Right Side Abdomen More Bloated than Left
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Hi Ladies...since I've last posted I've had a complete turnaround. Every symptom seem to disappeared except for the bloating and constipation. I was waking up with the doom feeling and anxiety every morning ...and though it's only been a week but still it's progress for me considering all the symptoms I had. My abdomen is so bloated especially the right side. In one area close to the liver/ gallbladder area and near the belly button ( intestine area) I can actually see it humpty in that area. Even if I lean toward the right or lie on the right side the hump is even more visible or it seem to lean toward right.
I went to my GI Dr this week and she did noticed it and is sending me for a ultrasound on Monday which has me very very nervous. She 's checking my pelvic too. My period came down last night which makes it even more bloated, and it's heavier than usual. By the way, I only have one ovary and yes it is on the right side.
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kate_80669 mary27278
mine sticks out more on the right than the left because of a large fibroid
mary27278 kate_80669
Kate where exactly does it stick out?
Guest mary27278
Hi mary, Glad you are feeling a bit better! Have you done anything different that your symptoms have eased? good luck with your ultra sound....I hope it sorts things out for you 😉
mary27278 Guest
Hi Lou. the only thing I can say is prayer and I've been taking a mineral drink consists of over 70 minerals..I think it may contribute to the turn around too. Thank you , yes I pray all is well with my ultrasound.
Gypsy014 mary27278
Hi Mary, that's great that you are feeling somewhat better! Sounds like your period came along with a flood of hormones you've been lacking , and eased up your symptoms for the time being.. Whatever it is enjoy it, as any relief in these awful symptoms truly is a blessing!!!
mary27278 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy...well I guessed I spoke too soon...coming off period and feeling just ugghh today. But I think it's also coming having my ultrasound done this morning. I am so nervous waiting. The US took about an hour or bit over. I had an abdomen, pelvic and transvaginal . I had no idea i was going to do a vaginal. I tried to get something out of the tech to calm my worries but nothing. All I got was I told her that now I will be nervous for a few days and she said " why" . I have anxiety today and it is affecting my digestive system big time. My health anxiety has gotten so bad since going through this and the passing of my sister last year made it even worse. I just hope and pray for the best. You 're right about any relief being a blessing, Yes it was good while it lasted.
Gypsy014 mary27278
Yes them ultrasounds can feel terrible, I remember having to pee so bad and she was like you can go let out a 1/4 cup lol she was trying to find my shriveled up ovary, but from what ive read others have had problems getting an ovary located during these US.. These symptoms truly come and go no idea how you are going to feel from one day to the next.. And the anxiety well I don't wish that on anyone... Know how you feel.. So sorry to hear of your sister, my prayers are with you.. My brother in law passed (sisters husband) suddenly of a heart attack a few years ago and that left a real big hole in everyone including all their kids.. Tough all of it, thinking of you and wishing you well, take care ❤