Ringing in ears

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does anyone have ringing in the ears- went to an ent last year and chalked it up,to hormones after tests. It went away, been having some sinus issues and with ear aches, ears and throat looked fine but sinuses in nose were inflamed. Put me on prescribed flonase- 5 days on it and i dont like how it makes me feel. been also doing a saline rinse. Ringing is back in full force, it seems to be worse in the afternoons and at night. MY anxiety and the fact that im a hypocindriac doesnt help. My boyfriend keeps me calm, by saying last year u had a brain mri and hearing tests all ok, thank god and u just went to the doctor and they looked in your ears. im 49-im suppose to get my period this week, my last period was hardy anything- any advice would help

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11 Replies

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    hi pam!!! yes maam .. i have the lovely ringing in my my right ear for a long time... sometimes its louder than other days... i guess ive gotten used to it... when i get stressed it seens to ring louder which doesnt help my anxiety ... i also have to sleep with back ground noise at night ... take care.. hang in there.. i know its very annoying ❤❤❤

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      Thanks for your reply. ill be sitting doing something and then ill be like my ears arent ringing, then guess what i start thinking about that and then they start again which then my anxiety goes up. frustrating

  • Posted

    Hi Pam

    I got diagnosed with tinnitus after a severe bout of flu and sinus issues 2 years ago. It is worse when i am stressed.. i have the tv on in bed to block out the noise so I can sleep.. i have got used to living with it.. Suggest you go back to doctors and get a referral to hospital x

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    hi Pam, had tinnitus for 2 years now. I find it better during the day as im busy at work. Night time and when im anxious are worse. like you i had MRI and ENT tests all clear.

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      mine comes and goes. this just started last week with my sinuses inflamed. who knows is it perimenopause combined with my sinuses

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    I feel like I say yes to everything! ughhh

    This lovely symptom just hit me and it's getting louder by the day.

    I sleep with a loud fan next to me but doesn't matter because I can't sleep anyway because my frozen shoulder is soooo bad.

    I did read that you can wear over the ear headphones and listen to music which will help.

    I'm not even going to get it checked. It's one of those last symptoms I hadn't gotten yet, I'm working on all 66+ symptoms.

    This week is ears buzzing, nausea, hot flashes, frozen shoulder. Maybe I've succeeded in having ALL you can get?

    I'm joking, but seriously getting down and the lack of sleep is bad. Ive cried more this week than I have in two years. I had a very stressful weekend end of May and it seems like all this came on after that, including the worsening shoulder.

    God have mercy on us all, help us get through these trying times.

    I'm finally at my wits end.

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    I have had issues like tinnitus, for about two months my left ear would have what felt like the sea was in it but louder. I have had sinus issues constantly and also headaches, blurred vision and neck issues...It has gone away now, and new symptoms pop up. I suspect this peri stuff is a form of torture. Wanted to say something as health anxiety is constant at this time of life ...for me anyway

  • Posted

    So It's 6:00 in the morning and I'm at work, I'm going on zero hours of sleep, anxiety, ringing ears, burning skin last night. Woke up this morning, felt ok, getting cramps, period might be on Sunday, now I'm nauseated, ringing is not has bad, burning throat, could be from prescription flonase, going to stop taking it, gave me a head ache and now my anxiety it through the roof. Thinking that something is more wrong with me..

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    hi ..yes I have this ringing or pounding (sounds like the heart beat) in my ears .. worse at night when lying down .. it must be all menopausal ..i think stress and anxiety dosnt help ..it seems to heighten the sound ..

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    part of me wants to run to the doctor, but im going to try to suck it up for a few more days

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