Ringing in the Ears/Snowy/Fuzzy Vision/Balance Issues
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Hello Ladies,
Just wondering if any of you ladies out there are experiencing the ringing in the years the snowy fuzzy vision as well as balance issues and feeling dizzy and lightheaded?
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susane84679 Shana_P
yes to all of that and more! hang in there, it can't last forever. hugs to you!
Shana_P susane84679
Thank you!!!! I am glad I am not alone!!! You as well
littleme1969 Shana_P
Yes i had all of them when it first got bad... can be really frightening when it all seems to kick in at once. The eyes where a real problem for me as i sculpt/artist for a living. Hang in there it does get better. 2 years from the worst symptoms and i now only get these in a mild form and only around when my period would be due ovulation etc. I have found this with all the menopause symptoms... they all fade in time and you start to feel more like your old self x
mrs_susan74280 littleme1969
HI how old are you please
Oh Good!!!! Glad to hear!!!!!
Nettie261962 Shana_P
I have all of what you mention and more. I'm 56 and in the worst part of menopause. This all makes me very anxious. I am hoping for some relief soon for all of us suffering.
Shana_P Nettie261962
I hope you do get relief real soon!!! I cant believe us women have to all these symptoms!!!!
staci88515 Shana_P
Hi Shana,
I know we spoke before, but my vision is my main ailment. I had a migraine with aura some weeks ago and since then my vision has been wonky. I have 24/7 blurriness, light sensitivity, static, wavy lines, flashes, after images, trailing, and can't look at patterns because they oscillate. It's like I went blind overnight. This has caused me extreme anxiety and my world has shrunk tremendously. I was an independent professional woman looking to change careers and get a second masters degree. Now, I barely drive and am basically housebound. I am single, have no children, and am responsible for my 76 y/o mother. I live in constant fear of having another aura (I find them terrifying). I have used all my allotted time at work, so I am zero income coming in and am on the cusp of losing my job. I literally have no idea what is going to happen. Dark times indeed.
I hope your situation improves.
Shana_P staci88515
I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. Better days are coming. Its only temporary. have you been to the dr. for any of these symptoms?
staci88515 Shana_P
Yes, I have been to the primary, ER, neurologist, ophthalmologist, neuro-ophthalmologist, and 2 obgyns. I have had all the tests (CT, MRI, carotid artery ultrasound, bloodwork, etc.) and everything was normal. Every time I bring up perimenopause, it gets dismissed. They all say that my vision is migraine related. It doesn't make sense though. I have been in a constant migraine state since October 17th when I had my first aura???? And, my migraines are worse when I go into Target or Shoprite???? But, they magically get better when I am outside????
Honestly, I think the hormone fluctuations are somehow affecting my actual eyes. Why no medical professional will recognize this, I just don't know. There has to be a medical doctor out there that has seen 40+ year old women will vision changes due to perimenopause....I can't be the only woman on the planet that these doctors have seen with this problem. Although, I have never met anyone with this condition in real life. I have worked with hundreds of middle aged women over the years and have only ever heard them mention hot flashes. When this all happened, I asked everyone I knew if they ever heard of or experienced vision changes during peri/meno, they all looked at me like I was crazy. I am starting to think maybe I am crazy.
This forum and Power Surge are the only places where I have encountered women who have had vision changes. Even with that said, it's still just a handful of women. I feel really alone in this situation. No one in my life can relate to how I am feeling or how this is effecting my life. What does the rest of my life look like now? I have never been so sad or lonely.
juanita93228 staci88515
I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I don't know where you stand on prayer. But give it all to God and he will work it out. I'm currently on leave for 30 days because of anxiety, burnout, and depression. The truth is I can't imagine going back after 30 days. But I've only been off a week so we'll see. I'm single with no children, but one of my nephews treats me like I'm his mom sometimes.
Menopause has been the worst for me this year. It's like I'm a different person. I feel weak, whiney, and paranoid. I only find strength in God.
tracy43395 staci88515
Hi Staci.
