Ringing in ears, spinning sensation, gut problems for more than a month now, how to get over this?

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Medical History:

- Jaundice in 2012, got recovered after one month.

- Suffering through IBS

- Suffering through GERD

- Have a mild fatty liver.

- I have issues with proper digestion

Hi! I am a 24 years old Indian, it was my sisters wedding about a month and a quarter back, so it was an all time heavy drinking scene for 3 consecutive nights, and after we got over with that, the next morning I was feeling a little hungover but was fine, but in the evening I started feeling really low and started having loose stool and a little dizzy, but I decided to sleep over it.

But I woke up midnight and I realised my head was spinning a little and I was hearing ringing noise in my ears and that got me scared. I thought I should sleep and it would be fine in the morning. But I was still the same. So, thats how it all started and till now is just the same.

I still go through all of this at night when I drink.

But on sober days, I still go through occational loose stool, continues ringing in ears and occational mild head spinning sensation.

I have started getting sick in my stomach more often now and the ringing and spinning becomes significant whenever i feel nausea or sick in my stomach.

I have consulted doctors nearby but they dont have any definitive answer to the situation. 

What is it?

is it reversible?

Is it life threatening?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I get black stool too sometimes, especially when i drink.
  • Posted

    If you have a mild fatty liver, I would cut back on alcohol or avoid it completely especially if you are getting ringing in ears and dizziness and stomach problems as well with drinking.  Sometimes alcohol can be an irritant if you have IBS.  GERD is common with IBS too and can be aggravated by alcohol. 
    • Posted

      is this in any case hepatic encephalopathy? because someone told me it is? My LFT is normal and my liver fibroscan showed 4.97 kpa to be normal
    • Posted

      You will need to ask your doctor about this because I am not medically trained.

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