Right side abdominal pain since June 2018
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Hi everyone,
I'm really hoping someone can help or give me some advise.
So i have been experiencing right sided abdominal pain since June 2018, i have had numerous amounts of blood tests, 2 stool samples (the first one came back slightly elevated and the second one came back normal) i have had an abdominal ultrasound which showed i have a tiny polyp on my gallbladder and polycystic ovaries (one doctor actually told me my results said i have features of polycystic ovaries and another told me i actually have polycystic ovaries so i'm not entirely sure whats going on there)
I have of course asked the question if this could be appendicitis because of the location of the pain to which i was told "if it was appendicitis you would of known about it by now and you would experience vomiting and other symptoms".
So over the weekend the pain got the worst it has been so i took myself to my local a&e i had my blood pressure taken, temperature and oxygen levels which all came back normal and the doctor examined my stomach, when he pushed on the area where the pain is, it hurt a lot but i was told i am not an emergency and to go back to my GP. I went to my GP this morning and i have been referred to the gynecologist...
I will now explain where the pain is.
It is not an agonizing pain, its bareable and doesn't usually stop me doing my normal daily routine it is not constant it comes and goes and i could go up to a week without it but when it returns i could have it for days on end or for hours at a time. The pain is located on my right side, next to my belly button the pain feels sometimes like a burning feeling or a niggling pain sometimes goes into the right side of my back or into my hip but its always on the right no where else.
Has anyone ever experienced anything like this, i am 22 year old female and this is getting be down so much you wouldn't believe. I have a wedding this coming Friday 9th November 2018 and it is giving me anxiety not knowing whether the pain will be there on the day or not. (I do suffer greatly with anxiety/health anxiety so you can imagine how this is making me feel)
Any advise would be appreciated.
Thank you,
1 like, 12 replies
moon53540 lauren18473
I have polycystic ovaries and the main pain I get is by my pelvis and hips. It usually tends to be around ovulation and before my period, it isn't all the time and every month one side is more painful than the other.
Did you have to drink loads of water before your ultrasound?
lauren18473 moon53540
hello thank you for your reply.
this is pain is usually around my belly button or a bit further over near my hip.
sometimes sharp. I cant help but believe i have got chronic appendicitis but every time i go to the doctors or a&e im not classed as an emergency 😦
yes i had to drink loads before my ultrasound.
moon53540 lauren18473
Would the ultrasound pick up appendicitis? Or did they just look at your ovaries?
Are there any other tests you could have? Ask your gp if you can have a CT or MRI scan of your stomach, tell them you have been vomiting and you have trouble passing wind, if it will help get you one.
Is there any possibility this pain could be linked to your gallbladder?
mary19068 lauren18473
Hi lauren18473
It is best to wait to see the gynaecologist. It's no good thinking it may be this or that. Try and relax and if the pain occurrs or before it occurrs and you want to be free of pain at the wedding, take some paracetamol or ibuprofen about an hour before the wedding...
lauren18473 mary19068
Hi there,
thank you for your reply. i cant help but think this is chronic appendicitis, i have had this pain on and off for so long now its getting me down. i cant even remember how many times i have been to the docots/hospital about this and i just feel like no one wants to help me. i dont know what to do.
mary19068 lauren18473
Hi lauren18473
A friend of mine had appendicitis and believe me she was in agony and vomitting and crying with the pain. You could have grumbling appendix but even that is very painful. I think your pain may be gynaecological, perhaps an ovarian cyst which does give random pain i know cos i had one but it shrunk by itself after a while, which is what some ovarian cysts do, while others get bigger and have to be dealt with. I would stop stressing, take painkillers, go to the wedding and enjoy yourself and wait for your gyni appointment.....depending on how urgent your doc thinks your problem is, it's anyones guess when you will get your appointment. At least you can relax in the fact that it is going to be dealt with....
lester19220 lauren18473
Could be a form of trapped gas. Try anti-gas simethecone tablets.
anne67423 lauren18473
I have been having the same pain since April this year. I went to the gyna and my ultra sound says I have pid. Am yet to see the gyna tomorrow with my report
lauren18473 anne67423
thank you for your reply. What is PID and what are your symptoms. Pain was okay yesterday but today its there and its very annoying.
anne67423 lauren18473
PID is pelvic inflammatory disease. I have had chronic right side abdominal pain radiating to the ribs to the back and to the hip and fatigue. Am now on antibiotics and then after two weeks i will go back for a review.
pete46368 lauren18473
Hey Lauren, Sorry to hear the pain has stuck around so long 😦
We are june '18 Lower right quadrant unknown pain buddies though! (J18LRQUPB for short)
An exclusive club.
What I learned in my 6 moth journey is that with no symptoms other than the pain, without an Endoscopy , doctors don't know anything.
I haven't got one yet. No cash for one yet. (36/M/USA/ no insurance = screwed. (GO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
So my bloodtests came back fine, hep. tests were fine, liver and other organs are fine according to ultrasound and bloodwork. Mine was thought to be beer abuse. I do have mild fatty liver that they saw.. But I think it's to the same degree that all people with a belly at my age have..
Any way.
The pain I have is like you said.. right of belly button. Moves around during the day, but goes back home to the kidney, lower right side area. It bounces to the left side occasionally but always returns to the right.
I diagnosed is gastritis.. Stomach lining is burnt up, so when we eat, our stomach acid burns the s**t out of the raw stomach lining.. We eat all day... so pain all day...
I went to get a blood test on gastritis and it came back negative.
So I diagnosed it as an ulcer.. That's what I'm sticking with for now.
The pain was getting better when I went into 100% full on attack the problem mode.
I fell out of that mode and everything is back to hurting again..
Today I'll begin the attack again and sustain it till its fixed.
Course of action:
No Booze (obvious)
No weed (munchies)
bland diet - (very important- keeps acid release in check.
excercise- (improves everything)
good sleep (weed maybe needed here)
no big meals (serving sizes)
protein + extra nutrients shake (avoid malnutrition)
no dairy (inflamation and extra acid release)
chew your food till its moosh -so your stomach doesn't work so hard
Good luck.
beth91187 lauren18473
Hi Lauren. Pain sounds a bit high up for appendicitis but I'm not a doctor. Hope you get it sorted. My daughter has polycistic ovaries and used to have a lot of pain in abdomen. Since giving up meat and milk it has improved greatly. Worth seeing if certain foods make it worse.