My worst symptoms also my vision. My migraines cause dizziness, aura, hallucinations etc. I am 5 years into full menopause and it isn't getting any better. I am also under a neurologist. I can't work and can't read, knit, write etc for any longer than 5 mins. I feel like my life is over. How long can this go on for?
Gypsy014 staci88515
Oh staci, I absolutely assure you I am 100% experiencing the EXACT SAME THING!!!!!!!!!! E everything you just explained I feel exactly.. I too feel all alone in this, when I go into the stores especially Wal-Mart I m immediately struck with this feeling of off balance dizzy walking sideways my vision is affected, I can't look at patterns either they wave back at me, it feels like my brain is a magnet when I'm under the fluorescent lighting, oh and I am responsible for my 74 year old mother too, and haven't been able to work since this all started.. Who could I feel like I will drop when I'm out, I use the grocery carts for support I get in and right back out of the stores and sometimes can't even do that.. Like today in bed with migraine.. All though I knew it was coming with the wavy vision looking at the patterns that assures me the worst is on its way.. Looking at the newer tv's with the LCD screens can't do anymore or never really could they make me nausea and dizzy, can't look at my cell phone without the blue light screen filter app on, or same with tablet or computer, or go around any fluorescent lighting in stores or elsewhere without wearing blue light blocking glasses, and all my perscription glasses have rose colored tint to help with the light sensitivity and migraines.. I know none of this ever happened to me before spring of 2016, except for all the joint pains and issues start in 2014, I have no idea what this is except to blame it on my age and hormones, and going through the change, I just know it can't possibly last forever I'm praying, and doctors truly are no help!! In my opinion.. Unless they're walking in our shoes..I know I just plug along every single day with this and learn to stay away from all the obvious triggers, what more can you do!!
debra16694 staci88515
hi there - just curious if with your vision issues you are also experiencing really bloodshot eyes, watery eyes, sensitivity to light & a bluriness & wake up with crust sleep in eyes - So, i have rosacea/ocular rosacea & have had outbreaks before, but before i simply took doxycycline and it cleared it right up - i have been on the doxycycline for 40 days & it isnt even touching it - its freaking me out because my vision seems compromised - i also experience extreme flushing & have ocular migraines in the past - i am 6 years post, but this last year & a half has been crazy with symptoms - this is making my anxiety go thru the roof!!!
Shana_P debra16694
yes sometimes I do get a little crust and watery eyes as well as redness.
audra86673 debra16694
Debra, has your dr tested you for demodex mites? My mother was having awful eyelid issues and the skin on her face was also bothering her. She had many of the eye symptoms you're describing along with her facial skin itching, feeling like beard stubble ( even though it was not related to facial hair at all), and reddness. Turns out she had a demodex mite infestation. I know it sounds horrendous, but its a mite most people have living happily on our faces. It just gets out of hand sometimes and they over populate and cause problems. It is also suggested that these mites in large quantities might actually be the cause of rosacea.... although I think it hasnt been conclusive yet. Kinda the chicken and egg dilemma. My mom was given an Rx of Ivermectin for her mites and then told to wash her eyelids with baby shampoo and then use an eyelid scrub called Cliradex. Her face and eye issues cleared up quickly and she hasnt had an issue since. She does still wash her eyelids/lashes with the baby shampoo everytime she washes her hair and she every once in awhile will use the eyelid scrub, even though I'm not sure if it was advised by her dr. She just wants to make sure she keeps her skin in better balance to avoid the issue again.
staci88515 juanita93228
Hi Juanita,
I am a non-believer, but as the saying goes, "There are no atheists in foxholes."
staci88515 tracy43395
Oh, Tracy....
