy did not stop it and my over is burst and I ended up with a total hysterectomy.
  • Posted

    Hi Gem, there are two femoral hernia discussions going on on this site which makes things rather confusing. The other site has other women who have added their problems but you will see that not one of us yet has been diagnosed with a femoral hernia.

    Please post your story on the other site as well (if you want to).

    the fact that you lifted something and you then got a lump is something you must tell your consultant, did you feel the lump, could you push the lump back in. Quite often intestine comes out and then it either goes back on its own or the person can push it back in. Can you locate this lump very specifically. I always thought while I had problems that a black marker pen ringing the area would be a good idea because quite often when you are sitting in front of the consultant you can remember exactly.

    The other idea is to invest in an MRI of your whole pelvic area, this way any other problems would come up. The bowels I dont think show on the pelvic MRI but if my intestines had been popping out then at the time of the MRI it would have shown it.

    There is also a vein that runs near the femoral canal and if you read the other women and some comments that I have made the vein can be a red herring and it can seem lumpy and be confused with a femoral hernia on a cough impulse.

    Another girl who also added her story has been told yes she has a femoral hernia, no she hasnt, so the consultant has now decided to get a CT scan to see. The problem will be if your lump is not there when you have the tests.

    The only lady I knew who had sciatica down both legs and two femoral hernias took 2 years to be diagnosed because they would only operate once she had "PROVED" she had these lumps by doing something to bring them out when she had an ultrasound. She worked very closely with the radiologist and must have lifted something heavy while having the Ultrasound.

    I am beginning to think more and more that my problem is my "prolapsed disc" or "herniated disc", it happened suddenly the pain in my right side and the more I look up the information the more I find that it can cause bladder, bowel and groin pain, plus I have a numb thigh on my right side. This herniated disc was only found because the Hernia consultant did a "Toe curling reflex test" on my feet and my right toes didnt do what they should have done. Reluctantly I had an MRI and reluctantly I went to a back surgeon and he said that the symptoms for a femoral hernia and a prolapsed disc were identical. It is more common to have a prolapsed disc or back problems that can affect the nerves to the bowel and bladder.

    For some reason I am now definitely having low back pain, I have stopped exercising as much and have completely cut out caffine and am drinking at least 7 pints of water a day, I just knock them back, no sipping. My bladder is working much better and my bowels are working much better. I think the bladder in some way irritates the uterus because my thrush has now improved. It just depends how long I can go on drinking 7 pints of water a day, it is not something I enjoy doing. But I still have this nagging sensation in my groin which must be caused by the nerves in my back or a domino effect from the bladder.

    The bladder, bowel, vagina are all next to each other so maybe if one plays up, they all play up or the nerves coming from my lower back pain are affecting all these bits.

    I would suggest you have tests done, MRI or CT scan of the pelvic area. It should help eliminate more common problems with right groin pain.

    Tell me what you think, and have a look at the other discussion forum which for some reason also exists under right groin, left groin........ maybe under Hernia, its definitely there and you can read other womens comments on Femoral hernia. Sorry a bit confusing I know.

  • Posted

    PLEASE POST FEMORAL HERNIA CHATS ON THIS SITE, so we can keep them all together. I also wrote the one "Femoral hernia (near my inguinal canal)", but it makes things easier if we all post on this site, if you want to.

    If other people want to comment on my advice please do, I am not always thinking correctly.

    But please keep us uptodate on what happens and even if it doesnt end up being a femoral hernia it is interesting to know.

    It is meant to help us women.

  • Posted

    Private prices.

    As I have gone down the "pay by cash" route. I thought I would give you an idea of the prices. I realise that some of you would never consider paying or even have the money to pay but if I give you an idea then at least you know. If you can get it on the NHS then thats fantastic.

    My MRI for my pelvis/one part with a radiologists report was £480.00. This was done near Harrow with a hospital named after a fruit. I was given a DVD of the MRI so I can use it on my computer and see for myself, not that I am in any qualified to read it. My hernia consultant referred me to the MRI radiologist that he trusts, I presume this particular radiologist was looking for a hernia but he did comment on a cyst (gynea) that showed on my left side, so maybe this radiologist was trained in all the pelvic area.

    My MRI for my lumbar spine was £480.00 with report and DVD. I organised this purely from the referral letter from the Consultant. You dont always need your doctor to refer you privately. I called the hospital said I needed an MRI on my lumbar spine, I had a letter from the consultant I had just seen. I then asked the hospital to choose the lumbar spine radiologist to report on my MRI. The report on my spine was sent directly to my Consultant and I asked my consultant's secretary to send me a copy by email.

    Consultant fees ranged from £150.00 to £250.00. The more expensive consultants are the ones that have the longest experience, and possibly where you see them. The fancy consulting places in London can be more expensive.

    An ultrasound cost £300.00 with report, and xrays no dvd.

    Something I have learnt through going down the private route is that there are good ones and not so good. Recommendation is key, the longer experience the better but the back surgeon I saw was very pushy and didnt even examine me. He was the only consultant I saw that didnt offer to refer me on the NHS, it wouldn't mean I go up the waiting list it would mean that I would be at the bottom of the waiting list like everyone else but I wouldnt have to pay when I had the operation. He had a lot of experience.

    The surgeon that did the laparascopy was recommended by my GPs practice, but I asked for a recommendation from the most senior GP in the practice. Not the GP that diagnosed me. The most senior GP would be the most experienced and would have a good knowledge of consultants his patients had seen and whether they had done a good job or not over the longest period.

    I was told by a consultants secretary that you can ask to see a particular consultant on the NHS, there is some policy that your GP may not be aware of but means you can say I would like to see this particular consultant on the NHS and they would have to refer you to that particular person, If anyone can help with more information it would help. I would imagine you would have to wait a lot longer to see them so that would be the downside.

    The only advantage with paying privately for MRI or CT or US is that it is done very quickly, within the week you would have the results.

    One slight problem I came across was the US I had done initially was not recognised by the consultant I was seeing afterwards. The consultant said he would only trust an US from his own radiologist so it would have been better to see the Consultant first and then he would recommend me to his radiologist. This doesnt always apply, it depends on the consultant.

    The other idea is to take out health insurance, even part payment just for tests.

    I have been on the NHS for other routine problems 15 years ago and I dont remember having the nightmares I have had this time. When you are ill and you are not getting anywhere and each stage of the process takes 5 - 8 weeks it drives you bonkers - which is why I paid and why I set up this chat.

    All the consultants I saw work in the NHS as well (I think) so it is just about time. And if you or your consultant suspect its a femoral hernia (without the lump out all the time) it just adds to the problems, ie you are going to find it difficult to get diagnosed.

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