RMI results. Someone can help me?

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Hello, I'm a 20 year-old girl. About a month ago, I've experienced an unusual loss of vision from my right eye. There was a shadowly veil on my eye and objects were foggy and blurry. It turned out it was the inflammation of the optic nerve. Besides that, I also had (still have) constant headaches. I did steroids infusions for 5 days and my vision is better now. I know the neurologists suspect multiple sclerosis, I did and MRI on my brain and have the results but I don't understand them and I will have to wait to see a neurologist. I just wanted a little bit more insight on my results because for now things are not clear. Should I worry or no? Can please someone explain to me what this means?

"signal alteration of the intracanalicular and intracranial tracts of the right optic nerve, acting on the contrast medium. Within limits the left optic nerve. Lesion of a demilinating nature close to the temporal horn of the left lateral ventricle. Other smaller signal alterations of similar significance are found respectively in the left posterior temporal subcortical, right deep parietal, close to the left middle cell, in the deep frontal seat on the right, in the anterior portion of the left callous-marginal junction and close to the frontal horn of the right lateral ventricle. No significant signal alterations of the brain in the sub-northern site. No abnormalities of midline structures. No abnormal impregnation after administration of contrast medium." Also, I'm sorry if the English isn't great but I had to translate this from my language, I still hope it's reliable and understandable. Thank you anyone for bringing a little bit of clarity

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3 Replies

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    Great translation by the way! Best not to ask non-medicals to comment on a professional report but i realise that you are worried about your results and your medical well being.

    I have had similar experiences with optic neuritis and lesions in my brain and was diagnosed with MS thirteen years ago after experiencing loss of vision similar to yours - a veil of blurriness over my left eye. This was preceded by two incidents over five years of affected vision - double vision and a central serious retinopathy. These have been my only major relapses but i can trace back loss of sensations in various parts of my body and short bouts of fatigue over the forty years prior.

    My MS is now benign and i do not experience any serious difficulties. I am still mobile and function "normally" apart from urine retention, walking with a stick and regular bouts of fatigue. I am now 69 so many of my "symptoms" may, or may not be related to my seniority and not MS.

    I say all this because my MS could have been undiagnosed since my twenties and I have not found my life affected by the condition to any great degree.

    The optic neuritis was extremely painful and debilitating and led to my retirement from teaching after surviving thirty years at the chalkface. I regard myself as one of the "lucky" ones as regards MS.

    If you are diagnosed with MS I hope you have similar experience to myself and it becomes no more than an irritant in your life. Good luck.

    • Posted

      Thank you for taking the time to reply and sharing your personal experience. I was hoping the MRI would solve my doubts but it just made me question things even more. I understand I need to talk to a neurologist about this (and I will in a week), as you understood I was anxious and couldn't understand much from the results, expensive its not all normal. Anyhow, I certainly do hope my case is like yours if I happen to be diagnosed. I am also hopeful about the treatment. I also experienced an episode of fatigue and depression in the past but I'm not sure it can even be related to this and it surely didn't affect me too much. Optic neuritis is indeed very annoying, especially if you are a student then it makes it harder to study. But I got this. Thank you for sharing hope and making me feel better in case I got a diagnosis. I appreciate it.

    • Posted

      There is a whole lot of people out here willing to share with you any anxiety or concern you have over your diagnosis. These forums really helped me when I was diagnosed - especially if you find it difficult to share concerns with your nearest and dearest or you are feeling particularly alone.

      There is every kind of experience related to MS on here and every one is unique. I learned a lot from hearing how other people cope with the experience of living with MS.

      You will have a lot of questions and fears and that is very natural, not all if them can be answered on here but we can support you through the future.

      I made a lot of use of forums trying to understand and adapt to my condition. You will feel lot of ups and downs, but remember there is always someone here to share your thoughts with.

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