Right side middle back pain
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Hi there - Wondering if anybody experiences a pain on the right side of your middle back that seems to linger for a bit - At first I thought it was a muscle pain, but Advil doesn’t touch it - I seem to also experience some gas associated with this, & at times it feels like trapped gas...but in my back??? Ugh! Does anybody else get this?
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beth12460 debra16694
Hi Beth - I have been experiencing this monthly for the past 3 months & had a Upper Right hand side Upper Quadrant CT Ultrasound - it came back clear - at first I thought I could be my gallbladder, hence the reason for the scan. It just follows with a ton of trapped gas & then the pain eventually dissipates. I am just curious if it is hormonal or more digestion related & just curious if anyone else has experienced it.
beth12460 debra16694
tina00239 debra16694
ImagineOneDay debra16694
I had all sorts too in my right side. Back front etc. I was also worried about gall bladder, kidneys, aorta etc. Had scans, endoscopy . All clear. I still had discomfort too. But at least I know nothing seriously wrong it just is perimenapause! So please try not to worry. Get yourself checked if you like. But don't be surprised if all comes bleary despite you having pains. Drs' don't understand perimenapause. They only go by mood tests. Good luck.
amanda59745 debra16694