Right mid back pain
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Ok, one more thing that freaks me out. About a week before period is due, i wake up with terrible pain in my back. Kinda tucked under my right rib cage. I always freak out thinking its my liver...i do drink my share of wine to get through all this crap! Anyone else? It hurts to even roll on my side!
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kim35797 robin86
hi Robin i used to get this it turned out to be gallstones maybe get it checked it might not be that but it will put your mind at rest!
4withGod robin86
Hi Robin-
I know the feeling very well. It's always during that time of the month that my back feels pain. It's not a normal back pain, but a really strange irritated feeling. You are definitely alone. It subsides after my cycles. So, I have come to brace myself every time.
robin86 4withGod
Almost feels like an internal bruise!
rehreh78 robin86
hi Robin its my very first time posting on here
i have similar symtoms been having poking stabbing pains under right breast .been A&E 1 and half weeks ago was addmitted in hospital done bloods which all was normal plus an ultra sound notthing showed up. everyhing looked normal gallbladder liver all normal . cant get rid of this pain. it moves around into all my right ribs and tummy. hope you feeling better x