It is just so unfair that you have been suffering for so long and missing out on all that you enjoy. I cannot focus on anything up close either. I can only look at the computer in short bursts. It makes my work impossible. When will it end?
debra16694 audra86673
Thank you so much Audra!!!! Yes, i have heard of the demodex mite connection with Rosacea - but i didnt know that they could test for them...i have an appt with my dermatologist next week & i will adk him to test for them - all i can say is they must be having a flippin party in my eyes at night because my eyes are like crusted shut in the morning - UGH! gross! i thought at first it was conjunctivitis, but dr says no. i do know about the baby shampoo/hot packs but not the other medication you mentioned...thank you so much!!! i also just read an artical about a correlation between high cortisol & rosacea...makes sense because i suffer from high blood pressure/flushing/anxiety & elevated cortisol - thank you menopause!!!!
staci88515 Gypsy014
Gypsy, I am so thankful for you. I have read/replied to several of your posts. It gives me immense comfort to know I am not alone. When I am at my lowest, I look for any means to stay afloat. Having someone say they are 100% experiencing the same symptoms, literally brings tears to my eyes.
staci88515 debra16694
Debra, my eyes are never crusty or red. I did have an episode of blepharitis a year ago before all this started, but it cleared up rather quickly after using baby shampoo on eyelids day/night. I never have a gritty feeling, yet sometimes I think my eyes are dry. I can actually hear myself blink sometimes. I also think my eyes go a bit wonkier when I have a vasodilation. I don't refer to it as a hot flash because I never get hot. I just get this wave of a weird building sensation. Like my body is powering up...it's hard to explain.
debra16694 staci88515
Staci - i had to chuckle, your description of a "hot flash" is so sophisticated...i am going to use that from now on...vasodilation....yes, that is such a great way to describe it...its like your body is powering up....i unfortunately get the fireworks & heat surge with my powering up - i havent been cold since 1990, when i had my first child - HAH! Yes, my eyes go wonky too when i experience vasodilation, its just all & all a bizarre sensation & i wish it would stop!!! You can experience dry eye with ocular rosacea, but it doesnt sound like you had it & i hope you never will...its a bummer -
staci88515 debra16694
I could NOT imagine having ocular rosacea. That sounds extremely painful. Fireworks! Haha!!! That paints a perfect description.
mrs_susan74280 juanita93228
HI are you on medication at all
debra16694 juanita93228
hi juanita - i think i have asked you this before, but how old are you? i think you are post menopause the same amount as me, but this last year has been the worst for me &everyone just looks at me like I am crazy and say thats impossible that you have all those symptoms this late in the game - i think its just when your hormones crash, not necessarily at the end of your period.
Guest staci88515
Oh my goodness Staci88515, you are explaining so many of the issues that I have. My main issues are with my eyes and vision. Like you, I had an episode of blepharitis when this all started and had another bout just recently. I am nearly 2 years into this and struggling big time. My anxiety, especially health anxiety is through the roof. Because we look through our eyes all the time (except when asleep) we just can't escape the issues like blurry or hazy vision, dry eyes (mine click when I blink too especially in the mornings), sensitivity to light, trouble focusing up close, tired and heavy eyes, sometimes I get pain/pressure around my eyes, supermarkets are a nightmare and I get dizzy which I am certain is caused from my vision issues. But I have been to optometrists, ophthalmologist and even a neuro ophthalmologist, nothing wrong aside from a little presbyopia and dry eyes. I have had brain MRI's, full spine MRIs, Brain CTs, facial nerve testing, neurological examinations, dental xrays, optic nerve testing and the list goes on and on. Still nothing shows. I saw my naturopath this morning and she specialises in women's health, she is certain I am in peri menopause and said that I am suffering extreme symptoms but she sees many women with them. I am 43 and she said that many women who start earlier like in their late 3o's and early 40's tend to suffer the extremes and have daily symptoms which are often debilitating. I am struggling to work and keep a household afloat with my 2 kids. But she keeps telling me that this will pass. My goodness, I sure hope so as at the moment I cant think of anything other than that I must have some terrible disease that they just haven't found yet. My neurologist has diagnosed me as suffering from chronic migraine and the chronic part because my vision has changed, it is hazy pretty much all the time now but just worse in artificial light and in the mornings. I think I am just in the too hard basket to be honest and none of these doctors or specialists ever want to talk about hormones. Please know that you are definitely not alone in this...
