RLS after TKR

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Has anyone else suffered from RLS after a total knee replacement? I'm 12 weeks post op and my RLS is horrendous when I'm traveling in the passenger seat of a car.

How long generally are you on pain killers after a TKR?

Thanks in advance


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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Billy, yes I am 35 days PO for a TKR and I get RLS that wakes me up at night and while sitting for long periods of time. I extend my leg and tighten and then release the muscles in my foot. Also ankle pumpms are helpful. If it gets really bad you can try to massage the area for a few minutes. Hope this helps.


  • Posted

    Royal college of surgeons says expect to be taking pain relief for up to three months which seems a good general guide. People vary a lot. I was only taking very occasional paracetamol at two months post op. I restricted my walking and used support to keep the pressure on the joint down a lot which reduced pain.
    • Posted

      Thanks Jenny

      I feel as if when I stop pain relief it's too sore so just trying to cut down. Thought I would have been off them by now but needs must

  • Posted

    The BIG opioid painkillers are USUALLY used in the first 30-60 days, titrating down to a Class 4 and then plain OTCs after that.  "Usually" means that everyone is different.  People have posted ditching the Big Boys in a few weeks, others need them for quite a few months.

    Most will come off the Vicodin/Norco (hydrocodones), Percocet (oxycodone), etc. and go to something like Tramadol which, though still an opioid, is way less powerful.  From there, you go to ibuprofen for inflammation or acetaminophen for pain.

    I've had RLS for many years...comes and goes sometimes...mostly feel it when I try to sleep.  Acupuncture worked GREAT but I didn't keep up with that.  My doc gives me 1 mg alprazolam (Xanax) one hour before bed.  Works like a charm so my wife can fall asleep without my leg twitching.

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      Cheers Chico

      I'm still taking co-codamol 30/100 think they are the strong ones anyway. Diclifenic for inflammation. RLS really only comes on when I'm travelling as a passenger 😭 Need to drive everywhere now lol

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    I have RLS and find that the hot tub before bed really helps. If you don't have a hot tub a bath or even standing in he shower before bed.

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    What is RLS?
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      Restless Leg Syndrome.  Your leg just twitches...docs have no idea why. Twitch...pause...wait for it...twitch...repeat.  Switches from leg to leg; can't make it stop.  Very annoying. Lots of temporary solutions including some Parkinsons meds, muscle relaxers, tranquilizers, acupuncture, massage, and other homeopathic remedies.  Gotta find the one that works for you.

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