Right teste stings for 1-2 seconds when I pee?
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Hi I am 22 years old. Here is my situation. On saturday I masturbating twice, in the morning and evening no problem. The next day (sunday night) I had unprotected sex with my girlfriend and climaxed quite strong. I then noticed soreness on my right testicle after we finished. Now every time I pee i get a 1-2 second sting in my right testicle. It doesnt hurt when I examine it. It is worth mentioning that I have vericocele on my left teste for years but that hasn't troubled me ever. I became sexually active last year.
Extra factors to note:
- I am physically active (I weight train 4-5 times a week)
- No medical conditions apart from minor asthma when I do excsessive cardio
- No family history of male reproductive problems
- On average been masturbating 2-3 times a week since adolecence.
- No abdominal pain whatsoever
- Not a drug abuser
- Never took any steroids or any kind of booster for gaining muscle, just whey protein
- Never smoked a single cigerette,
- Drink occasionally during special occasions likes birthdays.
I told my girlfriend and she said shes completely fine so it cant be an STD. I hope any of you guys experienced this because I can't find anything like this. I hope I was very descriptive. I'm going to see my GP tomorrow and I am extremely terrified. Any help? Thanks
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I was reading up some possible answers and im thinking it could be UTI or I just climaxed a little harder than usual.
Ouchy creffington
Normal stuff young man. If been playing about, get to the STD clinic.
creffington Ouchy
I was happy to hear you say that I'm fine but whats your reason?
Thanks for the reply
Ouchy creffington