Guest staci88515
And by the way, I have never suffered from migraines before this all started when I was 41 (nearly 2 years ago). So the diagnosis of Chronic migraine was very odd to me, though my sisters both suffer from migraines episodically so it must be in the genes.
debra16694 Guest
dear jenjen - oh dear lord, i just got diagnosed with blepharitis - UGH! i thought i had ocular rosacea because i had that before & had been taking antibiotics for 40 days with no relief - i have been having bouts of nausea and feeling really fuzzy/dizzy, do you think this is all interrelated to the blepharitis or just a weird coincidence - i havent had any migraines at least not yet - now my anxiety is high -
Guest debra16694
I think anything is possible with these out of control hormones!! Since I've had this bout of blepharitis again I have certainly been feeling dizzier than usual, so it could be that the eyes are dry and it's affecting your vision. My anxiety is also very high, I am really trying hard to calm it all down but it is so hard.
staci88515 Guest
Hi JenJen,
Thank you so much for replying! Every time someone else tells me they are suffering with the same symptoms, I feel a little bit more at ease. You are absolutely right that when it affects your vision, you cannot escape it. Vision is how we perceive the world. I don't know if you also experience weird stuff like flashes, after images, trailing, etc., but it all can be so frightening. I feel like I could deal with every other symptom, but the vision issues are too much. I don't get a moment of peace or relaxation, because I have to use my eyes all day, every day. Stores are a nightmare as are high contrast patterns because they appear to jump. You really start to doubt your sanity!
I am 43 also. I did suffer from menstrual migraines since about 37/38. I'm glad you found a reassuring doctor. All mine have looked at me like I am a mental patient. Has your naturopath seen other women specifically with vision issues??? You mentioned that your doctor said this will pass...did she mean menopause or the vision issues? I don't want to be vision impaired forever!
My neurologist and neuro-ophthalmologist both said classic migraine. I was diagnosed as having persistent migraine status because of my ongoing (never ending) vision issues. As I mentioned earlier, I am not 100% convinced that I am in a constant migraine state. When I look at high contrast patterns and they appear to jump, if I close one eye it stops. I can't be having a migraine only when both eyes are open!!!! I also picked up a pair of cheap readers from Target. On days when my near vision is super blurry, I use the readers and everything is clear. There is no possible way that readers are fixing my migraine and the minute I take them off, I am back in a migraine state.
I think the hormones are effecting my actual eye. Either my eyes are dry or somehow swollen from unopposed estrogen......or something. I think the hormones have effected the actual lense shape of my eyes. I might be totally wrong, but I am trying to be an internet sleuth and figure this all out.
Oh, you are more brave than I am. I haven't worked since all this happened and I don't have two kids to tend to.. I am on the cusp of being fired. Currently, I am on leave without pay. I live paycheck to paycheck, so this is definitely a problem. Soon, I will be responsible for paying my health insurance at work (if they keep me), which is 940$ a month. I have no way to pay that amount, so I am in a panic about the future.
Perimenopause has taken away so much from all of us. It's not only cruel that we must suffer, but it takes away our livelihood, our independence, our mental fortuity, and replaces it with anxiety.
Guest staci88515
Hi Staci, sorry if I asked you this already...cannot remember! Just curious...have you tried any meds? I am on nortriptyline now only small dose and going higher this weekend. Too soon to say if it is working. My eyelids were so itchy last week...I put excema cream on them and it went away...thought it was the cold weather...did not bother going to the dr. My eyes were very blurry yesterday...driving to pick up my kid at school...just could not focus. Then, bam hit with a migraine...after a week long streak without one. Today I feel like I have the flu with no fever...period due any day...if it is even coming.
I sympathize with you on the job thing. I have been out if work for a year. Husband works, but things are tight with kids. Self employed one woman show and I ran a very successful business...job is very physically demanding. denied disability. I know people that collect disability and they get around just fine...doing a helluva a lot better than me. You must be in the US too...insane health insurance costs. Years ago, when I got laid off from a corporate job...we had to pay COBRA to continue health insurance with the former employer...$1200 per month...back in 2009! Can your employer just lay you off...At least that way you can file unemployment...
staci88515 Guest
Hi Lou,
I am not on any medicine. It was never even suggested to me, just the B2 and magnesium. I am not a medicine person. I have extreme anxiety about side effects. I have only taking amoxicillin (3 times) and baby aspirin maybe once every month or so in the past 20+ years. Like I mentioned earlier, I am not 100% convinced it is migraine that is causing my vision issues and not my actual eyes from a hormone imbalance.
