RIP Liam Hewitson - 01 01 2016
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Liam Hewitson's family said he was a "happy lad who was always smiling".
Liam suffered epilepsy; as he lay on the floor going through a seizure yesterday his dog of some six years - 'trigger' - attacked him, causing devastating head and neck injuries from which he died.
we can only imagine the grief, shock and distress his family and friends must be going through ..our hearts and thoughts can only be with them at this time.
it just seemed to me that those of us who are able to come on here and moan about our lot have a lot to be thankful for.
i post this out of respect for a guy who reminded us all of just how bad "bad" can be.
if you're interested this is the bbc link to the report.
RIP Liam
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Winnie143 mo-jas
Do not know what to say when things like this happen !!
Must be awful for his family and friends xx
allen07303 Winnie143
Damn unforgiving disease anyway!
All my best,
allen07303 mo-jas
That's truly disturbing and you couldn't be more right!
I know I'm guilty of using this site as a vent for my frustrations when I really am fortunate for a few wise (financially) decisions I was making when I thought more clearly....
What a wake up call!!
Your friend,
..a friend was telling me winnie that although never to such a devastating extent she's come across cases where it's been thought the dog was actually trying to 'help' the person.. but i guess we'll never know what happened in this tragic case. either way, one thing's for sure - new years day can never, ever again be the same for his family and all those that loved him.. only a time of overwhelming grief. thing is, by next week most people will probably have forgotten all about it.
as for the word 'guilty' allen.. shame on you, chap - there's no place here for such a word! this site has real value as an 'escape valve' for all the frustrations, disappointments, hopes, let-downs and fears the docs are so often lobbing at us.. i'm sure we've all had the experience of trying to tell them stuff only to find ourselves talking to a brick wall (winnie!!!). or worse yet, they want to argue the toss over stuff that only you, i or we can know the truth of.. what their ministrations are actually DOING to us. i didn't like the catastrophic effects of the tegretol - my fella rubbished that, 'patted me on the head' and told me not to forget i'd had a serious head injury - totally dismissed the notion it could be the meds. funnily enough when things improved as i slowly came off the tegretol he noted the fact i'd 'improved' but never even then 'joined up the dots' to make the connection.
the story of liam did though cause me to reflect on the 'close calls' i - and i imagine anyone else who 'goes down like a sack of bricks' - have had ..and how luck has played a real part in limiting the damage. quite apart from the house (which if yours is anything like mine is a deathtrap of hard things, corners, broken bones and torn ligaments etc., ..never mind the kitchen
).. i can think of twice stepping out into traffic ..almost straight under the wheels of two cars ..umpteen times coming off the bicycle and twice doing real damage (once out cold, cracked ribs and only a nice policeman to thank for stopping traffic running over me!).
i'm sure we can all raise a cold sweat thinking about the close shaves we've had along the way, but as far as ranting and venting.. keep right on going! if we're moaning it's good because we're at least still around to do so! ..and heck, what kind of a forum would it be if nobody said anything? ..haha
and the epilepsy itself? whether it's forgiving, unforgiving or simply indifferent, allen - you're right. s'a stinker!
Winnie143 mo-jas
It might have something to do with Christmas and New year, So I'll start Monday night but I might not lol...I'll sleep on it ..No not the Keppra !! Goodnight or afternoon wherever you maybe xxxx
Stay Well and be careful xx
Win or Winnie xx xx
allen07303 mo-jas
I had to go grocery shopping today so I never had a chance to open the link until now😕
God bless that young man and his family!!
My heart is broken for them....
I've never given a situation like that any thought at all but after thinking about it I would have assumed his dog would have been in there to help that young man..:
I guess he must have felt he was threatened in some way but I'm having a hard time grasping it!!
After reading what some of the situations you've had win and jas? my friends have been very fortunate and that's a good thing!
I guess what I'm getting at is we all have to do everything we can to stay safe because you just never know what could happen at any given time and nothing is out of the realm....
Your friend,