That's great that you were able to pick up your child even with the blurry eyes! Way to go! Oh, I hate that flu feeling. That is exactly how I describe it. I can be fine one day and then the next I feel like I have the flu. It's so bizarre and uncomfortable. My period is due in a few days too! I get nervous because that is when I usually get a migraine and that is also when that darn aura happened that ruined my life.
Ugh, I have to eventually go back to work. I am just not ready, and of course, terrified I will have another aura while there. My whole life now is anxiety and fear....repeat indefinitely.
I am a media specialist in a school. We don't get disability (unless you pay extra for disability insurance) or unemployment. I have only worked for this school district for 3 years because I had to leave my last district to tend to my 76 y/o mom who was diagnosed with colon cancer. That means I am not tenured. They can let me go at any time and don't even have to give a reason. They just don't renew your contract. I received the cobra letter today. My insurance ends on 12/31 and unless I have the nearly 1K to keep it going, Iam out of luck.
I hope your medicine starts to work soon. This all sucks so freakin' bad!!!!!!!!
Guest staci88515
I agree, I think it is the hormones causing the blurry vision for me, but no one will actually tell me this to put my mind at ease! And because it is constant, it is even more worrying as most articles I read or people I hear from only have it sporadically. I don't tend to get flashes or images, but I do have quite a few floaters that came just before this all started. I keep looking on Google for answers and it drives me crazy. I think the dryness does tend to cause issues with blurriness and some occular pain, especially if it is chronic, which I am assuming it is for us. But again, the issue is would this cause constant 24/7 vision issues? My naturopath said that many of her peri patients also have issues with their eyes, she also said that in perimenopause many of the symptoms become constant for a period of time. So I guess this is somewhat reassuring. She tells me that it will pass, as in all of my crazy symptoms, but I just don't know about that. I have tried a number of migraine meds over the last couple of years and not had too much success. If only we could have someone tell us exactly what was wrong and why, then I am sure our anxiety levels would be so much lower. I know what you mean about panic for the future, I wonder how much longer I can work with this as it is really taking its toll, but we just have to keep pushing forward and know that we have had so many tests and we have checked out OK.
staci88515 Guest
YES! If only a medical professional would tell me everything is okay and blurry vision is normal, then I could breath a bit easier. I have it 24/7 too. Some days are better than others, but I always have it. Be thankful you don't get the migraine auras too. They add a whole new level of anticipation and fear. The floaters don't cause me any panic, but they have definitely increased. Supposedly, your brain gets used to those and they "disappear." I really hope your naturopath is right and this all will be a distant memory. All I read on this forum and others is women suffering for years with no relief...sometimes decades. How do they endure?!?!
I need to go back to work, but I am too afraid to drive alone. Plus, I have a job where I can't just step away to deal with an aura or another ailment. It's not enough that I have to fear for my health, but now I have to fear losing my job and not having any means to support myself. How much can perimenposause take from me?? I know others feel the same. I've never minded being single, but boy o' boy, do I wish I had a husband now.
Guest staci88515
Oh I really feel for you, it is so discouraging. Wouldn't it be nice just to go back to how we used to be before this nightmare began? I am not dealing with auras, though I do get very dizzy and find it difficult in bright lights and when moving my head around a lot. I am also now dealing with a swollen eyelid on my left side. This is only a new symptom and one to add more stress to my situation (the last thing I need!) It is on the side that I get the daily migraine pain around my left eye, so I know it is related to all of this in some way. I showed my GP and he did say it was slightly swollen but just said that the only things it could be very sinus or allergy issues. Great help that is! I am not sure if this can be related to migraine or not, I have heard that it can but now I'm worried about if there is an underlying cause that the doctors haven't found yet. Ugh will this ever end...